My new hair made a fool of me.


New Member
Funny but true story: I found a long, silky, spiral of hair on the gear shift the day after my boyfriend borrowed by car. We've been togeter 2-1/2 years and never on any occasion has there been any issue with outsiders on either of our parts, so I was hesitant to jump to conclusions. I examined the hair, ran my fingers down the shaft and concluded this hair was not mine. It was too silky, long and smooth. My hair is coarse, split, dry etc. I thought to myself. Hmmm, then whose it it!!! I scanned my brain through the last couple of weeks trying to determine who I may have had in my car....but no one with hair like that. I casually asked my BF if there had been someone in the car....he gave me a look as if to say, "woman please"....and rightfully so, then continued working on his car in the driveway.

After racking my brain trying to figure out who the culprit could be, I plucked a strand of my own hair and examined it. It was silky, soft, and the shaft was smooth, not coarse. It was the same color and length as the evidence hair strand...long. :blush: I didn't realize how much it had grown since I wear it natural in a curly ponytail or bun all the time. Could my hair have changed that much after starting to follow the long hair care rules? Yes it had!!!

In late January, I pressed my hair out for the first time since starting my regimens around Oct '09. I have 3-4 inches of growth. My hair feels like it belongs to someone else. Shea butter has my press and curl lasting into its 3rd week. My hair is so straight and shiny it looks like synthetic hair (in a good way). The only reason I'm going to wash it is I want it clean. I can finally wear my hair down in a curly natural style without it looking like a brown cotton ball at the end of the day. My nappy patch in the crown of my head is no more. My hair is about 20% thicker and the strands when pulled are like thread (hard to break). My hair is now just shy of "Oprah" length. I can wear curls without hairspray, pincurl them at night and they hold their shape. I swear it feels like I'm wearing a wig. Whose hair is this!!!!??? I have ordered some Biosil which is suppose to promote hair growth....but I have to say, what I've already experience has exceeded my expectations. I have co-workers and family members noticing the change and asking me for my "secret". :grin:

For all the newbies and non-believers, YES, the tips found on this website work!!!

Thank you all !!!!
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Funny story. It happened to me before. I was oh so embarrassed when I realized it was my own hair. I bet you BF thought you had lost it.