Natural 4 a/b Ladies Who DC 2x or More Per Week?


New Member
The first year that I BC'ed I washed my hair pretty frequently, much more than I do now, and my hair was always super soft AND shiny right after each wash. My best out styles (fros/puffs) would be created on hair that had absolutely no product on it. No leave-in, no moisturizer, no butters, NOTHING.

Now, I wash once a week or, if I'm lazy, once every two weeks. It's been working more or less, but I always have to use a leave-in and a bunch of other products to get it looking right, and it has never been back to that softness and shine that I had the first year of being natural.

SO, what I'm thinking is that maybe I should start washing/DC'ing more frequently. Now that my hair is longer, I've always been afraid to manipulate my hair too much, since I don't want breakage.

But I'm thinking that what my hair needs to thrive is to be washed more than once a week.

I'm scared though, y'all. But I figure what harm could come from DC'ing twice a week (other than the time it will take detangling all this hair :look:)...

Are there any 4 a/b ladies on here who DC two times or more per week? How does that work for you?
I DC twice a week - once on Wednesday, and once on the weekend. For me, it's been working wonderfully.... I'm making a note to come back to this thread and provide details - I need to get to bed, soon.
When I started my hair journey in Oct 2007, I DCd 2-3x a week. I think i was over doing it because I started getting some breakage :perplexed. (to much moisture?) so I slacked off and went to 1x to maybe every 2 weeks. I've noticed a big difference and i need to get back to 2x week. My hair just doesn't look moisturized which I think the DCing helped with. It soaks up any moisture it comes in contact with.
Im natural 4abc...?
Yeah i think im going to forget the Hair Type thing...Anywho In June i was washing my hair Every 3 days and Dc With Every Wash My hair Loved it So much!! Actually my hair Looks So much better Freshly wash/Deep Conditioned! In july i got my hair pressed so far Everything is back to normal. I noticed when i didnt wash or Dc as much (After the Press Reverts) I have to Do more to get the moisture i want plus More Product!
I really didnt like that and my hair Didnt have the Look i wanted.
I'm natural type nappy who DC's 2 or more times per week. Most of my DC's are to restore moisture, and infuse light proteins like coconut milk or EVOO. My hair also loves hot oil treatments and deep oil (total saturation) in the winter.
So it sounds like frequent DC'ing is the way go to... Interesting. I think I'm going to try this out...

Anyone else?

I think because of the way you worded the question, of course it's going to look like frequent DC'ing is the way to go. I just mean, you asked for people who DC often to give their opinion and if they are DC'ing often then it must be working for them and so those are the only people you're going to hear from.

My guess is that while DC'ing itself is great, how successful you'll be in this also depends on how much time and energy you have for detangling and how tangled your hair becomes. If your hair is comparatively non-tangly, this might be a good way to go. Also how much breakage you get when washing/detangling. But I guess the best way to know is to try it out.

Keep us posted.
I deep condition twice a week once on Sunday and again on Wednesday/Thrusday. My hair is staying moisturized from both deep conditioning and baggying it at night.
I think because of the way you worded the question, of course it's going to look like frequent DC'ing is the way to go. I just mean, you asked for people who DC often to give their opinion and if they are DC'ing often then it must be working for them and so those are the only people you're going to hear from.

My guess is that while DC'ing itself is great, how successful you'll be in this also depends on how much time and energy you have for detangling and how tangled your hair becomes. If your hair is comparatively non-tangly, this might be a good way to go. Also how much breakage you get when washing/detangling. But I guess the best way to know is to try it out.

Keep us posted.

I worded the question that way precisely because those are the types of responses that I wanted to yield. :)

I have read numerous posts from women with my hair type who are strongly against washing their hair more than once a week or once every two weeks, and their reasons why. I created this thread because I haven't read nearly as many posts from those with 4 a/b type hair who have found that frequent DC'ing has actually worked for them. Therefore, that is why I phrased my question the way that I did. I only really wanted to hear from those who have found it useful, since they appear few and far between (at least, based on what I have seen).

For me, waiting to wash once a week or once every two weeks results in lots of shed hair that has not been combed out. In addition to the moisture benefits of frequent DC'ing, I think I may have less tangles in the long run if I am DC'ing twice a week, which would ultimately result in less time detangling due to there being less tangles from shed hair.

ETA: I understand that my statement that "DC'ing is the way to go" isn't exactly fair since I didn't include a poll or openly invite responses from ladies who found frequent DC'ing damaging. I suppose it would have been more accurate to say that DC'ing can be the way to go for 4 a/b type hair. :)
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