My sister, almost BSL again! ***(2) PICS***


New Member
Some time in November or December my sister allowed her stylist to cut her hair. Multiple times. I didn't know how short it was because I was at school (and honestly I was more focused on my head :grin:,) so what I thought was cut back to BSL or APL was cut to SL. She's been devastated and sad, but she's been wearing kinky twists (with natural hair extensions) to help her as she transitions and grows her hair back. She's a scissor-happy pain-in-the-butt, but fortunately her hair grows very fast, so her frequent trimmings haven't had too much of an impact.

Today she sent me a message saying her hair looks better after the twists, but still short. I reminded her that she has some of the thickest, curliest hair ever, and told her to take a shot of her stretched length, and we discovered she's scraping BSL. Just thought I'd share the pics she sent me! It's not the waist length she's accustomed to, but I'm really happy for her.

She's also not sure as to how much relaxed hair she has left, but she guesses about half-and-half. The color is naturally hers. I think she's a super-thick, super-coarse 4 something. This is today's twist-out.


Thanks for looking!
her hair is fabulous! and her twist out came out great. i wish mine came out like that. any idea how she did it?
I'm talking to her at the moment, so any questions can be immediately answered :)
She did seven twists on wet (not damp) hair, using Infusium and fantasia IC gel. She put a small roller on the end of each twist.
I'm talking to her at the moment, so any questions can be immediately answered :)
She did seven twists on wet (not damp) hair, using Infusium and fantasia IC gel. She put a small roller on the end of each twist.

Does she use heat?
How long has she been transitioning?
How long was she relaxed and how often did she relax?
What does she use as a moisturizer?
Does she wear protective styles on a regular basis?

Does she use heat? She last used heat in March, twice. Before that, she said "i pretty much used heat like everyday for a week because im stupid" :lachen:
How long has she been transitioning? She thinks November; she can't quite recall. Either November or December.
How long was she relaxed and how often did she relax? Since age fifteen, usually every eight weeks (her hair grows super fast, so I wouldn't recommend this for most)
What does she use as a moisturizer? Moisturizers for wet hair: always Infusium and Fantasia gel. She switches up the other moisturizers; right now she's using Just for Me but prefers Biolage Hydratherapie leave in tonic when she can afford it
Moisturizers for dry hair: "for dry hair i use hot six oil or carrot cream or africas best organics shea butter& tea tree oil moisturizer"
Does she wear protective styles on a regular basis? Other than the kinky twists, " i never wear protective styles. not even to bed because im retarded."

Now, I don't know if my sister's reggie will work for everyone. You can set a bomb off on my sister's hair and it won't break or shed. But here it is!
WOW, her hair grows fast. I hope you guys are long talkers like my sister and I. We stay on the phone for hours sometimes.

Can you ask her what her diet is?
Or if she takes hair vitamins or superfoods?
Type of conditioner?
How long is she growing in now?
How many inches does she grow per month?

Thank you
WOW, her hair grows fast. I hope you guys are long talkers like my sister and I. We stay on the phone for hours sometimes.

Can you ask her what her diet is? Her response: "diet, lols. Lots of bread and pasta...chicken. Grapefruit juice is about the only consistent thing."
Or if she takes hair vitamins or superfoods? "I take a one a day women's when I remember, fish oil when I remember. About to try sulfer even though it tastes horrible."
Type of conditioner? giovanni deeper moisture smooth as silk, or avalon organics peppermint revitalizing.
How long is she growing in now? Her goal is waist; she kept it trimmed to this length.
How many inches does she grow per month? Varies. Typically an inch per month, has gotten up to two per month.

Thank you
We're on aim, so we can both come and go intermittently :)

maybe you shouldnt tell them this; they are gonna think im trying to make them bald. I smoke and drink regularly too. why do i have hair? lol

I'm telling you all, my sister goes against everything we know about haircare :lachen:
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Very pretty girl with beautiful hair!!! That is nice that she let you post her pictures. Is she a member............ yet? :)