My Reason what is yours


New Member
I thought I would let you know my reason for caring for my hair here it is back in November of o4 I was in my room me and my sister and we started to talk about how our hair was and how thick N Healthy it was when we were little girls so I got up and looked in the mirror and I almost broke down in to tears because my hair had never looked that bad and it was all broke off in the back and I had colored my hair a honey blonde color that July so that was growing out it was a mess so I looked at my sister and said cut it off and she went Loretta Devine on me and we did the scene from waiting to exhale when Angela Bassett cut off all her hair it was so funny so I ended up with a inch of hair and I was happy I cut it off so at that point I said no more relaxers for me cause they always would burn my scalp and left me with white pus balls that looked like volcano's so for one year I had no relaxer and I was doing good but then it hit me and I remembered how thick my hair was cause it was growing faster then I expected so I myself could not handle it in it's natural state so I got a relaxer so I was like OK i want healthy relaxed hair so I bought the book by Cathy Howse and it helped cause I had nothing else did not Know what to do I was like I need more so surfing I went and I found LHCF I was like in hair heaven all the ladies with beautiful hair that is her own and not a weave there is nothing wrong with weave don't get me wrong I just think that sometime we hide behind the weave cause we do not like what we see when the weave is gone I have learned so much about hair since I found LHCF and I am proud to say because of the ladies here I am well on my way bra length
My reason: I had been wearing a weave for almost two years straight b/c I loved long hair so much and didn't understand why my hair wouldn't "grow". My husband finally begged me to stop wearing the weave and when I took it out and relaxed my hair it was long (well long to me then, about APL) but it was very ratty looking. I kept mistreating it by using too much heat and overprocessing and soon it was right back to above shoulder length.

I started thinking about how hair grows on average 6 inches a year and I wondered why mine wasn't "growing" so I started searching for info on the internet. I found a thread on MTG on Black Voices which led me here and I've been happy growing ever since.

What I love is that my husband used to think that once black women cut their hair it just wouldn't grow back, b/c I didn't have long hair neither did the women in his family. Now he's just as convinced as I am and we love watching my progress now.
My reason is that I love taking care of my hair (like most black women:D ), and I've been relaxing it since I was 8 years old (not religiously, but still) and yes my hair was growing and it even looked healthy...AT TIMES:confused: . I just got tired of the 'in the meantime'-phase, cause that's what it felt like when I used to relax my hair: my hair would get all damaged every time, not to mention the burning and so on, so it got to the point that I wasn't really enjoying my hair like I wanted to, in the summer everything would be fine but than came winter and in came the braids (=in the meantime-phase). I must admit that it's not all the relaxer's fault, I wasn't sleeping on satin pillowcases either, and I didn't wrap at night:eek: . But to make it short: I've always wanted to go all natural (this is my third attempt) but I failed at it every time because I though it was difficult or something. Thanks to LHCF I've learned so much and I do different hairstyles with my NATURAL hair:D . My hair is shiny, beautiful and thick and I'm getting compliments from alot of people now:grin: . What gave me the last push to really go natural is a Benetton commercial I saw last year, with this beautiful black girl and her all natural hair, that was soooooooo beautiful, right there and then I said to myself: why am I hiding my natural beauty?!;)
My cousin called me out 2 years ago at Thanksgiving dinner. She said "I can see through your hair.":( I was in serious denial but right then I decided to change.
it was JACKED UP. plain and simple. no one even knew how my real hair looked because I was too ashamed to wear it out....only wore weaves. Plus my hair was so long and pretty as a was time for a CHANGE! I didnt want to hide behind weaves anymore!
I've always been in love with hair and a product junkie since I can remeber, but being in love with hair and actually taking care of it is two different things. I would do whatever to my hair to make it look good even fry it too death with heat. My hair constantly broke off and stayed dry and then I made the even bigger mistake of putting highlights in it and it was a total disaster even though it was professionally done. My hair was in no condition for highlights and it constantly came out. I would cry because I had beautiful thick hair and had totally abused it. I search the web in 2004 finding Cathy Howse and then LHCF. I was amazed at the hair growth on LHCF so I put away the heat, went through three major trims and the rest is history!
I've always wanted long hair. Before the I found the hair boards, my hair wasn't especially damaged, or terrible looking. But it wouldn't budge past a certain length, and I never understood why if my hair was growing at the root, I couldn't see the difference in length.
After finding the hair boards I made a few changes like cutting out heat, moisturizing my ends, and bunning, now my hair has finally budged, and I am seeing a big difference in length!!
I am so happy that I found this board!

A lot of people from my past would always tell me how thick and pretty my hair was. This really aggravated me and eventually made me distressed. I looked in the mirror one day at my hair and said "This just isn't me. I want healty hair and I don't even care if it doesn't get long. I deserve better." I grew my hair for myself. After it got healthy, it grew like a weed.
I was tired of having jacked up hair and only being able to grow it to a certain length and then it would break off. I love having long hair soooo much(when I briefly have it) that I decided to do what I got to do to grow my hair longer and keep it longer.:) The number 1 factor that I learned joining this site....Is it's okay to wash your hair:lachen: Before joining this site, I never washed my hair AT ALL, until I went back to the shop(every 2 weeks) BUT I constantly flatironed my hair everyday and wondered why my hair never had any bounce :confused: Now I'm a wash addict....can't stop washing my hair:)
I had beautiful long hair as a child. For the past two years its been at the same length and i finally said to my self why isnt my hair growing. It grew fast before. So i found this site looking for healthy long hair and my hair has improved dramatically. No breaking and little hair everywere and all over my clothes. Cowashing and bunning is working so good for me. I love LHCF.:)
I used to have beautiful strong BSL hair. I put peroxide on in every few months to lighten it, dyed it lighter with dark and lovely and put heat on it once a month (direct heat ie curling iron and blow dryer with comb attached). Then I got to college and decided I wanted to be a blond…I dyed my hair blond with dark and lovely and then used the African Pride highlighting kit as a dye immediately over the dye job I just did…..I’m sure you can tell where the story goes from there……………..after that I would curl my hair and the curl would fall off, I would brush my hair and it would stay in the comb etc etc. and my ponytail was ugggllly. I went to go get a cut (3inches) and I guess the lady thought 3 inches wasn’t enough and cut it above my shoulders and I wanted to cry but I knew it wouldn’t grow my hair back. So over the next 2 years I tried to grow my hair back BSL with no avail because I still had no hair care knowledge. The closest I got was APL. My friend decided to transition to natural because she wanted her curls back and the “curls” we had when relaxed were NOT the business! I found out about this site when I was randomly looking up scab hair..I must have seen it on a site about going natural..I found the transitioning page and then went from there. Since finding this site in April I have done an 11 month transition, grew my hair BSL again and did a BC. I am confident that I can get to BSL again easily because of the help of the wonderful ladies on this forum! :grin: :grin:
I never had long hair before. I didn't take care of my relaxed hair. When I became natural I didn't take very good care of that as well. My goal was to grow long natural healthy hair because I have never had healthy hair before and it showed.
I had never had long hair (longest its ever been is just brushing shoulder length) and never believed I could have long hair until I came across Cathy Howse's book and then I started thinking maybe it was a possibility. I then started researching and came across LHCF and a thread by AJamerican diva for discouraged 4a/bs about her progress, it was a sentence about always being that "dry headed pickney" that appealled to me (that sounded just like me) and encouraged me to join and I haven't looked back since.