My Pin Curl Results....


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies

I posted some relaxer photos recently and some people wanted to see the results of my pincurls. i have since added pics to my fotki September album. Take a look...

God bless....
Absolutely beautiful!

How long did it take you to go from ear length to waist length. How often do you wash? What about heat?

Hey ladies

I posted some relaxer photos recently and some people wanted to see the results of my pincurls. i have since added pics to my fotki September album. Take a look...

God bless....
Absolutely beautiful!

How long did it take you to go from ear length to waist length. How often do you wash? What about heat?

Thanks, from ear to waist (didnt know I was there yet!), Id say about 5 years or so, with big cuts in between...

My regimen is in my journal, i wash once every 3 weeks and use heat only at that time...
Hello Lonei,
I had a looksie at your fotki and your hair is sooooooooooooo beautiful. I want hair like yours :yep:.
your hair looks great as always
your siggy is so cute
Well I took a peek and am so impressed. Girl you are so pretty Lonei, I love that shot of you and your boo at the wedding.
Very pretty curls! I have tried pincurls before but they've never turned out looking like that! I may have to give them a try again after my next perm! You are truly an inspiration and I hope to aspire to your lengths one day!