My Transitioning Progress (new pics)


old head
Today was wash day so I took the opportunity to take pics of my hair while it was wet to show the current length of my newgrowth. I've been transitioning for over a year now and plan to continue until I feel like cutting off the ends. It took a while, but I've finally gotten the hang of dealing with the two textures and I'm actually content with my hair right now. Imagine that... :lol:
Pics are in the LHCF gallery.
Wow! Your hair is so long and very pretty too! :up::up:Since you have the hang of working with your two textures, you may be able to do this as long as you want to, without any problems. I mean, you can grow your hair waist length and then cut the ends, if you choose to.
Wow, girl!! You don't have much longer to go. Matter of fact, it seems as though your new growth exceeds the permed ends.
Hi BC :wave:

Ur natural hair looks very pretty. It seems like ur managing the 2 textures very well. I can't wait to see ur hair after the chop. I bet it's gonna look GORGEOUS!!!

Congrats on ur transitioning success thus far... I can totally relate to what ur going through :cool:
WOW!!!! :shocked: That's a lot of new growth!!! How many weeks into your transition are you? Like I commented before in the gallery, once you decide to do the big chop you are going to have a beautiful head of natural hair! Keep up the good hair care! :antlers:
Am I overlooking something? I checked youe signature and your profile and don't see any pics at all. what is the address & password to your album? :confused:
BlackCardinal said:
poohbear, my pics are in the lhcf members gallery.

thanks! i just checked it out and you have made some awesome progess. your natural texture looks similar to mine. but im not as far into my transition as u are... i'm only 14 weeks. happy hair growing! ;)
lovelymissyoli said:
WOW!!!! :shocked: That's a lot of new growth!!! How many weeks into your transition are you? Like I commented before in the gallery, once you decide to do the big chop you are going to have a beautiful head of natural hair! Keep up the good hair care! :antlers:

Thank you ladies for your compliments!'s been...good grief, something like 63 weeks now :eek:
No wonder I feel like it's been forever :lol:
Thank you ladies for your compliments and encouragement! I couldn't have made it this far without all the things I learned from you! :)