My Pibbs Broke :(


Well-Known Member
the hood part. It fell and the plastic broke off. Does anyone know if you can buy replacement parts to fix it? Or do I have to buy a whole new one? I've had mine for about 8 years so it has more than paid for itself but I would really prefer not spending $300+ for a new one if I don't have to...any suggestions?
I brought my pibbs in 2008 and about 2 years later, the blower stopped working. I SOMEHOW found the email address to the company and they told me I could ship it to them to get fixed and they would ship it back. Not sure if that's possible in your situation but I figured I'd share.

Here's the email I sent it to -

<[email protected]>
Here's where he told me to send it:

Please ship dryer to

Turbo Power


31-40 Downing Street


Again, this was in 2010 so I have no idea if it still applies.

They should be able to replace the plastic. I don't have a pibbs but when my hair dryer broke (fell on my wood floor and the pull down visor cracked and shattered to pieces) I emailed them a picture and they sent me a replacement part. I'm sure pibbs would do this.
I think you can get a visor for it. I bought mine from a member here years ago and the visor was cracked (or I cracked it,don't remember) DH glued it and it's been ok ever since. RIP Pibbs, I'll give a hug to mine today :)
I ordered a replacement 514 Pibbs dryer from United Salon Supplies. It arrived without a stand and broken. This dryer cost me $312.95. I have sent them an email and will be contacting my credit card company.