My Shapley's & Surge 14 update, GREAT results!


New Member
I have done side by side comparison under the rugged pics album in my Fotki. Y'all, this stuff REALLY WORKS!!! I am so in shock, my hair grows soooo slowly, I never see any real growth. I am very, very, very impressed by these items. I have had my hair rodded every other week for a bout 3 weeks now, so it might make a difference in the fact that I wear protective styles and no t much heat. I washed my hair yesterday and used the Frederic Fekkai Protein RX mask, and I plan to purchase OJON's hair reconstructor that I hear is crucial! ( My hair is so soft and smells great. I'm so happy!

Regimine as follows:
Aphogee Evening Primrose Deep Moisture Shampoo
Motions CPR Conditioner (til I run out, then I will try something new)
Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer

Surge 14(day and night)
Surge Lotion Motion #9 mixed w/ carrot oil and a lil bit more Vitamin E oil (Thanks Sistaslick!)
Soft Sheen Everyday Moisturizing Lotion (while hair is rodded)
Shapley's MTG Conditioner
Organic Root Stimulator Temple Balm

Every 6 weeks
Aphogee Treatment for damaged hair
Balancing Moisturizer

Relaxer...I am going to have to experiment with time on this one..not sure yet!
u grow girl! :lol: I just got the shapely's cond and I am hoping to get more results on top of my stinky chaillenge!
LilChocolateMa said:
I have done side by side comparison under the rugged pics album in my Fotki. Y'all, this stuff REALLY WORKS!!! I am so in shock, my hair grows soooo slowly, I never see any real growth. I am very, very, very impressed by these items. I have had my hair rodded every other week for a bout 3 weeks now, so it might make a difference in the fact that I wear protective styles and no t much heat. I washed my hair yesterday and used the Frederic Fekkai Protein RX mask, and I plan to purchase OJON's hair reconstructor that I hear is crucial! ( My hair is so soft and smells great. I'm so happy!

Regimine as follows:
Aphogee Evening Primrose Deep Moisture Shampoo
Motions CPR Conditioner (til I run out, then I will try something new)
Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer

Surge 14(day and night)
Surge Lotion Motion #9 mixed w/ carrot oil and a lil bit more Vitamin E oil (Thanks Sistaslick!)
Soft Sheen Everyday Moisturizing Lotion (while hair is rodded)
Shapley's MTG Conditioner
Organic Root Stimulator Temple Balm

Every 6 weeks
Aphogee Treatment for damaged hair
Balancing Moisturizer

Relaxer...I am going to have to experiment with time on this one..not sure yet!

I have had good results with surge, but I cannot stand the smell of the shapleys for daily use. Did you do anything toit to change the smell at all?
bluwatersoul said:
I have had good results with surge, but I cannot stand the smell of the shapleys for daily use. Did you do anything toit to change the smell at all?

No, I use more of it when I have nothing to do the next day. On days where I know I will be out, I just part my hair in a "+" shape and just use a bit on that section. It doesn't smell so bad then! It is horrible, but you can't beat those results!
I have been doing the Shapley's/Surge combo as well and I agree that it's a lethal combination. I have achieved noticeable growth as well. My sons have too! I had to hide it from them, they were using it more than me!!!! (LOL)
Lorraine said:
I have never heard of Shapley's:scratchch but I believe you on the Surge. It's a keeper. :up:

I've seen posts about Shapley's but never did any research though.

ITA on the Surge! I can only use it when I'm washing my hair frequently. It tends to irritate my scalp. I spike mine with peppermint eo though.

I'm seeing this kind of growth with my Glover's mix. You have me curious about the Shapley's. Is it a liquid or solid?

Meanwhile, your are growing girl!!! :up:
I use it only on the scalp, applying daily or every other day at this point (I do CO washes daily so I apply it in the mornings). By the time I arrive at work, the smell has dissipated. I don't use it as a prepoo, my hair didn't care for that (I may have applied tooo much cause it is very oily)! However, leaving it in all day seems to be working fine.

I also use it in an applicator, would nice to be able to spray like the Surge but it clogs all my spray bottles.
LaNecia said:
I use it only on the scalp, applying daily or every other day at this point (I do CO washes daily so I apply it in the mornings). By the time I arrive at work, the smell has dissipated. I don't use it as a prepoo, my hair didn't care for that (I may have applied tooo much cause it is very oily)! However, leaving it in all day seems to be working fine.

I also use it in an applicator, would nice to be able to spray like the Surge but it clogs all my spray bottles.

Does it tingle? I'm hooked on the tingle :woot:
No, there's no tingle.....but we've got a lot of "KCs" around here (Kitchen Chemists!)......Wouldn't adding some peppermint oil add a little tingle? :sekret:
LaNecia said:
No, there's no tingle.....but we've got a lot of "KCs" around here (Kitchen Chemists!)......Wouldn't adding some peppermint oil add a little tingle? :sekret:

If you can stand the smell I guess it works great. I just can not get used to that smell. :mad: One person described it as smelling like smoked sausage. :lachen: I would have to agree. I remember the first time I used it, I used it at night, I was not sure how I wanted to use it considering the smell, I was laying in bed with my husband, he told me I smelled like bar-b-que. I wanted to bust out laughing :lachen: This was the point at which I said I was not buyng another hair product no matter how good it sounded. The only reason I bought this one, I did not know it smelled that bad, was that I have a friend whose hair grows like all get out, :eek: and everytime I mention something about it she said she uses mane and tail. So when I heard about this the "original" mane and tail product by Shapleys I fugured this must be the one she is talking about, becasue I had used the other in the past and I did not get the results she was getting. But I don't recall her smelling like a smoked sausage either. :confused: I am going to have to figure out how to use it since I done gone and brought it :(
Okay, I bought this stuff, and get this, they are shipping it today, and it cost me a cool $21.00...I'm gonna see if this stuff really works, okay I've satisfied my PJism for today...on to restock my vitamins....
a friend of mine from school knows about this stuff. She says she gave it to her uncle once who was balding and his hair grew back in like nobodies business. interesting!
LaNecia said:
I use it only on the scalp, applying daily or every other day at this point (I do CO washes daily so I apply it in the mornings). By the time I arrive at work, the smell has dissipated. I don't use it as a prepoo, my hair didn't care for that (I may have applied tooo much cause it is very oily)! However, leaving it in all day seems to be working fine.

I also use it in an applicator, would nice to be able to spray like the Surge but it clogs all my spray bottles.

Hey Lanecia:)

Are you using the Shapley's oil or the conditioner on your scalp??
CLASSYEBONYGIRL, I use the Oil on my scalp. I don't use their conditioner. The horse conditioner I use is Eqyss' Mega-Tek. They are two completely different products/product lines, both of which I'm happy with.

I'll plan on taking some photos this week of my hair and update again in 6 weeks using the MTG 4-5 days a week. Last month I got about 3/4" but I used the Shapley's very inconsistently (3 days a week at best since 2/19).
oglorious1 said:
Okay, I bought this stuff, and get this, they are shipping it today, and it cost me a cool $21.00...I'm gonna see if this stuff really works, okay I've satisfied my PJism for today...on to restock my vitamins....

Yes the ship time was great I had the product in less than 3 days.
lilchocalatema and others - Is anyone concerned that shapley's mtg is a horse grooming product?? Anyone concerned about possible side effects/reactions in humans?

DMarie said:
lilchocalatema and others - Is anyone concerned that shapley's mtg is a horse grooming product?? Anyone concerned about possible side effects/reactions in humans?

I had the same concerns and sent an email inquiring....

This a direct quote from the email I received from a customer service rep for Shapley's....

Hi LaNecia,

Thank you for your email regarding human use of Original M-T-G. Original M-T-G was formulated in the 1930’s for human use to treat a variety of skin problems such as dandruff, psoriasis and eczema. The product formula remains substantially the same.

We currently have customers that purchase Original M-T-G for personal use and many have reported positive results. We have not heard of any adverse reactions with human use. However, we market the product for animal use and can make no claims or recommendations regarding human use.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any more questions regarding Original M-T-G or if I can be of further assistance.

Best regards,

Liz Fisher
Customer Service
Shapley, Ltd.
11650 Chitwood Dr.
Fort Myers, FL 33908
1-239-415-2277 (Fax)
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

-----Original Message-----
From: Lanecia
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 1:59 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Shapley's for Human Use


Hi, I've got a quick question...I am wondering if the Shapley's MTG is recommended and/or safe for use on Human Hair. There's a product that has a very similar odor (Glover's Mane) whose primary ingredient is also Sulfur.

I do not have any scalp conditions that need treatment, I'm more curious in terms of aiding scalp health and hair growth.

Thank you in advance,

LaNecia Robertson

I sent an email to Liz today asking for the ingredients because I've seen numerous posts with differing accounts as to what they are. When I receive a response, I'll post it.
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LaNecia said:
I had the same concerns and sent an email inquiring....

This a direct quote from the email I received from a customer service rep for Shapley's....

Hi LaNecia,

Thank you for your email regarding human use of Original M-T-G. Original M-T-G was formulated in the 1930’s for human use to treat a variety of skin problems such as dandruff, psoriasis and eczema. The product formula remains substantially the same.

We currently have customers that purchase Original M-T-G for personal use and many have reported positive results. We have not heard of any adverse reactions with human use. However, we market the product for animal use and can make no claims or recommendations regarding human use.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any more questions regarding Original M-T-G or if I can be of further assistance.

Best regards,

Liz Fisher
Customer Service
Shapley, Ltd.
11650 Chitwood Dr.
Fort Myers, FL 33908
1-239-415-2277 (Fax)
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

-----Original Message-----
From: Lanecia
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 1:59 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Shapley's for Human Use


Hi, I've got a quick question...I am wondering if the Shapley's MTG is recommended and/or safe for use on Human Hair. There's a product that has a very similar odor (Glover's Mane) whose primary ingredient is also Sulfur.

I do not have any scalp conditions that need treatment, I'm more curious in terms of aiding scalp health and hair growth.

Thank you in advance,

LaNecia Robertson

I sent an email to Liz today asking for the ingredients because I've seen numerous posts with differing accounts as to what they are. When I receive a response, I'll post it.

Do you use the conditioner or oil?
The smell is strong but I think if you really watch how much you apply, that makes a huge difference. The only time the smell seems to annoy me is when I put it on at night before I put it on in the morning!