My stylist cut my hair! *crying*


Well-Known Member
*crying* :cry: I JUST got my hair touched up, and my stylist cut my hair! :(

To be honest, my hair needed to be trimmed after the weave disaster a few months ago. Plus, my hair WAS looking quite thin at the ends lately. But still! I didn't expect her to cut so much off! My hair is now grazing my neck!!! It used to be past my shoulders. :nono:

She is so scissor-happy! I knew I should have just let her trim my hair later. :( I wanted to at least see and enjoy the hair that I had attained (even if the ends were thin) after my RELAXER touch up. Now, I won't even know how long my hair really was because she cut my hair while it was wet.

She even remarked: "Wow your hair got so long!" But she told me that it would be better to trim off the ends before they split all the way up. :rolleyes:

Ugh...I'm just kind of sad because I was struggling to get my hair back to the length that it was 2 years ago, but now I feel like I just keep getting set back. I feel like I have to start ALL over again. :cry3:

All that work down the drain.... :nono:
*crying* :cry: I JUST got my hair touched up, and my stylist cut my hair! :(

To be honest, my hair needed to be trimmed after the weave disaster a few months ago. Plus, my hair WAS looking quite thin at the ends lately. But still! I didn't expect her to cut so much off! My hair is now grazing my neck!!! It used to be past my shoulders. :nono:

She is so scissor-happy! I knew I should have just let her trim my hair later. :( I wanted to at least see and enjoy the hair that I had attained (even if the ends were thin) after my RELAXER touch up. Now, I won't even know how long my hair really was because she cut my hair while it was wet.

She even remarked: "Wow your hair got so long!" But she told me that it would be better to trim off the ends before they split all the way up. :rolleyes:

Ugh...I'm just kind of sad because I was struggling to get my hair back to the length that it was 2 years ago, but now I feel like I just keep getting set back. I feel like I have to start ALL over again. :cry3:

All that work down the drain.... :nono:

girl with me i went right to the bbs and got a pairing of trimming shears and cut my own hair. I just take my time and snip only as much as i want. Theres always a risk when someone else is doing it. sorry to hear but you will def grow your hair back. i know it
Keep your head up. I have gone through this episode so many times, but usually it was my mother who did the cutting instead of "trimming". That's why I do my own hair now. I just can't trust anyone elses hands in my head but my own :nono:

I can slash tires if need be :rolleyes: Just let me know! JK.
Girl, why did you let her cut your hair?! I am sorry this happened to you, but I think more ladies need to stop depending on people for trims if this is going to keep happening! I just don't get it! We keep seeing these threads with crazy stylist doing all kinds of things - it is YOUR hair and you are paying her to give you want you want.

Wait - you are in MD! Where she at? We can go get her for you. :grin:
DAmn Girl, i know how u feel! Please run, don't walk to sally's and invest in some good shears. For her to cut off about 4 inches, past shoulders, to neck? Thats absolutely extra! U need to read some of the trimming, dusting threads so you can healthily get ur hair back! Run away from that stylist girl, or you will continue to get hacked!:yep:
DAmn Girl, i know how u feel! Please run, don't walk to sally's and invest in some good shears. For her to cut off about 4 inches, past shoulders, to neck? Thats absolutely extra! U need to read some of the trimming, dusting threads so you can healthily get ur hair back! Run away from that stylist girl, or you will continue to get hacked!:yep:

:nono: Girrrrllllll....

I have to cosign. That was just extra. Time for a new stylist or learn to do it yourself. I don't care if she your Mama's best friend you been going to since you were 4 and ya'll go to church together. Time foe her to get the boot.

Did you at least let her know you were unhappy?
So sorry you went through. But please don't go back to her again only for her to cut off all your hard work again. Please don't. I agree with learning to try and do it yourself from this point on, but in the meantime, here's a :bighug: for ya!
*crying* :cry: I JUST got my hair touched up, and my stylist cut my hair! :(

To be honest, my hair needed to be trimmed after the weave disaster a few months ago. Plus, my hair WAS looking quite thin at the ends lately. But still! I didn't expect her to cut so much off! My hair is now grazing my neck!!! It used to be past my shoulders. :nono:

She is so scissor-happy! I knew I should have just let her trim my hair later. :( I wanted to at least see and enjoy the hair that I had attained (even if the ends were thin) after my RELAXER touch up. Now, I won't even know how long my hair really was because she cut my hair while it was wet.

She even remarked: "Wow your hair got so long!" But she told me that it would be better to trim off the ends before they split all the way up. :rolleyes:

Ugh...I'm just kind of sad because I was struggling to get my hair back to the length that it was 2 years ago, but now I feel like I just keep getting set back. I feel like I have to start ALL over again. :cry3:

All that work down the drain.... :nono:
I am so sorry that happen to you and I am very angry at your stupid stylist, but take a deep breath and remember it will grow back soon in Jesus name--Now from previous experience this has happen to me so many times in the past now I tell them before the relaxer, during the relaxer process, walking to the shampoo bowl during the shampoo and after they sit me back in the chair--DO NOT CUT OR TRIM MY HAIR!!!! I don't care what they say or some bull crap story, you enjoy your hair after a relaxer until your ready for a trim do it yourself.

I do not want to get started on stylist right now but oh well your hair will grow longer in the next month believe it achieve it!!!
Girl, why did you let her cut your hair?! I am sorry this happened to you, but I think more ladies need to stop depending on people for trims if this is going to keep happening! I just don't get it! We keep seeing these threads with crazy stylist doing all kinds of things - it is YOUR hair and you are paying her to give you want you want.

Wait - you are in MD! Where she at? We can go get her for you. :grin:

ITA with honeydew! I'm sorry about ur situation! Truly! I had to trim my thin ends two weeks ago at the salon and I was VERY specific! I wanted a dry trim of about 1/2", the ends now look healthy and i still maintained length!

I'm very sorry! Keep at it, u'll get there!
So sorry this happened to you! When I trim my hair or my daughters' hair I dust it, just taking off the straggly ends and that's sufficient. I agree with everyone else who said do it yourself, you'll be much happier and you'll retain your hard-earned length!
Awww I feel your pain, I know you don't want to hear that it will grow back but it will and just like Honeydew posted earlier (we) have to stop letting stylist intimidate us when it comes to our hair. You are paying for a service and it is her job to provide the service you want whether she agree with you are not, she can offer suggestions but in the end it's your decision. I wouldn't worry about hurting her feelings either, cuz now you are the one who is hurt and it's your hair. You have to be in control when it comes to your hair, especially if you have others working on it to avoid situations like this. Hope you start to feel better.
I feel your pain. Invest in a pair scissor to start dusting yourself. We have to stop letting those scissor happy beautician stop running our hair.
Yup....learn to do it yourself. Even if you had a few split ends, most of what she cut was healthy hair. Surely not every strand was split.

I do it myself now...especially because I want to make it to BSL for sure.
....then for her to say "oooh your hair grew so much" and then proceed to whack off 4 inches? She need a beat down. She did that maliciously. No stylists will EVA trim my ends. :nono: Dont be afraid to trim it yourself. You would probably do a better job. :yep:
I used to have a scissor happy stylist too...who loved doing short hair. You see my avatar pic? It's because everytime I wanted a trim, she would getta YAPPIN' and would totally RESHAPE me (which is a cut!). Needless to say, I've learned my lesson and cut her *** off! She would always dissuade me from growing my hair out. One day I noticed that none of her clients had long hair and her hair is a thin brittle mess! That was the last time I saw her (the Saturday before New Year). After joining the board in January, I did like everyone said and got myself some shears. Now the growing is in my hands. Once it grows out, noone will be able to take credit but ME. :yep: It's very empowering!

ITA with Honeydew...she's in MD? Where she at???
Girl, why did you let her cut your hair?! I am sorry this happened to you, but I think more ladies need to stop depending on people for trims if this is going to keep happening! I just don't get it! We keep seeing these threads with crazy stylist doing all kinds of things - it is YOUR hair and you are paying her to give you want you want.

Wait - you are in MD! Where she at? We can go get her for you. :grin:

I don't get it either. Y'all need to start doing your own trims. Stop letting stylists "trim" your hair.
I thought cutting our own hair was a given...

I only trusted this one girl to cut my hair after watching her outside work on somebody else. And then I pointed to how much I wanted off, made eye contact and mouthed it out extra hard while I spoke so she got the point. I made it clear I only wanted 1-3 inches off, because that was what was damaged. No more, no less. In between is fine, but none of this 4 inches when I ask for a trim mess :nono: I think stylists get personal and hold grudges and wait for you to get some length so they can destroy it, that is why you should switch.

Don't let the same woman who gives you a relaxer cut your hair. :nono:
I thought cutting our own hair was a given...

I only trusted this one girl to cut my hair after watching her outside work on somebody else. And then I pointed to how much I wanted off, made eye contact and mouthed it out extra hard while I spoke so she got the point. I made it clear I only wanted 1-3 inches off, because that was what was damaged. No more, no less. In between is fine, but none of this 4 inches when I ask for a trim mess :nono: I think stylists get personal and hold grudges and wait for you to get some length so they can destroy it, that is why you should switch.

Don't let the same woman who gives you a relaxer cut your hair. :nono:

Why not?????????????
I'm sorry this happened to you. This is why I will never let any stylist near my hair with scissors. Last time I flatironed, I let hubby trim my hair straight across the back with haircutting shears. He followed his orders :grin:. I think he did a great job.

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I'm so sorry this happened to you - It's happened to me so many times I've lost track:nono:. But i agree with everyone else - invest in some good scissors and cut it yourself. This is what i did and I'm telling you there would be no way I could have made it to where I am now, if I hadn't decided to start trimming my own hair. You can do it :bighug:!!!
I feel your pain. My regular stylist got scissor happy last week. She was instructed to trim my ends but instead gave me a blunt cut all one length. I went from top of bra strap to just below shoulder length. I could only see the sides so I didn't realize that she was cutting off the "V" in the back. She had never taken so much off my hair and I have to believe that it is because in the past year my hair has grown longer than hers. Now our hair is about the exact same length and the exact same style. I've pretty much concluded that she is okay with my hair being her length or shorter, but may have a problem with my hair growing longer than hers.

Needless to say, she can continue to do my relaxers, but I am going to do trims myself from this point on. Lesson learned.

You will grow it back-especially with the warmer seasons coming up-your hair will grow back faster. The same thing happened to Anky last fall and within 3-4 months her hair had completely grown back! :yep:
Hey guys, thanks for the encouragement. :D

My situation is kind of complicated too since this "stylist" is actually a friend of mine who's a licensed beautician. She's not even my "usual" stylist, but my usual stylist refuses to put DE mild/shea butter relaxer in my hair (she doesn't like the product I suppose), but I hate the relaxer she wants to put in my hair, so I just asked my friend if she could from now on put the DE mild relaxer in my hair. She agreed.

It's harder telling your own FRIEND (we're not super super close either) that you don't want your hair cut too short. I don't know why, but I feel more comfortable telling a stylist who I don't know at all what my preferences are. Plus, I still have to see her in church! :lol: I was trying to say it as nicely as possible without hurting her beautician ego, and without coming across as a "psycho" girl anxious about her hair (lol), but she's real set in her ways. She kept showing me the ends she was snipping off and was saying that they were scraggely. :( My ends were a bit thin, but I'm sure that some of them could have been salvaged. My whole head wasn't full of damaged ends I know that much! But she kept parting and snipping. Parting and snipping away. :nono: She does good work, don't get me wrong! And my hair feels and looks good, but she's just scissor happy!

I should have known better because anytime she does someone's hair in church, they always get a "trim" or a "cut". SHe LOVES to cut hair! I think from now on I'll just go to my usual stylist for cuts (she knows how I like my hair DUSTED..not cut), and go to my friend for my relaxers. It may be funny going to one stylist for one procedure, and another for a different procedure, but hey if that's what I have to do...then that's what I have to do!
LOL.... in answer to your questions HoneyDew and Daephae...

Yes, I live in MD. I'm in Bowie, so that's where I get my hair done. Since she's a friend, I can't even take revenge! :lol: I know she wasn't doing it maliciously in other words. She just likes to cut hair. Just like some stylist LOVE putting extra heat on your hair and doing funky designs, she is a stylist who loves to cut and sculpt hair. IF I keep going to her for "trims", my hair will NEVER grow! LOL! I think I've learned my lesson. Go to her for touch-ups (NO TRIMS!) only. :yep:

*sigh* I know it's just hair, and it will grow back, but I feel like it's taken me so long these past few years to grow my hair back to where it was in early 2006! You can tell a major difference in my hair if you look at my hair album. I finally switched back to a mild relaxer, so I'm happy about that, but I feel like the weave was a major set back, then the reg. strength relaxer, and now this "trim".'s no wonder my hair hasn't seen the amount of improvement I WAS getting a couple of years back. :(

I just have to dust myself off and now try even HARDER to attain my hair goals. So much for APL hair by Nov. this year. Ha! I just have to step up my A-game. :yep:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had some run-ins with these types of stylists. Why don't they ever listen?? Stylists are the ONLY "service people" I know that don't pay attention to what their customer wants! And what blows me even more is that they feel like it's OKAY!!! :wallbash: Why IS that? If I went to a restaurant and said that I wanted broccoli instead of green beans, the waiter wouldn't tell me: "oh, but you NEED green beans! you have to get the green beans!" and then proceed to force the green beans down my throat!! Noooooo....I think that restaurant would have ZERO customers! :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: friend....yeah ok....i ain't letting no "friend" cut my hair...especially if my hair is longer than ma'am. i don't know too many friends who TRULY happy to see their friends with hair longer than theirs when both are trying to grow their hair out.....if indeed she is.

it's your hair, your time, and your hard work....why would you not speak up to your friend if you don't want her to cut your hair. for your silence, you now have to endure MONTHS of work ahead just to get back to where you were when you first sat in that chair.

not me.

Hey guys, thanks for the encouragement. :D

My situation is kind of complicated too since this "stylist" is actually a friend of mine who's a licensed beautician. She's not even my "usual" stylist, but my usual stylist refuses to put DE mild/shea butter relaxer in my hair (she doesn't like the product I suppose), but I hate the relaxer she wants to put in my hair, so I just asked my friend if she could from now on put the DE mild relaxer in my hair. She agreed.

It's harder telling your own FRIEND (we're not super super close either) that you don't want your hair cut too short. I don't know why, but I feel more comfortable telling a stylist who I don't know at all what my preferences are. Plus, I still have to see her in church! :lol: I was trying to say it as nicely as possible without hurting her beautician ego, and without coming across as a "psycho" girl anxious about her hair (lol), but she's real set in her ways. She kept showing me the ends she was snipping off and was saying that they were scraggely. :( My ends were a bit thin, but I'm sure that some of them could have been salvaged. My whole head wasn't full of damaged ends I know that much! But she kept parting and snipping. Parting and snipping away. :nono: She does good work, don't get me wrong! And my hair feels and looks good, but she's just scissor happy!

I should have known better because anytime she does someone's hair in church, they always get a "trim" or a "cut". SHe LOVES to cut hair! I think from now on I'll just go to my usual stylist for cuts (she knows how I like my hair DUSTED..not cut), and go to my friend for my relaxers. It may be funny going to one stylist for one procedure, and another for a different procedure, but hey if that's what I have to do...then that's what I have to do!
I always guide my stylist in how much I want cut. I never let him/her at my hair with scissors. Only once has that happened (luckily I was rocking a short cut and my hair grew back to a decent length in 2 weeks). But the tongue lashing she got was more than a notion.

I usually take a picture or pictures in of what I want or I stop them before they just grab a chunk of my hair and start cutting and tell them what I want. They may get a bit huffy, but it's my hair and my money.

I am not an advocate of self-cutting, but if you can master it, then do you boo!
This happens to me too. My stylist is like a second mother to me. She's been doing my hair since 2001. I love her, but she hates doing my and her daughter's hair cuz both of us have long thick hair. And she ALLLWAYS cuts too much hair off. I think she does that so she wont have to deal with so much hair. Thats why I wanted to start going to her every five or six months and get a trim every other visit. Get this!!! She hates doing my hair so much until she said that I can only get a straw set once a year. Other than that I can only get twist sets, and rollersets.
Damn, I'm sorry this happened to you. That's why I'm a firm believer in DIY, especially when it comes to hair. I' can imagine going to a stylist after stretching one year to have all that progress clipped to the floor. Stylist like that makes you want to sue...Grl, just brush it off, continue doing what you do and start making your trims yourself.. I know it hard, but anything is better than having someone chop it off for you...