My Salon Experience


New Member
I went to a salon after work on Friday to get a "Wash & Curl (Flat-iron) because I was going to a wedding on Saturday and wanted to do something special to my hair.

First of all, it's now been 10 weeks since my last touch-up, but my new growth truly has not been unmanageable AT ALL; I mean, I think I could easily go 4 more weeks and maybe even more. OK; having said that, an assistant blow dried my hair then I sat in the stylists seat and the first thing she says is "OK; What do you want me to do?" So I said, "Just curl it; the same thing you did before" (I had been to her one time, about 5 mos. ago and liked the way she did my hair, which is why I went back this time).

So, she says, "this is like natural hair, do you want me to press it out? I'm like, With the pressing comb, NO!!... So she says, well, you have too much stuff in there, it's going to look all puffy. So I said, Well, isn't that going to damage my ends if you run that comb through it? She said no, it won't and she ran the comb through one piece and had me feel the texture; it did feel really smooth and soft, so I told her to go ahead, if she was sure it wasnt going to do any damage. So she ran the comb lightly thru all my hair, then used that hot round barreled curler to put curls in my hair.

OK; it did come out really straight and soft and bouncy, but now I'm so scared that all that heat damaged my hair!! My hair has been doing so well lately that I would hate it if I had any kind of setback now!!! /images/graemlins/frown.gif

What do you all think?

OH, also, she acted like having so much new growth was a fate worse than death. She said I am badly in need of a touch up and that it's not good to wait a long time in between because your hair will "pop off". I know that she is right in some sense, but I do a lot of conditioning and stuff and I know I would be able to tell if my hair was breaking excessively and it hasn't been at all!!
I think stylists make these comments (mine did at only four weeks!) because it makes it harder on them to achieve a style. If you did not feel a whole lot of heat on your hair or smell any burning (and she conditioned your hair and applied a heat protectant) you should be fine. I've read positive comments from celebrity stylists about "warm combing" hair that has been relaxed to straighten the new growth. They do caution that it has to be done at a temperature that will not compromise the relaxed hair. Personally, I'd ere on the side of caution and do a protein treatment my next wash. HTH
IMO, a flat iron would have straightened your hair right out. I'm thinking, maybe the stylist wanted to make it easier for her. Just my opinion.
my stylist started demanding that I come in at 6wks before I "opened my eyes". I noticed that when I did wait longer between touch ups she would do nothing but complain about how I have so much new growth and how I'm using up all her relaxer for her other customers. I wonder if thats why they prefer people to come in as soon as they get a dot of new growth because then they only have to use a dot of relaxer while still charging the same! she has complained and charged me extra before even though I never saw her break out a new tub! I'm on wk 10 now and I have almost 2 inches of new growth as it is. going to wait til at least 12wks so I know I'm gonna get lip!

I could /images/graemlins/whip.gif your stylist!!! I have been to stylists just like this!!! These are the kind of stylists that in the long run will ruin your hair. Any stylist that thinks new growth is of the devil is gonna be ill informed about healthy hair care. My new stylist does a lot of natural hair, and a lot of transitioners so she really knows her stuff and I'm sooo happy about that. Your hair should be alright, though. If you're really worried about it give yourself a good deep conditioning the next time you wash, it should be okay! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks for your responses, ladies!! OK; I'm breathing more easily now. I guess my hair will be ok after all!! I don't think I'll be going back to her, though... I really don't need anyone ridiculing me about the length of time I go between touchups. I'm wondering also how stylists feel when they have customers who come in just wanting a wash and set (meaning that their relaxers are done elsewhere). Maybe she was a little pissed that I'm not a regular customer... Anyway, who knows?? Next time I think I'll just go to my regular stylist. It seems like he gets my hair almost as straight just by rollersetting, then using the round brush to straighten it with the blow dryer. /images/graemlins/smile.gif No curling iron needed. I actually prefer that because when my hair is dead straight like this, it feels so thin!! /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
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IMO, a flat iron would have straightened your hair right out. I'm thinking, maybe the stylist wanted to make it easier for her. Just my opinion.

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Sounds like it to me too. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif (Hi Lindy! /images/graemlins/wave.gif)
I agree with all the others. Since you don't use heat anyother time I think there was no damage done. If you used direct heat on a regular basis then you might have a problem.
I have been transitioning for almost 8 months now, and I have not experienced any significant damage from doing so
as long as you keep your hair well conditioned. Actually my hair is much healthier and stronger and longer than ever before. So I dont beleive that if you have that much new growth it will be bad for you. Also I dont think she needed to run that comb through your hair, once blowed dried she could just use the same curling iron to straighten the roots out, that is what my hair dresser does, and again I have not experienced any damage from doing that once in a while.
Lindy don't worry girl.

This deep down means that you are officially hair obsessed

I used a blowdryer one time many many months ago and felt like I had messed up all my hard work. I felt like a nun that had just done a naughty little thing with the priest. Guilty as hell.
It wasn't good at all. But it's ok. You know you hair and how it feels. Heat once in a while is nothing bad to worry about, but when it's used consistently is a whole other matter entirely.
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LondonDiva said:
Lindy don't worry girl.

This deep down means that you are officially hair obsessed

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Yep, youre SO right, LondonDiva... I can't even believe that a few years ago, I was using the blowdryer and curling iron weekly!!
Now I wouldn't even dream of it...

Yep, I'm most definitely hair obsessed...