My New Wig

Afro Puff

Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I purchased a new wig today. And I'm getting mixed reviews. I like the color and cut of the wig and will be wearing it occasionally. Some people have candidly told me they prefer my natural hair and I do too so that's fair. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

My New Wig

Me-No Wig

I agree, i don't like the new wig. The wig makes u look older. It's the color and style of wig that looks old fashion. Btw, ur real hair is gorg!
That wig ages you and looks very plastic. You natural hair is GORG. Please don't rock that monstrosity in the name of protective styling.
No wig! Beautiful head of hair! Why did you buy the wig? To protective style? If so, put your hair in a loose moisturized bun for the winter to protect your ends and edges.
I think the wig is a bit dated plus the color is wrong for you. I'm sure that you can find a cute pixie wig though so don't stop looking.
It's too shiny. I love wigs myself- I'm not about that daily styling during the winter months. Just keep trying different styles that look more natural.

If you want to wear wigs go for it, but if not- pass.
Thank you for the feedback! This is great. I should have posted the pics while I was still @ the BSS. My aunt also said the wig ages me just now. Appreciate it.
IA with everyone else. I think I don't like it because you look so beautiful with your own hair. The wig is plasticy and makes you look older. IA with the above poster, maybe a better quality wig ...
I looked at the wig, and I thought: meh not too bad. Then I saw your gorgeous hair with your cute little face, and I'm like: "burn the wig with fire" lollll.
I have no wig suggestion, sorry. Good look finding a protective style.
The wig is cute....but I love your real
Hair!!! Good lord! Your hair is beautiful. I say find a wig closer to your real hair texture and length.

Or if u want short hair, get a curly short style. The straight, shiny hair looks a bit "eh" after seeing your real hair. Your real hair is HAWT'! The wig is just "not". ;)
I don't want to be rude but.. HELL NO to that wig. Give it back :lol:. It doesn't flatter you.
You real hair is pretty!
I absolutely hate fake shiny hair on black women. It looks obviously fake and barbie dollish. The wig does age you dramatically and doesn't look flattering. If you must get a wig, I would say go curly and the shortest to your shoulders. You real hair is beautiful as the other girls have stated
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Oh my lawdy, NO! Your hair is gorgeous but this wig is not right for you. Stick with your hair until you find a natural looking, not so fake and shiny wig. This makes you look old and is just not becoming. Ditch this wig IMMEDIATELY!
A nice kinky straight lace wig would look more like your natural hair and allow you a chance to give your hair a rest if that's your goal.
Can you return the wig?

If you like that style, maybe a darker color? If you still want color try a darker color with highlights? Like 1b/30. Everything about that wig takes away from your beauty.
I'm gonna side with the majority of the posts, thats an old lady at church wig. Your natural hair is gorgeous. idk what to tell you about protective styling cause i'm still searching myself but please don't use that wig.
It looks like Viola Davis' "How to get away with murder" character's wig. You are far too pretty for it. Your natural hair is sick.:spinning:
Actually I see wigs in the background that are nicer styles. I had a rude awakening when I first started wearing wigs. They always seem to look nice on others. I had lots of problems finding wigs to fit my face/head. I have a small head.

I think u could do protective and low manipulation styles with ur length.

If u want a break maybe do a little more wig research. However there is a bit of trial an error to the process. The local BSS is more expensive and usually more limited as far as styles. Try some online wig sites if u are still interested. Also on tube u may get to see a wig on someone before u buy.
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