My sisters friends hair has grown (pics) :)


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

Just thought I'd share Aisha's pictures she has just sent me,
(with her permission of course)
I do not know how to resize them, i have them large saved on my laptop but when i try and add them they come out so small, if anyone knows how to add normal size pictures please share.

She took them at a modelling agency a few weeks ago.

Her hair has gone so healthy and thick!!! i :love: it
She is looking so cute, She's growing up into a beautiful lady (she's 17)She used to be a size 14 but the company advised her to slim down, she is now a size 8/10.
She's mixed, Half African...Half White, I've known her since she was 9...she is now reminding me of a young Alicia Keys

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wantlonghealthyhair said:
Hey ladies,

Just thought I'd share Aisha's pictures she has just sent me,
(with her permission of course)
I do not know how to resize them, i have them large saved on my laptop but when i try and add them they come out so small, if anyone knows how to add normal size pictures please share.

She took them at a modelling agency a few weeks ago.

Her hair has gone so healthy and thick!!! i :love: it
She is looking so cute, She's growing up into a beautiful lady (she's 17)She used to be a size 14 but the company advised her to slim down, she is now a size 8/10.
She's mixed, Half African...Half White, I've known her since she was 9...she is now reminding me of a young Alicia Keys

[URL=""][/URL][URL=""][/URL] [URL=""][/URL] :love:

the link is not working,you have to upload the pics to yahoo pics or any other online photo album first:)
the links seem to work when i click them, she's in my avatar now so you can see small pic...i will try to sort it later when i get back home.

Thank you
Aisha's Update

I've uploaded it to Yahoo...the links work for me, hope they do for y'all...if not :confused:


KiSseS03 said:
That is my dream hair right there! I can only see your avatar... but I love how BIG it is!

Awww, My dream hair too, Her hair grown this long from neck length, it only took a year, it has thickened up so much.

So gutted I cannot upload all three pics, It could be because she got them copy righted?

Can I email these pics to someone and see what they can do?
wantlonghealthyhair said:
Awww, My dream hair too, Her hair grown this long from neck length, it only took a year, it has thickened up so much.

So gutted I cannot upload all three pics, It could be because she got them copy righted?

Can I email these pics to someone and see what they can do?

What was her regimen?
Hey ladies, i sent the pics to Ms Portugal so she will update ASAP ;) Thanks girl!!!

Her Regime:

Natural hair

Washes and conditions with herbal essence 3x a week

Greases scalp with African Pride Hair oil daily

Keeps hair in pony tails or buns....daily

That is all....