about fotki....having your fotki link in your signature makes it more likely that you will fall victim to stolen pictures. If you have 3,000 posts, then your fotki link is showing up that many times on the internet for RANDOM people to click on. You can minimize (not eliminate) your risk by doing the following:
1) not putting your fotki link in your signature
2) instead, put it under your profile
3) password protecting it or make it available for view only to fotki members
4) watermarking your pictures (I need to do this!)
5) don't use the same username for fotki and the hair boards
6) we need to stop making those "post your fotki" threads
7) don't take face pictures!!!!
I was on facebook for five years, but I started to find it
disturbing how people I barely knew were tracking my life. I remember when I first joined, my mom WARNED me that people will steal your pictures...I thought she was CRAZY, but I did take
all pictures of my son off of facebook. If I re-join facebook, I will
only add my family as friends.
Facebook, fotki, and so many websites are all about advertising and revenue; they have no problem compromising your personal information. I pretty much use my fotki for me. I picture share with my fotki friends only. The unfortunate part is that my Facebook friends have hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures on me that will still be on the internet. My ex-boyfriend was
not on facebook, yet he is in dozens on of albums and he was often pissed that he had no control over his own image.
Facebook's product is
YOU & your personal information.