My new hair color (pics), a product rave, and my hubby


Well-Known Member
So I took the plunge. I bought a box of Clairol Textures & Tones Bronze and colored my hair!

The result was not bronze at all, but I expected that. I ended up with reddish brown streaks and I like it a lot.:yep: I may go lighter in the future, depending on how my hair does. It didn't change my texture at all, which I was afraid of. It seems to be very gentle.

No flash:














I straightened last are some pics:





Now for the product rave:


Yall weren't lying. It was on sale with ECBs at CVS this week, so I got two of them, and I am going back to get more later today. After I rinsed out the color, my hair was a hot tangled mess. It was almost like my strands were fused together. I applied the Aussie Moist and the tangles melted away. My hair was so soft and smooth and easy to detangle. This stuff is thick but it gives a ton of slip. Best of all, it's cheap!

I think I've found my staple deep conditoner. :yep::yep::yep::yep:

As for my husband...some people had asked me in my anniversary thread how my husband felt about my hair now. I asked him how he felt now that a year had passed. He said that he sees why I did it now, because I can do a lot more with my hair. He also said that I seem happier and more carefree now. I asked him if he had any favorite styles, and he said he basically likes everything but the afro. His favorites are the twistout and when I use my stocking to choke the afro back (he meant puff:lachen:).

So there you have it. My dh is now a believer.:grin::grin:

Did I cram enough into this thread?:lachen:
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Wow it looks fab!! Thanks for posting! I like Textures and Tones, I used to use that brand when I was relaxed and the colors always came out nice.
everything but the afro. His favorites are the twistout and when I use my stocking to choke the afro back (he meant puff:lachen:).

:lachen::lachen::lachen: that bolded got me splitting my sides with laughter. my SO is not a fan of afros either. I just cant wait for my hair to get longer :rolleyes:

ETA: your hair line is SICK! I LOVE IT! keep doing whatever you're doing :yep:
i love your color:grin:
i been tellin yall about aussie moist. im doing a protein treatment now but when im done this aussie moist will be all up in my hair:yep:

have you tried pantene r&n breakage defense dc omg i think you'll love it:yep:

The T&T kit actually included some R&N conditioner, which I thought was weird since it's two different companies, but I was so excited to use the Aussie that I didn't use it. I've heard raves about the R&N mask but haven't gotten around to trying it yet.:yep:
:lachen::lachen::lachen: that bolded got me splitting my sides with laughter. my SO is not a fan of afros either. I just cant wait for my hair to get longer :rolleyes:

ETA: your hair line is SICK! I LOVE IT! keep doing whatever you're doing :yep:

Yep, these men are a trip. Long and straight, long and nappy, whatever it is, they just want it lto look long. :rolleyes: I guess I can't really talk, since I'm on the long haircare forum.:giggle:
As for my husband...some people had asked me in my anniversary thread how my husband felt about my hair now. I asked him how he felt now that a year had passed. He said that he sees why I did it now, because I can do a lot more with my hair. He also said that I seem happier and more carefree now. I asked him if he had any favorite styles, and he said he basically likes everything but the afro. His favorites are the twistout and when I use my stocking to choke the afro back (he meant puff:lachen:).

So there you have it. My dh is now a believer.:grin::grin:

Did I cram enough into this thread?:lachen:

I knew that would happen. :yep: Men aren't too picky as look as you look good. And you make it look good. Your hair is fab Lauren! :grin:

ETA: My SO doesn't like the fro either. What's wrong with the fro?
The T&T kit actually included some R&N conditioner, which I thought was weird since it's two different companies, but I was so excited to use the Aussie that I didn't use it. I've heard raves about the R&N mask but haven't gotten around to trying it yet.:yep:
wow thats weird:spinning: they usually dont do that. i know the feeling you've felt about trying something new. i hope u like it when u try it out. i usually get my aussie at rite aid 2 for$5 or 2 for 6. they have good deals on it
The T&T kit actually included some R&N conditioner, which I thought was weird since it's two different companies, but I was so excited to use the Aussie that I didn't use it. I've heard raves about the R&N mask but haven't gotten around to trying it yet.:yep:

Clairol and Pantene are both owned by the same company so maybe that's why it was included?

The color is pretty. I know it's going to look gorgeous with your twistouts.