My sides in teh front WONT GROW!!


Well-Known Member
My sides in the front WONT GROW!!

I don't care what I do, the front of my hair and the sides will not even grow to my shoulder! I resorted to bangs a few months ago, but still have about an inch on each side of my bangs of this gosh-awful, funky length. Anyone else have hair growthing troubles like this?? Just venting. :confused: :mad:
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Re: My sides in the front WONT GROW!!

First off I love your hair Audra, you are another of my inspirations. Now that I've seen your hair. I'm having the same troubles as you. Only my hair is at the critical point in the front and on the sides where it's right at the top of my shoulders and I'm hoping it won't break from this and that. I was looking at your hair's growth in one year, so I believe it will grow just give it some time
Re: My sides in the front WONT GROW!!

Audra ever since i cut my bangs a few years ago they have stayed the SAME length..Seriously no lie even my hairdresser noticed. The sides of my hair won't grow either..i am wondering if i have permanent damage to the front and sides of my hair.
MsCry, thank you :kiss: , but I don't know what to do?!?! I care for the front as I do the rest, I wrap and moisturize every night, and I don't do anything excessive to the front (ie pulling it, wearing hats or head bands, lots of ponytails, etc) . This has been going on for years and I just dont know why :crying3:

Foxy, I understand your plight!! I am soooo clueless as to why my hair behaves this way :perplexed :confused: What do you thing you could have done to cause permanent damage?
Re: My sides in the front WONT GROW!!

foxybronx said:
Audra ever since i cut my bangs a few years ago they have stayed the SAME length..Seriously no lie even my hairdresser noticed. The sides of my hair won't grow either..i am wondering if i have permanent damage to the front and sides of my hair.

This may not be true for everyone, but I read that the majority of people who cut bangs or hair shorter than the shoulder the rest of your hair does slow down or stop until the bangs/shorter hair gets to shoulder length then all of it grows again. This happened to the lady from stressless her hair is to or passed her knees.
It was also on the b bahaney site I think in an article.
Re: My sides in the front WONT GROW!!

I have that problem and it's really starting to annoy me. Years ago when I cut bangs they grew right away but now they're just sitting there. *sigh*
AudraChanell said:
MsCry, thank you :kiss: , but I don't know what to do?!?! I care for the front as I do the rest, I wrap and moisturize every night, and I don't do anything excessive to the front (ie pulling it, wearing hats or head bands, lots of ponytails, etc) . This has been going on for years and I just dont know why :crying3:

Foxy, I understand your plight!! I am soooo clueless as to why my hair behaves this way :perplexed :confused: What do you thing you could have done to cause permanent damage?

I spoke to my mother about this because she does hair. And she says it may be damaged because she said since your back grows your sides should too. I'll talk more with her about this and give you her words on this, because she may know something you can do to treat this.
How about I was just looking at my hair a while ago before moisturizing, and noticed the front of my hair is still the same length as last year!! I know this because I have the same weave as last summer and I always leave out the same amount of hair around the edges.... :ohwell:
Audra I talked with my mom and she said your hair could be in shock from the cut. She said that it happened to her before. She says if the front and sides grew long before they can again. And also she said talk to your stylist about PPC- Products by Professional Choice, or you can use in her words: straight olive oil on her scalp and to keep her hair clean and try fish oil tablets, coated
Re: My sides in the front WONT GROW!!

AudraChanell said:
I don't care what I do, the front of my hair and the sides will not even grow to my shoulder! I resorted to bangs a few months ago, but still have about an inch on each side of my bangs of this gosh-awful, funky length. Anyone else have hair growthing troubles like this?? Just venting. :confused: :mad:

You are not the only one. I thought it was all in my imagination until I started MTG. I discovered that my crown and back were growing at TWICE the rate of my front and sides with the MTG. They were always DOUBLE steps ahead at any given moment. Very disheartening. I have been making special effort to baby, oil, moisten, pamper, water, care for, wrap and protect my front and sides to no avail. My goal is Brastrap, but I think if I could just get my sides to grow to match my crown and back I'd be a happy lady. :ohwell:
Re: My sides in the front WONT GROW!!

CantBeCopied said:
You are not the only one. I thought it was all in my imagination until I started MTG. I discovered that my crown and back were growing at TWICE the rate of my front and sides with the MTG. They were always DOUBLE steps ahead at any given moment. Very disheartening. I have been making special effort to baby, oil, moisten, pamper, water, care for, wrap and protect my front and sides to no avail. My goal is Brastrap, but I think if I could just get my sides to grow to match my crown and back I'd be a happy lady. :ohwell:

ditto!! i know what you mean!
The front of my hair has always been stagnant and I thought things would be different this time around (after my cut 12/03), but nothing has changed. I just cut the bangs about 2 months ago so it would look like my hair has some sort of style. I just wish it would grow to catch the rest of my hair :perplexed I may try the fish oil though. I already give it to my 2-year old. Thanks for thinking of me, babe

MsCrystal said:
Audra I talked with my mom and she said your hair could be in shock from the cut. She said that it happened to her before. She says if the front and sides grew long before they can again. And also she said talk to your stylist about PPC- Products by Professional Choice, or you can use in her words: straight olive oil on her scalp and to keep her hair clean and try fish oil tablets, coated

I considered this too. I guess I would hae to stop wrapping it to see ...thanks
kombov_dymond said:
Do you think wrapping it so often could have something to do with it? I dunno, just a thought.

Don't be too disheartened. I truly doubt that its something you're doing wrong or permanent damage. As strange of a problem as it is, its obviously a common problem. When I transitioned, I had the same problem and to this day my front & front sides grow at a MUCH SLOWER rate. But they still grow. It took a while so be patient! (and what's that phrase? "a watched pot never boils!!!") Continue to take great care of your hair, be careful with heat (especially in the front) and try the vitamins everyone is recommending. (i take biotin, MSM, fish oil, omega3s) but most importantly is to just be patient! very, extremely patient.
AudraChanell said:
The front of my hair has always been stagnant and I thought things would be different this time around (after my cut 12/03), but nothing has changed. I just cut the bangs about 2 months ago so it would look like my hair has some sort of style. I just wish it would grow to catch the rest of my hair :perplexed I may try the fish oil though. I already give it to my 2-year old. Thanks for thinking of me, babe

You're welcome Audra. But ITA with Sherrylove, regardless your hair is still beautiful. :)