
New Member
Okay nothing really works for me to stay on it so long. But this time I am going to make it work I plan on getting some kinky twist 2morrow. Buy another bottle of MTG, Sta So Fro and WGO and take my vits(biotin & GNC HNS) I plan on wearing my kinky twist 8 weeks at a time. I found a spot that does them for 135 including the hair so I will stick with that. I am not going to wear my own hair down until my b-day which is November 27 when I go on a cruise. I really plan on sticking with this.
I will take a picture tonight of my hair which is 11 weeks post relaxer.
My kinky twist dates will be as followed.
May 12
July 1
August 25
October 21
If anyone else have a personal challenge that they are trying hard to stick with post it here.
Hi Caramelty,

I wish you the best of luck with your personal challenge! Are you leaving some time in between kinky twists to allow your hair to breathe and for you to really deep condition it?

My personal challenge right now is consistency with whatever I'm doing for my hair including:

-Moistuzing 2x daily always sealing with oil
-Prepooing everytime I wash including conditioner washes
-Deep conditioning each time I wash my hair
-Doing protein treatments when my hair needs them (right now I think I need to do a mild protein every 2 weeks, and a stronger protein every 4-6 weeks)
-Airdrying rollersets
-Not using combs on dry hair (just started this week), only use a Jilbere shower comb in an emergency on dry hair
-Reduce use of flat iron to 2x per mont on roots only!
-Wearing updos 95% of the time
-Using MN at least 1x a day for 1 month
-Take vits consistently
-Drink at least 50 oz. of water a day

I have been consistent with just about everything there over the last 4 weeks or so, I hope to continue.
Sounds great girl! My personal challenge is sticking with my vitamin regimen.I realized that I was taking to many vitamins so I had to eliminate now it should be easier for me to stick with. Also, I need to stop by products!(I am a true product junkie) I have so many products its hard to tell what is working.

3Xweek co wash
2Xweek deep con
3Xweek sulfur oil
Baggie method(when out of braids)
no heat
moisture,moisture, moisture!
my regimine has been no heat, no heat, not heat. I take dr.Murad clear skin supplements which have efa's vitamin B's Biotin and some other great stuff that has improved my skin and hair. I just added spirulina to my diet a week ago. I also added Whey protein to my diet about 2 months ago and I take it once a day. drink plenty of water and excercise at least 3 x's a week. Good luck ladies.
Thanks ladies I will try to be strong.
Rabia the only time I will allow my hair to breathe is one day in between those 8 weeks that is when I will do I protein treatment, hot oil treatment and deep condition.
I am still trying to perfect my routine but right now I am
  • relaxing every 2-3 months instead of 3-4 I don't think I can handle all the breakage.
  • I will shampoo and deep condition twice/week (Wednesday's and Sunday's) using Cathy Howse UBH conditioner and ORS shampoo.
  • Aphogee protein treatment every 6 weeks
  • MN and MTG on the scalp daily, MN just on the hair line.
  • I use lots of all natural oils, shea butter, grapeseed oil, olive oil, caster oil, jojoba oil, flax seed oil, vegetable glycerine, aloe vera juice, and any moisturizing products with water as a first ingredient followed by glycerine. No mineral oil or petroleum. I like African Royale Braid Spray, Infusium 23, Jamaican Mango and Lime Spray, Wild Growth Oil, Curl activator gel, and UBH Dew and Moisturizer.
  • Moisturize twice per day
  • NO hand held Blowdryer, No hot curler (Only Caruso curls, and I still haven't figured out how to use them????)
  • Wide tooth comb 95% of the time
  • Internally: MSM powder, GNC Nourishair, GNC Skin hair and nail vitamins, CLA, and Fish oil capsules, and iron.
  • No trims unless absolutely necessary (Last trim in February 2006 still no split ends even after a 3 month stretch :grin: )
  • Protective styles (phony pony works well I have to find some more to make my look more versatile)
  • Satin scarf at night with Satin pillowcase
  • Seamless elastic hair bands
  • I will start to relax my own hair most likely using Organic Root Stimulator Olive oil relaxer (My "stylist" does not do a good job, she burned me a little and started the relaxer on the straightest part of my hair instead of the most coarse :mad: ) I figure I can do bad all by myself or should I say better ;) !!!
This is pretty long but I think that is just about it. Good Luck Ladies!!!!
caramelty said:
Thanks ladies I will try to be strong.
Rabia the only time I will allow my hair to breathe is one day in between those 8 weeks that is when I will do I protein treatment, hot oil treatment and deep condition.

O careful about doing this. I know some girls can do this and have no problems...but I know personally I have to give my hair 2 weeks to be deep conditioned out of the water.