my salon experience today


New Member
I had lots of my hair cut today. It is probably just a few inches below my shoulder. I am still transitioning. I think much of the back is natural and the front still has a lot of relaxed ends left. But my hair is straight right now so I won't really be able to tell until I wash it in a couple of days.

I warned the shampoo girl before she even started that my hair gets tangly. I don't think she believed me until it actually happened especially after she clarified my hair 3 times with it piled on top of my head.
She put the conditioner in and then detangled. I told her that it works better if she starts at the bottom and works her way up. I don't think she listened though.
Still, it wasn't too bad. However, I warned her that it was best to comb through while rinsing. Did she listen? Of course not. So, once she rinses out the conditioner, she had to detangle once again.
This time she was smart and braided my hair in two braids to keep it from tangling again.

I then sat under the dryer for about 30 minutes before she blowdried me as everyone walked by saying how much hair I had. She actually got "tired" of blowdrying me after finishing one half of my head. By the time she had a quarter section left, she passed the blowdryer off to another girl to finish up. I've never had that happen before. Sheesh.

My stylist then proceeded to flatiron me all the while complimenting me and telling me that I had beautiful hair and the texture was so nice. (I looked like a cross between Chaka Khan and Diana Ross at that point.) After she flatironed me, she asked me to show her where I wanted it cut and I showed her the section in the back where it breaks off. She VERY slightly layered it and curled me and I was done.

Overall, I'd rate the experience an 8 out of 10. I really like the stylist. It's nice to have a stylist tell you that you have nice hair when it's not relaxed as opposed to being told you "need" to get a relaxer. She also understands what happened to my hair and that my hair is not in tip top shape. I think the shampoo girl could have been a bit more gentle with detangling but I don't think I'll have that issue as much with shorter hair and natural hair. My hair is straight but I can't wait to wash it!

Edited to say that the 8 out of 10 also comes from that I wish it had been layered a bit more. The layers are very subtle...almost too subtle but this is a good step in the right direction.
It sounds like things went pretty well, despite the shampoo girl not fully listening to your instructions.

I can't wait to see pics.
congratulations, you sound pleased. i, too, look forward to the pics! you sound so close to your goal! Enjoy!
Hairlove, your hair is looking so beautiful
The growth is unbelievable, I cant believe all those curls were hiding out for so long--- you have some sneaky curls there
very pretty. -- jainygirl
Hairlove, you know we've all been waiting for you to take this next step. I swear, it's like a "cliffhanger" in a book or a movie. "What will happen? Tune in next time."

Well, this chapter turned out great. Your hair looks so thick, pretty, and healthy. I can't wait to see it when it's all curly! I'm glad your salon experience wasn't too traumatic.
Well I'm glad you didn't have a bad experience! I was wondering when you were going to do the mini chop. Your hair looks great!
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I'm constantly viewing natural hair journals and picture pages to keep up my inspiration. It's tough...I feel down about my hair a lot and can't wait to get to a point where I'm not constantly thinking about my hair.
Your hair looks beautiful, Hairlove.
You've gone through your transition gracefully and managed to keep your hair looking fabulous. That's not easy to do when transitioning.

I'm sure your hair was beautiful relaxed (I've only seen pics while transitioning). It's gorgeous while transitioning and I'm sure it's going to be it's most beautiful once it's full of botticelli and corkscrew curls.
Your hair looks beautiful and healthy. I know it's going to be a surprise when you wash your hair and see a few straight piece's mixed in with the curls. Whatever you do don't grab the scissors and start trimming. I did that a few times and cut more than I intended.

If you wear your hair in updo's like buns or braidout's, I think you could make it another 6 months easily. Good luck.
DahomeyAmazon said:
Your hair looks beautiful and healthy. I know it's going to be a surprise when you wash your hair and see a few straight piece's mixed in with the curls. Whatever you do don't grab the scissors and start trimming. I did that a few times and cut more than I intended.

If you wear your hair in updo's like buns or braidout's, I think you could make it another 6 months easily. Good luck.

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My plan exactly!! I am expecting that I will see plenty of straight ends left...especially in the front but at least it's less to work with. Now, I'd say I'm majority natural as opposed to majority relaxed.
Your new cut looks so pretty!
Very thick and healthy, and still long! You should be very proud of how well you've done and are continuing to do with your transition, very inspirational. Keep up the great work.
A_Christian said:
Your new cut looks so pretty!
Very thick and healthy, and still long! You should be very proud of how well you've done and are continuing to do with your transition, very inspirational. Keep up the great work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank You!!
Wow hairlove you are very brave! Your hair looks so thick and healthy.
I need to cut a big amount of my bone straight relaxed end too,
But I am just too scared to do it.

Hairlove, your hair is the absolute inspiration. I'm so ready to do a real transition instead of my regular 6month pseudo transitions.
You're hair is simply gorgeous!