My New Pic Home...finally!

MelloYello said:
looking fabulous.
I'm 4 months in to transitioning... can't wait to hit eight!

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So, where r ur pix
I wanna c, I wanna c!

Ur location: "The beauty supply store" is tooo cute!

THanks for ur kind words
Chimma said:
Hi Peachtree,
Your hair is gorgeous, and I can see it on this site! It is really cool to see your album, because the only other transitioner's album I know off is hairlove's and her texture is very different from mine while yours is more the same.

It's kind of funny that you were on your third natural month before you actually decided to transition. The same thing happened to me. I wanted to go natural after my last relaxer because it gave me a little scare, but it was the third month after the relaxer (when I would usually relax) that I decided to go natural without looking back.

But just wondering - when I first decided to go natural (before I found this site or nappturality), I asked my friends about how to go natural and they knew nothing so I was a little clueless. I felt there was no way in **** that I would cut off all my hair and sport a twa. But the longer I transition (now i've transitioned almost a year) and the more journals I see, the more I wonder if I'm missing out by not doing a big chop. Do you ever feel this way? Cuz once I have long natural hair, I doubt I will cut it, so I'll never actually see how it is to deal with semi-short (5/6 inches now) natural hair or sport a baby fro. I keep wanting to push my chop date backwards and backwards.

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I have to admit, yes I do. In fact, I've changed my chop date from Apr 05 (2 yr mark) to Oct 04 (1.5 yr mark) to Jun 04 (just past 1 yr mark). Why do I keep moving it up? Cuz I'm sorta anxious to get rid of the relaxed hair.... then images from my 'ole days of 1" hair smacks me in the face! Although I really liked my short do, I did not like the growing out phase. Something as simple as a ponytail I could not do (neatly) & I was frustrated (with styling) as could be. Although this time I would be natural as opposed to relaxed, still, the thought of "style frustration" bothers me. I'm better equipped to manage longer hair than shorter... been there...done now I'm back to my 2 yr mark again.

Thanks for ur kindness... it truly means a lot to me
Nyambura said:
Peachtree, thank you for sharing your pix! Your hair natural hair is *beautiful*! I've bookmarked your album so I can keep up with updates. I'm still on the fence about transitioning.

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Thanks Nyambura
If u don't mind me asking, what's holding u back? Sorry if I'm being too nosey!
Topazz said:
Welcom to Fotki. Your hair looks wonderful and your daughter is too precious.

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Thanks for the warm welcome Topazz
I've been meaning to get over to Fotki for some time now, but I didn't feel like transferring all of those danggone pix
... my mom's, my daughter's & mine
... but I'm very happy that I'm there

Thanks for the kind words about my lil one! She's a HANDFUL!!! We're right smack in the middle of THE TERRIBLE 2'S
... pray for me
pookeylou said:



I think I had a stroke....

Your hair...

I simply stunning!

I am going to go ahead and ask the question...that I know is not politically correct to ask...


Why...did you feel the need to perm this hair!!!???

You know what...God gave the right person that hair...cause if He would have gave it to me...I would have my own hair site "POOKEYLOU'S PRETTY DO!" and ya'll would have had to shoot me down from a tower...cause my head could not have fit INSIDE ANY OTHER BUILDING!!!!!

Your hair is wear it well...keep doing what you are doing...your hair is glorious and it is going to reward you every day you take care of it...

I have to go lay down...

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U know that u have a problem right
... what kind of medication r u taking
... go ahead, disclose...
I won't tell anyone

Girl, ur post have me
... u r tooo much!

As for the "political incorrectness", here's the message that I left for u on Fotki...

Well luv, it took me 18 yrs to figure out that I don't need a perm. I always thought that I needed one to "manage" my hair, when in fact, I didn't. Years of using all of the wrong products, heat styling etc (just plain ignorance) led me to believe that my hair was unmanagable.. well now I see that's not true. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not hatin' on relaxing; one can have beautiful healthy relaxed hair... I ABSOLUTELY LUV'D MINE... but I'm to the point now where I wanna be natural... for the 1st time since age 12... I get all bubbly inside thinking about it, so I betta stop here before this turns all mushy (laughing).
ms_kenesha said:
Oh my gosh!!! Peachtree I haven't "seen" your hair in a while & now looking at your december pics I am getting seasick from all those waves! It is just GORGEOUS!
Keep up the good work, I'm on the transtioning wagon, too. When are you gonna chop off the relaxed hair?

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Thanks Ms K... U have always been very supportive
. I've been without a digital cam for a while now... I'm using 1 on borrow until mine is repaired.

Anyhow, I'm gonna wait to my 2 yr mark before I chop off the relaxed ends... that'll be in Apr-05. I'm maintaining my length at shoulder blades with monthly trims. At this rate hopefully when Apr 05 comes around, there won't be too much relaxed hair left to cut

Girl, ur doing it
ur transitioning
. What about ur bs goal by the wedding day? Ur still striving for this, right? I'm soooo excited for u... getting married to ur soul mate... transitioning, so much going on
Maybe I should have sent u a pm instead, cuz this is getting too long
Nessa, SingingStar, Hairlove, Allandra, Lilchanel, thanks ladies. Ur kindness is most definitely felt

Coilygirl, ur welcome (for the "warming" directions)
. Have u given it a go yet? Lemme know how it works out for u
adrienne0914 said:
girl, you have and alwaays had some GORGEOUS HAIR!!! i especially love the "finger combed out" style!!!

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Thanks Adrienne! That's sooo cool coming from u
Your hair is just like my mommys
so you know i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!
BTW, anybody with 'eyes' can c how gorgeous your little munchkin is

I had really thought you were going to up your "big" chop date especially after your surprise "little" chop! I am shooting for the 2 year mark, too though I may do some small chops in between just to enjoy my hair more during the growing out phase.

I can agree about the short hair. I've had 1 inch hair at the top (never in the back) and it is no fun growing out and styling options seem limited. I like being able to do a bun or ponytail when I can't do anything else.

Glad we're on the journey together!

By the way, have you cut any more since your little chop a few months ago?
Wow Peachtree!!! Absolutely GORGEOUS HAIR!!!! Your styles are beautiful, and your hair is shiny and thick and everything anyone could want in beautiful, long, healthy, strong hair!!! LOVE IT!!!!! Thanks for sharing and being such a wonderful inspiration to us all! :-)
I love your album. That's a long time to transition. Are you waiting 2 years so that you'll have a decent sized ponytail? I bet by the time you have 3-4 inches of relaxed ends left you'll chop them off.
Peachtree said:
ms_kenesha said:
Oh my gosh!!! Peachtree I haven't "seen" your hair in a while & now looking at your december pics I am getting seasick from all those waves! It is just GORGEOUS!
Keep up the good work, I'm on the transtioning wagon, too. When are you gonna chop off the relaxed hair?

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Thanks Ms K... U have always been very supportive
. I've been without a digital cam for a while now... I'm using 1 on borrow until mine is repaired.

Anyhow, I'm gonna wait to my 2 yr mark before I chop off the relaxed ends... that'll be in Apr-05. I'm maintaining my length at shoulder blades with monthly trims. At this rate hopefully when Apr 05 comes around, there won't be too much relaxed hair left to cut

Girl, ur doing it
ur transitioning
. What about ur bs goal by the wedding day? Ur still striving for this, right? I'm soooo excited for u... getting married to ur soul mate... transitioning, so much going on
Maybe I should have sent u a pm instead, cuz this is getting too long

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Hey Peachtree

I'm not really looking at that goal length for the wedding day anymore because I'm gonna chop about an inch a month while I'm transitioning. The only thing is that now I'm worried about exactly how I'm going to wear my hair for my big day!
I'm looking for a style that will disguise the two textures I'll be working with then, I'm thinking about a rod set and having spiral curls.
Peachtree said:
Nyambura said:
Peachtree, thank you for sharing your pix! Your hair natural hair is *beautiful*! I've bookmarked your album so I can keep up with updates. I'm still on the fence about transitioning.

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Thanks Nyambura
If u don't mind me asking, what's holding u back? Sorry if I'm being too nosey!

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Yer welcome.
And you're definitely not being nosey! I'm not really clear on what's holding me back. But I think parts of my indecision are because I want to see my length, which shows easier on straight hair than curly; and because I'm still enjoying my hair relaxed. On the other hand, I love my new growth and would love to achieve brastrap, all-natural hair at some point. I've been natural for most of my life but my hair only brushed my shoulders, it was never long. I guess I'm not 100% ready to start transitioning fully yet.

But - I was admiring Randy Moss's hair the other day. He's the Minnesota Viking's star wide receiver. He had some shrinkage by the end of the game against Kansas City this past Saturday, but it was still fabulous!

Your. Hair. Is. Gorgeous.

Especially that pic with the "Finger Combed Out" pic back in the clip. I cannot wait to see your hair fully natural

Keep up the good work
your hair is beautiful period. You have me thinking about not getting a touch up next year. The waves in your hair look just like mine when I was natural. I can't wait to see what your hair looks like once you've finished transitioning.