My Subscription Renewed ? How?

Princess Tam Tam

Well-Known Member
I slightly confused right now. I stopped subscribing to LHCF since the summer. I do spot checks on hair forum every two weeks just to see what's going on. Log in today. I see that the other forums are available to me

I say to myself Why? I rarely come to the site anymore.

I quickly go check the subscribe section its says annul fee expires on May 5, 2017. I never renewed my subscription. What's going on? Was I given a gift? If so I receive it.

But, if not someone has to explain to me how renewal was done without my permission.
That happened to me. My subscription was renewed without my permission. I was ok with it b/c I do utilize the site. There has been a lot of issues with the new site, so you may have to take this up with the administrators or dispute the charge with whatever account LHCF took the money from.