My Personal Hair & Health Challenge Update #1


New Member
Hey I was just wondering if anyone was still on this challenge with me? If so we can all post our progress!

Weight/Health- Well I've been really slack on this one. I've been eating better but haven't stepped up my exercise so shamefully I must announce that I have only lost 5 pounds in this past month. I also think I am going to extend the challenge for myself. I am going to make the absolute OFFICIAL start date January 1st, 2006 and the end date December 31, 2006 just for the simple fact that it will make my progress easier to track...that does not mean of course that I am going to slack for this last month of this year I'm gonna keep on keepin on!

Hair- Shameful with my weight but I reclaim my pride for this one! For this first month of my challenge I have been wearing my hair in buns. I moisturize every single day and wash every other day or every two days (less than before because I was washing every day during the warmer months) I will be getting my hair done on January 1st...a wash, deep condition, trim, and blow out. I will really be able to see my length then! I can feel it growing though because I can put it all in a ponytail now and my bun is a pretty good size. My hair is also veryyy soft now. I think it is do to the less frequent washing, protective styling, and constant moisturizing. I have also been eating more eggs and protein so I think that has definately contributed to the faster growth!

So if anyone else is still on this little challenge how have yall been doing??
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Hi Atl_mulattamami,

I'm still with you girl! :) Here are my updates:

Weight- I've lost 6 lbs too! I need to lose a total of 50, and I purposely did not step onto a scale until this morning. I've been alternating between Windsor pilates, Legs & Abs of Steel and Taebo videos- but I still struggle to do it every other day.

Hair- I've been taking my hair vitamins and MTGing everyday. I just started to use Surge again because I NEED to grow out my back section. I also tried a brief period of daily condition washing, which my hair loved BUT was too time consuming in colder weather. I discovered that my hair has the cutest spirals when daily con washed- I don't know I had. I'm total bored with my Instant Weave- and -have decided to wear BRIADS.

My next thing to work on is presenting an "attractive" appearance everyday. I must admit that I get LAZY with my looks. Sometimes, I just don't feel like fixing my hair, nails, makeup, etc. Adding earrings or neccklace can make an outfit look more pulled together, but I rush in the morning and skip it. I need some style MOJO to get me thru winter!

Keep up the great work!

:) Good luck!
Supergirl said:
5 pounds in 1 month is excellent--keep up the good work!

I agree. Any weight that you lose in Nov & Dec is a double victory. :clap: Most people are gaining weight those two months.
I think I was on this challenge. I have not weighed myself (I am afraid too, my eating has been all over the place lately), but I exercised 25/30 days last month. I was supposed to take measurements last night but forgot will do so tonight. I have also been consistant with taking my multi-vitamin as well.

Hair: My hair is progressing. I wear twist 90% of the time so I do not do a whole lot on a daily basis. I use my conditioner as a moisturizer as needed and CW 2-3 times during the two weeks I have them in.