My progress w/ pics


New Member
I relaxed my hair followed by a henna gloss, indigo color, and moisture DC. The first picture was done in NOV 2007 and the second pic was taken March 2008. I just took off my bonnet in the March 08 pic so it is kind of a bed head pic.


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Wow, GREAT progress! :clapping:

A few more months and you'll be BSL! :yep:
I relaxed my hair followed by a henna gloss, indigo color, and moisture DC. The first picture was done in NOV 2007 and the second pic was taken March 2008. I just took of my bonnet in the March 08 pic so it is kind of a bed head pic.


WOW... aweome! great job, your hair is really beautiful and healthy
your hair looks great :grin:!! not only longer but a noticeable difference in thickness too....what do u use to get all that thickness, inquiring minds wanna know!!!
your hair looks great :grin:!! not only longer but a noticeable difference in thickness too....what do u use to get all that thickness, inquiring minds wanna know!!!

I only comb my hair at wash time. I can usually keep a style up by wrapping my hair at night. I finger comb my hair back in place in the morning. And my nape is finally growing back after some TLC.
What lovely hair! Keep up the good work! Can you share your henna gloss/indigo steps?

I basically took sareca's method and some tips from and made up something that works for me....

Henna - honey, jojba oil, yogurt, and cheap condition. I put it on right after mixing and leave on for an hour.

Indigo - I only add water to indigo (got it from ebay). I apply it after letting it sit for 15min for color release. I leave the indigo on for 1 hour.

I follow all this up with a overnight DC moisture treatment. After I rinse my hair's moisute is returned to pre relax/ henna state.