my rollerset! picsssssssss

It's looks beautiful Adora!!! It seems like you are loving your hair more now.

i definitely feel that i have fun with my hair now:yep: my fingers can actually go thru it,............. kinda :look:

it bounces and swings and everybody is doing some serious weave checking lately.

i put a roller in it and litterally just 5mins later its curled, WHAT!!!

yes im am loving the texlax life right now:grin:

my hair will be past WL in no time at all, i give it a month or two,

oh, and there has been nooo breakage! im shocked becuase relaxer is a serious chemical! maybe it was the mega tek, when i texlaxed i poured on the mega tek and left on for about 4-5 mins and them nuetralized. could that be it? i also misted my hair everynight with the aphogee keratin & Green tea restructurizer.

and my hair still is straight while using my care free curl. ill never stop using care free curl lol.
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You did a great job. I wish i could do that, but i never been able to get the hang of rollersetting:ohwell:.

thanks!! i never did a good rollerset untill today either!! i think its becuase i texlaxed my hair that it takes well to a roller now.

my hair curls even if i just twirl it around fingers:spinning:

sooo i think the easier the hair, the easier the rollerset, just my opinion:ohwell:
I'm very happy that you're loving your hair! I can't wait to get more length so I can feel totally happy with mine. I love it, but of course I want your length lol
To the bold:

I've been thinking about joining you. I love my natural texture, but it is starting to get thick and out of hand. As it gets longer it starts to be a challenge for me. I forgot how much it took to maintain my natural hair while long. It was fine when it was very, very short. I could wash in 5 minutes. Now it takes me 30 minutes to go through my hair thoroughly in the shower and I'm barely neck length now. I'm starting to get frustrated. I want to be able to enjoy my hair more as well. I don't want to hate every moment of growing my hair back out.

i definitely feel that i have fun with my hair now:yep: my fingers can actually go thru it,............. kinda :look:

it bounces and swings and everybody is doing some serious weave checking lately.

i put a roller in it and litterally just 5mins later its curled, WHAT!!!

yes im am loving the texlax life right now:grin:

my hair will be past WL in no time at all, i give it a month or two,

oh, and there has been nooo breakage! im shocked becuase relaxer is a serious chemical! maybe it was the mega tek, when i texlaxed i poured on the mega tek and left on for about 4-5 mins and them nuetralized. could that be it? i also misted my hair everynight with the aphogee keratin & Green tea restructurizer.

and my hair still is straight while using my care free curl. ill never stop using care free curl lol.
im soooo happy!!! today my hair hung soo lowww, if i bend my head back a little i can feel hair on my butt!!!! i cant wait until my touch up in 3months. im soo excited!! i wish i had texlaxed sooner, i got the moisture thing down for my relaxed hair now and it soooo softttt. i deep condition ever 3 days, iknow thats often but i love ittt. so sofft and wavy!! my sister said it looks like spanish hair, whetever, but yay!!!!!!!!!!!<--really loud