My Stylist Called To See If I was OK...


New Member

LOL.. Well I'll preface this by saying up until october last year I was an avid salon goer, went every 2 weeks on the dot, sometimes more often. Didn't even wanna bother with my own hair. Not that I couldn't but lets face it.. it always looks better when someone else does it, and i like being pampered. But once I found this site I started getting more and more interested in my hair and healthy haircare I started to cut back. Not to mention the fact that our economy started goin down the drain and I really had to get my financials straight. So luxuries like going to the salon, waisting oodles of $$ would have to go. I've been with my stylist for 3.5 yrs and she's great, definitely would consider her a friend. But I had to do what was best for me, but my money is OK right in my pocket! and it's only been 6wks btw!!

Has this happened to anyone else?
She's missing your money!

My mom and I used to go to the same stylist. When I stopped going she kept pestering my mom whenever she came in for a touch up.
Hey I was just like u too...goin to the salon EVERY 2 weeks, my friends hated makin plans with me because I would never want to miss a hair appointment. One time I had to miss it and damn near went My stylist actually moved to another state so I had to find a new stylest in two weeks. Went to one twice, the third time I needed a relaxer had a 8:30 appt and when I got there the shop was not opened. I was heated, I jumped in my car and went to the mall...sat in a stylist chair who seemed like she didn't know what she was doin, went to her twice and than I realized I could be saving a whooooole lot of money if I just did my own hair. I talked to my friends and they told me it was a great idea to that, that's how I found this site. So from now on I'm sticking to doing my hair. And I need to save as much money as I
lol my god mom was my stylist since i was 8. i stopped going to her in 07 and i went to get a press in sept of 08 it wasnt by her though. shes a good stylist and the best ive had. im done with throwing money away and i perfer to do my own.

LOL.. Well I'll preface this by saying up until october last year I was an avid salon goer, went every 2 weeks on the dot, sometimes more often. Didn't even wanna bother with my own hair. Not that I couldn't but lets face it.. it always looks better when someone else does it, and i like being pampered. But once I found this site I started getting more and more interested in my hair and healthy haircare I started to cut back. Not to mention the fact that our economy started goin down the drain and I really had to get my financials straight. So luxuries like going to the salon, waisting oodles of $$ would have to go. I've been with my stylist for 3.5 yrs and she's great, definitely would consider her a friend. But I had to do what was best for me, but my money is OK right in my pocket! and it's only been 6wks btw!!

Has this happened to anyone else?

My stylist called me in september too lol I am saving a ton of money
Exactly!! so much can be done with the money you save. I'm not opposed to going to the stylist during relaxer time or a special ocassion but regularly..not in these times. My stylist wasn't cheap either between the overpricing and tipping her and the assitants ...I'd drop atleast $ 100 every time I went!! No Thank You :nono:
Hi Stepiphanie

When I first stop going to the my hair dresser She thought I was going to someone else :lachen: to get my hair done. I use to get a wash n set every week. I have saved so much money since I started doing my own hair. The more I did it the better I got. Women would ask me where I get my hair done and how nice it looked. Once I tell them, they say some really smart like :blush: "if that's true it look really nice".
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Hi Stepiphanie

When I first stop going to the my hair dresser She thought I was going to someone else :lachen: to get my hair done. I use to get a wash n set every week. I have saved so much money since I started doing my own hair. The more I did it the better I got. Women would ask me where I get my hair done and how nice it looked. Once I tell them, they say some really smart like :blush: "if that's true it look really nice".

Hi BlackPearl1!

LOL at the bolded. I'm not that good yet, but I'm definitely getting better each time and even surprising myself. I love the avatar pic btw.
No, but I am surprised she hasn't called since one time she put me down for an appt (I was going every two weeks). I told her I didn't need an appt since I was on call and didn't want to get called to the hospital while sitting in the chair with my hair wet since you have to respond and be on the premises within 30-40 minutes. She didn't even hear that. Still put me down and sho nuff called a sista when I didn't show up. My goodness!
LOL this happened with me and the nail salon! I was getting those fills and pedi's every 2 weeks....they want to know what the heck happened to me.

I ditched the salons back in 2007 so they don't miss me any more! :lol:
When I told my stylist I was transitioning, she looked at me and was like *cha ching*, but she didn't know I knew about LHCF, so I haven't been in there for four weeks.
When I was having scheduling issues with my #1 stylist so I found another one closer to me. She didn't wow me in styling and growth progress but she was REALLY nice and treated my hair gently so I hung in there.

#1 worked out better scheduling with me (thank goodness) so I went back running. Around Christmas time, I got some kind of promo call from #2's worker about specials. I hadn't been there in months and when I was going I could hardly get a return call. Recently she called herself and said that her shop had moved. I told her I was growing out my relaxer and she said, "Well how's that going?" I replied, "so well, that I should have done it years ago." She then said, "you know I do press and curls too." I said, yeah, but I don't think I'll be doing those either! She was nice about it but sounded disappointed.
I also found out about this site in October and haven't been to my stylist since either. I stopped going for the same reasons $$ and I wanted healthier hair. I was going either every week or every other week for the past year. I just made an appointment to go on valentine's day. So, I'll guess I'll see then what he has to say.
I went to the salon every single week for 5 YEARS...until last February. Found this site, bought a PIBBS and suddenly was only going every 8 weeks for a touch-up. At first my stylist thought I'd break all my hair off and that I'd be back soon. Now she doesn't say anything cuz my hair's still on my head. I went from paying $40/week to $60/every 8-10 weeks and I think she misses my money:ohwell:
That’s what happened to me. I used to go to the salon every 8 weeks for TUs, my stylist used to tell me I had to come more often because that was the only way my hair would thrive :ohwell:. I had nothing against that, but I hated the fact that I had to spend the whole day at the salon, not to mention the $$ factor. I decided not to go back, not even for TUs so I started doing research about hair care and found this site. My stylist called me 6 months later to find out what happened, she thought I was going somewhere else :blush:, she sound surprised and kind of skeptical when I told her I was taking care of my hair. She even offered me a discount to do DC treatments.....:lachen:so I just told her that I would be back “one of these days”. My mom gave me my first TU and I've done all of the rest ever since :yep:, well, it has been almost 2 years since I visited a salon (with no regrets), sometimes I think about going for a blowout but honestly I'm :look:
I went to the salon every single week for 5 YEARS...until last February. Found this site, bought a PIBBS and suddenly was only going every 8 weeks for a touch-up. At first my stylist thought I'd break all my hair off and that I'd be back soon. Now she doesn't say anything cuz my hair's still on my head. I went from paying $40/week to $60/every 8-10 weeks and I think she misses my money:ohwell:

my old one too! flat out told me i didnt know what i was doing. gee, is that how my hair grew down near almost to my butt? could that be cause i was my own stylist? hmmm.

***** was at my sister's house recently too and asked ME for some money! i was like :ohwell:
I would say that's normal, If you have been going to the same person for 3.5 yrs like clock work and just stopped she may have just been concerned about you.
I think she's realizing that your relationship with her is dissolving :lachen:. She may call a couple of times to try to dissuade you and convince you that your hair will suffer without her. She really just misses the healthy payments you used to give to her, :grin:.
I have not been to my stylist of 3 1/2 yrs since August. In the beginning I was going every 5-6 wks for a relaxer. Found this sight and began stretching 8wks 9wks, then 12-14wks. The more I stretched the more he charged me for my relaxers. Well the buck stopped in August when I went for my relaxer and he charged me $125 for relaxer/rinse.:nono: He has not seen me since. In november I tried another salon and he charged me $95. Long story short, I have purchased the entire 4 step affirm relaxer system for $78 which is 4 applications, enough for the whole yr and my friend who is licensed will be assisting me in applying my relaxer in the comfort of my own home.
Yes my stylists called me once a long time ago to find out why I hadn't been back to get my hair one time I was going biweekly sometimes every week and I was taking my dd...she also sent me coupons...I was doing my own hair by the time she called
Lol...good stories ladies. I haven't started getting coupons abt special promotions yet, but I'm sure they soon come.I still plan on using the same stylist but not nearly as much as I used to.

Shopaholic..I don't doubt there is genuine concern there but I do think a lot of has to do w/ loss of revenue.
I used to go to my stylist every three weeks. I'd get a touch-up on every other visit. Since finding LHCF, I've been stretching. The last that I've seen her was the first week in Dec. The next time will be Feb. 20. I feel like with stretching, I'm saving money and getting healthy hair at the same time. I'm sure she's missing the money, but I gotta look out for me and my pockets first. She did question me when I called last week to push back my appt. She said 'You're gonna go 12 weeks without a relaxer or a trim?' I said 'Yeah, my hair still feels and looks good.' Little does she know, my friend is a stylist and she's going to dust my ends for $5.
Well I am not feeling the love. I stopped going to my stylist who I met in 05 for various reasons. The last time I went to her I went for a trim and she combed all my hair down and trimmed it for $5 and was done. I felt like that was a terrible trim but it did remove some dead ends. But anyways she has NEVER called me once to see how I was doing. I didn't like her anyways but she wasn't scissor happy and she did have my hair on point when I was prego. I take that back she was scissor happy when I was prego cause my hair never made it past CBL while prego even though it was super healthy.
i just joined this site this month and I am also an every two week attendant at the H.S., and I'm just waiting for that call from my stylist...especially since I have natural hair and she knows how I like it styled opposed to me just doing anything to it.
Girl, my DD's braider called me yesterday asking when I'm bringing hasn't been but a month! I was like geez, money must be real tight!
Girl, my DD's braider called me yesterday asking when I'm bringing hasn't been but a month! I was like geez, money must be real tight!

You just said it...a lot of them are cold calling now lol. I got a text from mine a few weeks ago saying "haven't talked 2 u in a while, how are things?" Read: "***** where ya been? How's your hair? I need some money." Mind you I've only been going to her for trims a couple times a year for the past 2 years. She hasn't actually done my hair since '06.