:lachen:I just love how things work sometimes.

So two guys who played games with me in the past have now gotten in touch with me through Myspace (we have some mutual friends.) It's been YEARS.

Not only that, but they have the nerve to try to holler:rolleyes:

I don't hold their childish behavior from back in the day against them, they seem to have changed...they are just not my type anymore.

On top of this...add the two guys who ran game on me back then who have been in love with me for the last year or so and you have a nice reunion.:grin:

So four guys, each one passed me over to run up behind girls I felt were prettier and move deserving than myself. I had low self esteem back then.

Four guys who are all in my face now, trying to holla now that they see I ain't tryin' to holla back.

We can be friends and stuff...but honestly, these dudes ain't on my level anymore.

Funny how I cried over each one of these guys. Funny how they seem to always come running back. Men can be so predictable.

So ladies, stop stressing over men who are playing these games with you. You deserve so much more. They realize what they let get away, and soon come running back. But by then you are stronger and have set your standards much higher than they could ever live up to. YOUR TIME WILL COME!
:lachen:I just love how things work sometimes.

So two guys who played games with me in the past have now gotten in touch with me through Myspace (we have some mutual friends.) It's been YEARS.

Not only that, but they have the nerve to try to holler:rolleyes:

I don't hold their childish behavior from back in the day against them, they seem to have changed...they are just not my type anymore.

On top of this...add the two guys who ran game on me back then who have been in love with me for the last year or so and you have a nice reunion.:grin:

So four guys, each one passed me over to run up behind girls I felt were prettier and move deserving than myself. I had low self esteem back then.

Four guys who are all in my face now, trying to holla now that they see I ain't tryin' to holla back.

We can be friends and stuff...but honestly, these dudes ain't on my level anymore.

Funny how I cried over each one of these guys. Funny how they seem to always come running back. Men can be so predictable.

So ladies, stop stressing over men who are playing these games with you. You deserve so much more. They realize what they let get away, and soon come running back. But by then you are stronger and have set your standards much higher than they could ever live up to. YOUR TIME WILL COME!

AMEN to all you typed.

My first boyfriend and I mean 1st for EVERYTHING was talking to me on the phone last week telling me how much he loves me and all that crap.
I'm telling you I used to cry all the time over this guy ( I was 18 and didnt know any better) and now 4 years after we broke up he realizes how great a girl I am :drunk:. I believe he has changed and I am very happy for him but seriously he is NOT the one for me at all. I have moved on from him and other guys I used to date/have feelings. He used to have my feelings all over the place. Like a comment he would make would either make or break my day ....girl it was bad. But now I'm at peace with myself and am enjoying ME....and of course now they all wanna date you and see whats good with you :lachen:. I mean we can talk even hang out from time to time but anything more ( this guy wants us to be girlfriend and boyfriend again) aint gonna happen. I am glad that he realizes that I am a great/wonderful/sweet/beautiful person but damn man your late as hell.....should have listened when I told/showed ya the first time :spinning:
AMEN to all you typed.

My first boyfriend and I mean 1st for EVERYTHING was talking to me on the phone last week telling me how much he loves me and all that crap.
I'm telling you I used to cry all the time over this guy ( I was 18 and didnt know any better) and now 4 years after we broke up he realizes how great a girl I am :drunk:. I believe he has changed and I am very happy for him but seriously he is NOT the one for me at all. I have moved on from him and other guys I used to date/have feelings. He used to have my feelings all over the place. Like a comment he would make would either make or break my day ....girl it was bad. But now I'm at peace with myself and am enjoying ME....and of course now they all wanna date you and see whats good with you :lachen:. I mean we can talk even hang out from time to time but anything more ( this guy wants us to be girlfriend and boyfriend again) aint gonna happen. I am glad that he realizes that I am a great/wonderful/sweet/beautiful person but damn man your late as hell.....should have listened when I told/showed ya the first time :spinning:

I know right! People used to tell me that they always come back, and I thought they were lying. But ain't it the truth?

It makes you realize why it didn't work out in the first place. These guys were not good for me. I can see that now. Boy did we deserve more!:lachen:

Oh and how about one of them just texted me asking if he could call? I told him I'm busy studying for a midterm and that I'll CALL HIM when I'm done. But see, I have no midterm tomorrow...I just don't feel like talking to him right now. So I'll call him tomorrow evening. I remember back in the day this guy would ignore my calls until he was good and ready to answer.:rolleyes:

He's on my turf now!
I know right! People used to tell me that they always come back, and I thought they were lying. But ain't it the truth?

It makes you realize why it didn't work out in the first place. These guys were not good for me. I can see that now. Boy did we deserve more!:lachen:

Oh and how about one of them just texted me asking if he could call? I told him I'm busy studying for a midterm and that I'll CALL HIM when I'm done. But see, I have no midterm tomorrow...I just don't feel like talking to him right now. So I'll call him tomorrow evening. I remember back in the day this guy would ignore my calls until he was good and ready to answer.:rolleyes:

He's on my turf now!

Absolutely make sure you make time for him when you have time....or just make him wait till you are bored lol.
When he comes crying to you, realizing you are the best girl from him and he shoulda made you his wife...PRICELESS!

I truly believe all that is wrong with the universe, corrects itself, in time.

All you have to do is be patient...wait for will happen.
When he comes crying to you, realizing you are the best girl from him and he shoulda made you his wife...PRICELESS!

I truly believe all that is wrong with the universe, corrects itself, in time.

All you have to do is be patient...wait for will happen.
Beautifully put!
When he comes crying to you, realizing you are the best girl from him and he shoulda made you his wife...PRICELESS!

I truly believe all that is wrong with the universe, corrects itself, in time.

All you have to do is be patient...wait for will happen.

:clap: ITA :clap:
When he comes crying to you, realizing you are the best girl from him and he shoulda made you his wife...PRICELESS!

I truly believe all that is wrong with the universe, corrects itself, in time.

All you have to do is be patient...wait for will happen.

This is so true! It has happened with just about every relationship!
AMEN to all you typed.

My first boyfriend and I mean 1st for EVERYTHING was talking to me on the phone last week telling me how much he loves me and all that crap.
I'm telling you I used to cry all the time over this guy ( I was 18 and didnt know any better) and now 4 years after we broke up he realizes how great a girl I am :drunk:. I believe he has changed and I am very happy for him but seriously he is NOT the one for me at all. I have moved on from him and other guys I used to date/have feelings. He used to have my feelings all over the place. Like a comment he would make would either make or break my day ....girl it was bad. But now I'm at peace with myself and am enjoying ME....and of course now they all wanna date you and see whats good with you :lachen:. I mean we can talk even hang out from time to time but anything more ( this guy wants us to be girlfriend and boyfriend again) aint gonna happen. I am glad that he realizes that I am a great/wonderful/sweet/beautiful person but damn man your late as hell.....should have listened when I told/showed ya the first time :spinning:

Hugs to you because I've definetly been there.

You're so on point RedRiot.....every ex shows up out of the blue and the chase begins. I actually start to pity some of, regret is a mutha boo!
:clap: Good for you, redRiot. Like the other ladies said, they always come back. :yep:

It's funny that they came back in clusters...that's happened to me in the past few weeks. Three of them popped up in the span of 5 weeks. I think they can "sense" when you're moving on and really getting yourself together and they can't stand it! :lol: A couple of them were reduced to begging, but I was like :nono: Returning to them would be like a dog returning to its vomit. :naughty:

Kudos to you for setting a higher standard! :up:
Wow, this post is so on time, cause its happening to me RIGHT NOW. The ex that broke my heart wants to fly me up to see him, and he wants to rent beach houses for a vacation for us and all this madness! Why? I guess he must have sensed I was over him and doing well. Now all of a sudden he "realizes" that us breaking up was "the biggest mistake of his life."


I don't know if I can pass up a free vacation though, lol!
It's like the old saying "they never miss the water until the well runs dry." I remember when I turned down my first love who broke my heart. He came back wanting us to try again but I wasn't even feeling him like that anymore. Good for you. Go on and brush your shoulders off. Q
" that your girlfriend, I've got my boyfriend, but maybe we can be friends, la la la la la la!" :lol: :lol:

Ain't It Funny (w/Ja Rule)

Ain't It Funny (Original Video)

