My touchup


Well-Known Member
So I go in yesterday for my touchup, 8 wks post relaxer. She puts the relaxer in no burning and proceeds to wash me out. At the sink she says "I think you should grow out your relaxer." I am like WTF because I have never expressed the desire to go natural. So I decided to play along, I said "Why?" this chick said "Because your hair is shedding"
Not "You should use a protein conditioner." Now mind you she is trying to comb my hair while the shampoo is in it, I was pissed.
She finally saw my face and stopped combing. Because I was going to act the damn fool in the salon, she is the only black stylist, but I was going to show my a** if she hadn't stopped combing my hair out with this itty bitty tooth comb. Mind you this is the same chick who wants to cut 3" but can't give me a reason why. Then hand the nerve to ask me if I wanted a trim I said no thank you and kept it moving!!!
The sad part is she is really good with applying the relaxer to the new growth, and not over processing my hair. My friend said I should of run to the door once I realized she wore a weave,
she said chicks are haters and once you have "long" hair they will find a way to cut it. Three months ago the stylist complaint was that my hair was dry but thanks to my lhcf girls I got some porosity control and Kenra, now my hair is fine.

So I am on the hunt for another stylist!!! I hate this!!!!
Natural shedding, because when it was breaking due to the dryness, she said "breakage". My hair usually sheds around this time.
Well as long as your happy with the results and you think your hair is in great condition, then that is really all that matters. Afterall, who knows your hair better than you?

I know but I can't go to her anymore because I don't trust her. She always makes comments about my length, mid back. At first I thought I was being sensitive or I was pmsing but now I see the warning signs and I am heading for the hills...........