My youngest sister died yesterday

My sister died suddenly at the age of 37. My mom was with her in the ER. My parents are in shock. I have never lost a close relative to death, but as the oldest child, I had to step up to the plate. My heart is hurting. Please pray for my family, but especially my parents and my nephew.

Sending up comforting prayers for you and your family. I can just imagine how difficult this must be for you and your family. We are here to support you:rosebud:
This happened to my mom about 10 years ago. Her little sister was the same age. At least she is in a better place now even though you will miss her.
so very sorry...dear..
a sister is like a second heart inside you
that is a love that shall not perish
OH my! I'm so sorry about your loss especially that it was so sudden. Your family is in my prayers.
I thank all of you for your support. Reading your posts make me feel better. This Christian Fellowship forum has helped me grow spiritually and emotionally.
So sorry......may God carry you in his arms at this time..... prayers to you and your family
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your younger sister. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Oh my.
My condolences and prayers are coming to you and your family.
Be for one another and comfort one another. You will see it through.
God's mercy will sustain you. :hug2:
I've prayed for you and you family. Take heart in the fact that your sister is in God's safe hands. Remember stay strong and close to God throughout your sadness and grief and he will surely see you through.
I am trul grieved that you family is going through this. It's is always so very sad when a parent must bury their child. I pray strength and God's serenity to you and you whole family. *hugs*