My TWA Pics

OOOOOOOOOOOH your TWA is soooooo pretty.
Armyqt said:
Girl, you look fantastic
. You a re ROCKING that TWA!

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I agree, go ahead with your bad self. Good luck on your natural hair journey.
Now see why did you have to go and post these pics....You look GORGEOUS!!!That cut compliments your face and it looks so easy to maintain. You are glowing and you look even more beautiful than you did with your gorgeous locks (who would hae thought that was possible) You go girl! Keep the updates coming!!
DO u plan on pressing or wearing mainly nautral styles?
Ms. Kenesha,

Girl, you got guts. Your hair is really cute. I couldn't believe you were going to do the big chop after spending that time growing it, but it really looks cute.
You go Ms. K!!!!
ITA that the shock is more short hair than natural hair, but it'll be long and springy before you know it! Just be sure keep us updated w/progress pics. I'm so proud of you!!!
shelli4018 said:
You look great and you have a nice shaped head! I swear you're my hair twin.

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Hey Shelli

I'm waiting to see your new pics too. hint, hint
Tonya said:
Now see why did you have to go and post these pics....You look GORGEOUS!!!That cut compliments your face and it looks so easy to maintain. You are glowing and you look even more beautiful than you did with your gorgeous locks (who would hae thought that was possible) You go girl! Keep the updates coming!!
DO u plan on pressing or wearing mainly nautral styles?

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I think I'll do both, but I only want to press maybe 4 times a year. Or get a Dominican Blow-Out like Tracy's mom
I'm going to love having the versatily to be able to wear my hair in both straight and non-straight styles
MissJ said:
Wow, I love it. It looks nice on you. Do you get a lot of compliments about the new do?

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I have gotten a good number of compliments. Today before I went to the game, I was telling my fiance I really love my hair....don't get me wrong their have been some mornings when I'm like "WHY DID I CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF!!!"
but there are more of the I love my hair like this days.
Your hair looks GORGEOUS MsK - you look adorable and sophisticated all at the same time!

And your hair looks JUST like my Mom's did in her TWA.
Ms Kenesha, I'm like
I had no idea you wanted to go natural - I guess I've been out of the loop more than I thought. Your hair looks wonderful, love the pics.
The short fro looks nice on you. If gives you a look of sophistication.

Actually I did intend to thank Lengthwanted but I forgot becasue I'm multitasking over here.

Lengthwanted...thanks a lot! Here;s a kiss for you too!

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It was my pleasure. And yes MsKenesha I'm glad that everyone can see your TWA .. and again .. Looking good!