My Progress Pic in a six month span


Well-Known Member
Here is my progress. Hopefully, in the the next six months I will have the same amount of progress. **crossing fingers** Next update, I will have better pics. I took these just to take them, not realizing they would be useful later.

nice progress, you're moving right along to APL, pretty sure you will make it before your next 6 month check
Great job retaining your length! What do you think helped the most?

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At first when I took the weave out, I was holding on to the length that I did achieve. But it was paper thin scraggly and just yuck. No matter what style I put it in, other than a bun, it just looked horrible. So I threw in the towel and just went and got hair cut.

Well, that was the Feb 2011 picture. She cut a whole lot but I am telling you, my hair felt so full. Although it was short, my ponytail felt so full and thick. This was the answer for sure. I wasn’t doing anything special, at that point but washing every week, rollersetting at home, flat ironing my roots and making sure I did an Emergencee deep conditioner every month. I was also attentive to making sure I did a moisturizing conditioner every week as well. I would relax every eight weeks (I know better now) and wear my hair down for one month and up in a bun for one month taking the hair down weekly for a wash. When I did have it in a bun, I will moisturize and seal my ends before I put it in a bun. To smooth it all down, I used Ecostyle olive oil gel.

So long story short my regimen at that time wasn’t really a solid proof one but it worked because my growth was great. I am now making some changes and solidifying it but in summary here’s what I did from Feb – Aug

Feb – Relaxer and ends clipped
Roller set and week 2-4 flat iron roots
Weekly wash , shampoo, light protein, and moisturizing dc
Monthly Emergencee

MarchWeekly wash , shampoo, light protein, and moisturizing dc
Monthly Emergencee
Bun all month – used Ecostyle Olive Oil gel to smooth edges and hair and my oil mix to seal the hair that is left out when you do a ponytail

Roller set and week 2-4 flat iron roots
Weekly wash , shampoo, light protein, and moisturizing dc
Monthly Emergencee

MayWeekly wash , shampoo, light protein, and moisturizing dc
Monthly Emergencee
Bun all month – used Ecostyle Olive Oil gel to smooth edges and hair and my oil mix to seal the hair that is left out when you do a ponytail

JunePerm and ends slightly clipped (That is the June pic)
Roller set and week 2-4 flat iron roots
Weekly wash , shampoo, light protein, and moisturizing dc
Monthly Emergencee

JulyWeekly wash , shampoo, light protein, and moisturizing dc
Monthly Emergencee
Bun all month – used Ecostyle Olive Oil gel to smooth edges and hair and my oil mix to seal the hair that is left out when you do a ponytail

AugustPerm and ends slightly clipped
Roller set and week 2-4 flat iron roots
Weekly wash , shampoo, light protein, and moisturizing dc
Monthly Emergencee

Now I am switching things up a bit cause I done learned some stuff and first change I am making will be the frequency of my perms because for real for real that was way too often. As soon as I fine tune, I will be sure to share the new reggie with you guys and the products I am using.

Thanks for all the compliments :)

ETA: I also was faithful in taking my Alive vitamins. I notice I have great growth when I take vitamins.
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You hair looks very full and thick, congratulations on your progress and keep up the good work! Thanks for posting your regimen too!
Alrighty then! You seem to be in a race to somewhere; can you slow down and quit making the rest of us look bad? :rolleyes: *hating*

OK, on a real note, congrats! Hair looks good. :up: