Myspace Hair Story (from a biracial girl's blog)


Well-Known Member
ok this chick has enormous hair... it seems to be lower mid-back curly and thick

I just thought the hairstory was interesting... It's titled "can your "hair" me now?" at

I'm only copying hair related parts, because she went off on tangent about JLo and some hat... lol

No, I shouldn't be complaining, but OMf*ckingG, hair.

I've just got way too much of it.

This has been growing out for the past 4 years. It's stupid long. In a hippie, insane way now. Like---not a style---long.

Why is it that when you google "haircut", every website is so outdated? And when you go to a hair salon, they're still pitching you those terrible books with the awful pictures of haircuts from the 80s that you'd never ever do.

And then, the worst is having to say, "you know, I want it like Jennifer Lopez's hair in the I'm Glad video...." and you know that must be said in a whisper. ****, I whispered that I loved some J Lo shoes in the mall lastnight. How could I utter the words JLo? You know what? Why am I even frontin? I like her Sweetface line, and I like hearing her speak....there. I said it. What.

It doesn't matter. The clock is ticking. At 3:00, I'm cutting my hair off. Thats the plan. Not real short. No, I won't be repeating those Cobra Kai Never Die Days. Yeah right, then I wouldn't have room to gain weight in my face because my face would be on blast all day, and in TX weight gaining seems to be my forte although 20 minutes on the elliptical 4xs a week seems to keep my **** in check.

I'm going to regret whatever it is I decide.

If I just trim it, then I'll still be stuck in this same hair that I've been carrying around for the past 2 years. If I cut it medium length and I don't commit to flattening it every day, then I'll have a curly bob and um, no. I don't have kids yet so why should I get a mom haircut? If I go super short, I'll spend, at the least, 10 days indoors crying over it.

Oh no.

First of all, the same man that's been cutting my hair moved way across town, and he's biracial too, so he completely gets my hair because he has the same kind! He's the one that got me here. With his trims that started out every 6 weeks, then 9, etc. He's the one that helped me get this length. And that's all I ever wanted when this project began. I just wanted crazy long Crystal Gale hair and now that I have it, I'm so over it.

And people spend crazy stupid cash to get my hair. They buy the **** all day long and I can grow it. A part of me would like to keep something that makes people envious. I mean isn't that in our nature? Yeah, *itch. my hair is real. get with it. I love it when someone asks me if it's fake. That makes my whole day. No, this is real, I say. And I take the bun down, shake it out, allowing the expensive shampoo smell to aromatize the air, and then I offer up my roots thus shutting this person all the way down to Chinatown. Love it. :lol:

I envy anyone that changes their hair every 6 months with no fear. Well, they're not deal with this damn Jody Whatley 80s curl length so whatever.

I'm not allowed to complain about my hair to any of my friends. They all want to kill me. "Chic, we would kill for your hair, so shut up!" Yeah fine, but washing it and wearing it in bun when it doesn't fall right or straighten There will be no flat-ironing at this length. My arms are simply not long enough and I surely don't have the patience. I'll do half and be like forget it---bun time! Oh, the bun. I can't even lean back as I drive my car because this dumb ass bun is in the way.

But I can't put the hair down because it gets caught in windows, in my coat, all over my lip gloss. It's everywhere and it's annoying.

It's always bun time around here and I can't take it anymore.

And this TX weather is not helping. There are no hairstyles for me here. I just live in a Rangers cap. Which also sucks because everyone wants to talk to you about the game or the team and quite frankly, I could care less. I don't watch baseball. It's just the best fitting cap I own.

I'm so scared. I'm going to a new lady today. I drove to the salon lastnight because the girl who referred me was getting her hair done there. The salon looks nice enough to be perfectly stank, I really prefer a nice gay guy whose half chatty and half about business to cut my hair, but it's all older women. I take a peek into all the salons and it's all older women with French tips doing the cuts. Like pictures of their kids playing soccer at their stations---that type of older women here. The kind of women that won't understand a JLo reference...I'm doomed. This is getting deep.

Like, I want to be offered a hot cup of tea and a couple of updated magazines, and most importantly, a confident vibe like I'm going to walk out of here with the hair cut of my dreams. I'm really really very nervous, guys.

Will I come home with a TX 'do this afternoon? Don't know. I'll keep you posted though. I'm the worst.


Intersesting, IMO, especially about keeping what people envy...
and then BUN!!! infamous bun... we go through that a lot.
i thought it would be interesting to see some non lhcf person's hair views on long hair:)
I'm pouting because she's beautiful and I hate her...No just kidding. She has beautiful hair! I wonder how her bi-racial friend got her hair to grow out.

I think she is wrong to say that people envy her because her hair. I want long hair because it's stylish and beautiful, but I don't want anyone to envy me.:ohwell:To each is own...
Plenty706 said:
I'm pouting because she's beautiful and I hate her...No just kidding. She has beautiful hair! I wonder how her bi-racial friend got her hair to grow out.

I think she is wrong to say that people envy her because her hair. I want long hair because it's stylish and beautiful, but I don't want anyone to envy me.:ohwell:To each is own...

yeah i thought that was a little pretentious too, which is what got me to post it...

but then she mentioned the bun and i was like ah, we do that too, lol.

and it was interesting how she mentioned trimming to get to that growth but apparently she trimmed less after, from 6 weeks to 9 weeks.
There are some people out here who do envy people with long hair and they can be very ugly about it too, maybe those were her experiences.

She has nice hair, wish we could see more pics...
I like how she says she's going to cut it at 3:00, like its dooms day. That's how I feel about my hair right now. I can't even think about my hair without wanting to cut it.
What is it with the cutting? My sister does that all the time. I think she would have some beautiful thick hair. Better than mine but she is a scissor happy freak! That stuff doensn't get near folicle length before she cuts it again!

Maybe it's boredom because I can't keep my hair the same style for too long.
She's very pretty and I :love: her hair! I joined myspace just to see the rest of her pics :spinning:. Her hair looks like it's at waistlength when it's curly. It must be really long if she wears it straight a lot so I can see why she wants to cut it.
LOL, :lachen: , I think the whole thing was funny, even if it was stolen. The whole bun thing, and can't sit back while driving. The hair envy thing was on point, alot of pple envy pple's hair and anything they don't have for that matter. Thanks for the laugh. :lol:
What?!?!?! Somebody should put her on blast...or maybe she just feels the same way and decided to post it on her blog, but she could have mentioned that's what she did.
Well, I guess MickMick put her on blast. :lol: I am not a member of myspace. Is her hair really that nice that I should join? From the pic I can see, it is long, but I don't envy her hair.