My signature was jacked

My signature was deleted too, i paid to be on here and i would at least appreciate an email to tell me that they deleted my siggy! Or atleast an email asking me to re-size it!:kick:

I disagree. The fact that you are paying here also means that you READ and AGREED to the rules of the forum.

Members that have been long enough here remember me for one thing only: I nag about signatures. They MUST NOT BE big. How many times can I write this? Every year it is the same thing.

I really like signatures but if your (plural) signature is occupying half of my screen then it is really impacting my user experience in this forum. I at least have broadband. How do users with dial-up feel? What gives you (plural) the right to make people not enjoy something that they too have paid for? Inconsideration is what I am trying to avoid.

Announcements have been made numerous times - far more than I should have - so everyone has been warned. I am not going to send PMs to anyone - the rules are the rules. I don't suspect you expect a phone call from a parking attendant when they give you a ticket just because you parked illegally.

There is a script that runs regularly against your signatures. If they are big, it deletes them - simple as that.

I can make the script to issue a ban for a few days. Do you think that this would make people notice?

Your call.
My signature was deleted too, i paid to be on here and i would at least appreciate an email to tell me that they deleted my siggy! Or atleast an email asking me to re-size it!:kick:

And for the record, your signature is still too big. The next time the script will run it will be deleted, so don't be surprised.