Yet Another Hair Typing System...but Better???

Interesting. But again, while the example where the woman had a discernable difference between her nape hair and other hair, some people like me have the textures all intermingled. If I go by this my hair is 3c/4a/4b. While I still think that hair typing is not that easy to formulate, I agree on the issue of fine etc hair and the volume. That to me was more helpful though I figured out after being on the board that my natural hair was both fine, thin and dense because it helped me to ease down with the hair products, be gentle when combing and applying product through my hair, wash in sections, get more protein to my hair when conditioning and wearing my hair in protected hair styles. And I am losing less strands that I used to which I know is key to retention. I think the focus should actually be on density and volume that rather than the hair type.

Almond Eyes
I will have to reread it, I guess. According to this, I have 3c and some sort of type 4 hair. I feel a little unsettled about that, I guess because I always consider my tiny little curls type 4 still? But I do not need product to make them show up, just water.

I am thinking I should bookmark this and hope it is still there in a year. I am still waiting for neck length all the way around and maybe when it is at least that long or longer I will be able to discern my type easier.

I do not really believe in typing as a label, but I like it because I think it is useful for comparison purposes. I am more likely to use products used by people with hair like mine. I know everybody's head is different, but I would be buying everything at the BSS if I subscribe solely to that. :rolleyes:

I was thinking the same. In the beginning I wore gel because I thought I had to but now I don't and my hair looks exactly the same. Some are looser but my smallest curls and coils are defined without product. I still define them as type 4 because of their size though. I think I'll wait until it grows out some before I try and type it again. I could be wrong. :ohwell:
Okay, I haven't read all of the posts yet, so sorry if I'm repeating something.

First of all, I like this typing system MUCH better than the others. But, I'm confused on the difference between 4 and 5. Well I'm confused about whether or not I'm 4 or 5. My hair falls into both. It has curls without product, but if I sleep on it, it is DEFINITELY a 5 when I wake up. :lachen:

No, seriously, my hair looks a lot like this but with coils. This is classified as 5.

Also, what's the difference between corkscrews and coils??

ETA: Okay, re-read and this made all the difference to me, "In terms of appearance, Nappy Hair differentiates itself from Curly and Kinky hair in one simple way, Nappy hair's curl pattern is not easily discernible (not clearly visible). The curls exist, they just do not work in tandem." My coils are very visible. So I guess I'm still a 4. Now I think I may be confused on whether or not I'm a or b. ETAA: Nope, how this one let's me know I'm b, "With 4B, the s-curls have uniform sets but there are far more of them (sets). In the case of 4B, the curls are still doing their own thing but a greater number of the curls strands are working together allowing the hair to form a multitude of curly tendrils/corkscrews that give the hair a afri-curly appearance."

So what letters are used to show volume?? She used K for herself. I guess I'm 4b-c(thick)
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Ive seen this before
hair typing is getting kind of confusing now, because if people are looking at so many charts and different hair typing system. no one would really know which one you are looking at. most say something different.

and i can never fit it properly to a catergory. i just took the one dat fit me the most. but now im thinking that it really isnt that important.
I still need to do my protein treatment. Got lazy last night.
@ Ms. Twana- I felt confused as well on type 4 and 5. Especially waking up in the morning looking like a 5c. LOL I love how you broke it down. :)
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