Nape area growth help


Well-Known Member
I am able to retain overall length however my nape area breaks off easily which causes problems for updos and high buns. Did anyone on the board find a solution for this? Thanks!!
WEll, my nape was breaking like crazy. I had to stop stretching for so long and go back to every 6 weeks. This seemed to help my situation dramatically. It seemed the longer I waited the coarser the hair got and it would just snap off! I also started bunning and have been for 12 weeks. My nape is no longer breaking and is thriving. I keep it moisturized and alternate a sock bun with the Southern Tease bun. So far so good!
OP, I see that you're in Chicago. We have very cold winters here. Do you wear a wool or cloth coat because that could be the problem. I wear a satin scarf around the collar of my coat so that the collar wont rub my hair out. Your hair can get so cold that when it rubs against the cloth collar, I can break.
WEll, my nape was breaking like crazy. I had to stop stretching for so long and go back to every 6 weeks. This seemed to help my situation dramatically. It seemed the longer I waited the coarser the hair got and it would just snap off! I also started bunning and have been for 12 weeks. My nape is no longer breaking and is thriving. I keep it moisturized and alternate a sock bun with the Southern Tease bun. So far so good!

Thanks Marla! I'm not familiar with the sock bun or the Southern Tease bun. More info please?:grin:
There are so many threads on this problem. I am too tired to search for them, sorry. For the most part many ladies here relax that area less often than the rest of their hair and for a shorter period of time. They keep that area extra moisturized and if their hair is long enough they braid the nape area up and hide it away. Try not to manipulate and comb too much. Keep that area conditioned, moisturized, oiled and braided or twisted up as much as possible and handle very carefully.
Well, I have shaved off and regrown my nape TWICE in the past 14 months, and let me tell you, it is an area that needs all the TLC it can get. If you live in a cold environment (like moi), you have to make sure all those wool caps, heavy coat collars, and scarfs aren't jacking you up. I actually just kept a little strip of silk (this is gonna sound ridiculous) with me in my purse (well several because I was always losing them) and whenever I was getting ready to tie my scarf or put a hat on, I would insert the strip down there. It's cheap (buy some silk at a fabric store, or cut up an old scarf), and it was a little was an easy little adjustment that helped BIG TIME! Hope that Helps.
I used to think mynape was crazy! It was always tangled and knotty. (I cowash almost exclusively) Then, one day I put some baking soda and water in a water bottle and swished that through my nape... it has never given me trouble since.


My theory is that clarifying it got the salt from sweat out. Too much salt can cause conditioner to "reverse" (sounds strange, i know) and give your hair less slip!
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There are so many threads on this problem. I am too tired to search for them, sorry. For the most part many ladies here relax that area less often than the rest of their hair and for a shorter period of time. They keep that area extra moisturized and if their hair is long enough they braid the nape area up and hide it away. Try not to manipulate and comb too much. Keep that area conditioned, moisturized, oiled and braided or twisted up as much as possible and handle very carefully.

Thats exactly how I grew mine back.

Mine was badly broken off and I didnt relax it for almost a year. I just moisturized and sealed at least once a day.
WEll, my nape was breaking like crazy. I had to stop stretching for so long and go back to every 6 weeks. This seemed to help my situation dramatically. It seemed the longer I waited the coarser the hair got and it would just snap off! I also started bunning and have been for 12 weeks. My nape is no longer breaking and is thriving. I keep it moisturized and alternate a sock bun with the Southern Tease bun. So far so good!

FYI.... tutorial for Southern Tease bun.
Are you relaxed? Do you pull that particular hair very tight when styling? Do you properly distribute shampoo/conditioner to this area? Are you ensuring that the shampoo/conditioner is completely washed out of the nape area?

All of these things can affect how the hair back there grows. Also, give Mega Tek a try, it grew my hairline back to what it was when I was a little girl.
Are you relaxed? Do you pull that particular hair very tight when styling? Do you properly distribute shampoo/conditioner to this area? Are you ensuring that the shampoo/conditioner is completely washed out of the nape area?

All of these things can affect how the hair back there grows. Also, give Mega Tek a try, it grew my hairline back to what it was when I was a little girl.

Thanks for your response. I relax my hair. I do not pull my hair too tight when styling but I don't think I distribute enough shampoo/conditioner/treatments to this area. Currently I'm stretching my relaxer to 12 weeks ---- I'm going to try to avoid relaxing the area to 1-2 times a year (among other things) and see how it goes.