Naani's Naturals??

This is the only one of their products I have used:

See details
The Elixir Hair Growth Formula Scalp Dressing 4oz THE Elixer nourishes, moisturizes and refreshes dull, lifeless hair. Our unique blend of ingredients prevents split ends, increases manageability and best of all, it actually promotes increased healthy hair growth.

Our price: $10.99 (€ 9.56)

This helped fill in my edges. Good stuff :yep:
Hey everyone be a little careful with Naani and their website. On there is a whole thread about their customer service and the fact that of late they have not processed orders and are keeping the money. The customers on that board are stating that they are not even getting their phone calls returned.

I was reading this last night and just now noticed this thread. Not sure why this is happening but just wanted to inform you.

I don't want to give out wrong information so to be sure here is the site they were referring to
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Yes, be careful.. I ordered from these guys and the customer service is horrible.. It took forever to get my product and once I did it was the wrong item, which went in the trash.. They never returned phone calls,, please be careful.
This is the only one of their products I have used:

See details
The Elixir Hair Growth Formula Scalp Dressing 4oz THE Elixer nourishes, moisturizes and refreshes dull, lifeless hair. Our unique blend of ingredients prevents split ends, increases manageability and best of all, it actually promotes increased healthy hair growth.

Our price: $10.99 (€ 9.56)

This helped fill in my edges. Good stuff :yep:

What is the scent like? Is it really strong. I want to order this from Curlmart.
Thanks for the heads up ladies. I just contacted curlmart about Naanis and the Rep told me to contact Naanis at: [email protected] . Apparently she moved her business from Florida to Virginia and business has been bad ever since. I asked where she was located?, the Rep told me Virginia. I thought it was the UK with her prices in US and Lbs? anyway somthin's up and I think I will try to cancel my order. The rep at curlmart also told me the KInky Curly Custard is comparable to Naanis curly custard.
Re: Naani's Naturals?? Continues The Reply

MY RESPONSE: Hey Neaisha, I just ordered from you the curly custard, on Nov 4th,
> and wondered what happened? I have been going to my Po box193 and
> looking for that hair creme. I am so excited to get it. I am just
> wondering what happened. I had decided to go through your website
> because Naturally Curly is always out of stock on your product. I
> have heard lots of good things about your product. Pleassssse
> contact me. HER REPLY: Sorry for the delay. I just finished getting my second degree and am
resuming control of naani. Your order will ship by Tuesday, if not
today. We are either upsizing or sending 2oz free samples due to the

I appreciate your patience,
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Re: Naani's Naturals?? 2nd Email Ooops!

Did I go too far gangsta style?? I mean, It is now the 19th and I ordered on the 4th never heard a thang from her. Googled other bad reviews as well. THIs IS the 1st reply since the 4th, what was I suppose to think??

MY reply: I'm sorry but since you do not think it is important to run a legit
> business, and prefer to steal from good paying customers I have
> taken steps to refer you to the Cyber Crime bureau. I dont
> appreciate you taking my hard earned money and not sending this
> product. If you dont want to make it, take your false website down.

HER RESPONSE :Please disregard the last message. I will refund your money.

You ordered on the 4th according to your last email. You're requested
to allow 2-3 weeks for a reason.

Have a nice a day.
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Re: Naani's Naturals?? 2nd Email Ooops!

Did I go too far gangsta style?? I mean, It is now the 19th and I ordered on the 4th never heard a thang from her. Googled other bad reviews as well. THIs IS the 1st reply since the 4th, what was I suppose to think??

MY reply: I'm sorry but since you do not think it is important to run a legit
> business, and prefer to steal from good paying customers I have
> taken steps to refer you to the Cyber Crime bureau. I dont
> appreciate you taking my hard earned money and not sending this
> product. If you dont want to make it, take your false website down.

HER RESPONSE :Please disregard the last message. I will refund your money.

You ordered on the 4th according to your last email. You're requested
to allow 2-3 weeks for a reason.

Have a nice a day.

Well, I guess that's that, then. You do what you gotta do :nono:
Re: Naani's Naturals?? 2nd Email Ooops!

Did I go too far gangsta style?? I mean, It is now the 19th and I ordered on the 4th never heard a thang from her. Googled other bad reviews as well. THIs IS the 1st reply since the 4th, what was I suppose to think??

MY reply: I'm sorry but since you do not think it is important to run a legit
> business, and prefer to steal from good paying customers I have
> taken steps to refer you to the Cyber Crime bureau. I dont
> appreciate you taking my hard earned money and not sending this
> product. If you dont want to make it, take your false website down.

HER RESPONSE :Please disregard the last message. I will refund your money.

You ordered on the 4th according to your last email. You're requested
to allow 2-3 weeks for a reason.

Have a nice a day. SHE JUST EMAILED ME TODAY:nono:

I think u were way too harsh. I understan dthe fruestration because two weeks went by, but damn u ripped her a new one. She was gonna send u free samples and all. I'm all for good customer service but I have seen enough to know that soemtimes things can happen in a business and in life and its hard to keep it together, especially when ur an entrepeneur. Some say, oh well, its not their problem, but one day it could be you who can't perform when people are counting on u. I think u shoulda waited a bit longer before ripping her a new one:lachen:. But whats done is done..... JMO

To the other poster the curly custard by naani;s is no where near as good and kinky-curly:nono:.
THanks for your replys, maybe I should apologize, now I feel bad:ohwell: I guess i heard so many bad reviews. Anyway she could have done a 5 sec. email.
Bumping, did I do a sister bold?
Outside of you bringing God into it, I didn't see a problem with it. Be grateful that she is refunding your money. My best friend didn't get a refund or a email response. She is disputing a very large purchase with her credit card company. The least she could have done was place a notice on the front page of the site to let customers know what's going on. Customers don't care that you got a second degree, ship the products out!
I know maybe I was a little harsh binging _od into it but I wanted to prick her conscience a little. Others I have heard lost way more up to $175.00 and no response. Whats up with that?