My neck got burned


New Member
I got my retouch last week and I didn't notice this until the next morning but relaxer cream got on my neck and burned me!!
I was so shocked. My neck felt irritated the night before when I was taking my shower I noticed that it stung when I was washing it but I didn't think much of it. Now I have this scab on my neck about the size of a dime.
I noticed when my stylist was applying the relaxer some of the cream was getting on the sides of my face and I had to tell her to give me a towel to wipe it off. I contacted her and she was very apologetic but this whole experience really freaked me out and I'm very upset about it.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Nothing like this has ever happened before with this stylist. Do you think I should find a new stylist? I know it was an accident but what if she had left the relaxer cream in my hair??? It makes me shudder just thinking about it.

She should've had a drape around you. If you feel uncomfortable, don't go back. Burning you is serious and its unprofessional to be so sloppy. I personally would not go back. As far as your neck, put some aloe vera on it so you don't leave a scar. A and D ointment also works.
Did she base you? She should have based you around your scalp before putting in the relaxer, so that even if some dropped you would be protected.
Stylepink said:
She should've had a drape around you. If you feel uncomfortable, don't go back. Burning you is serious and its unprofessional to be so sloppy. I personally would not go back. As far as your neck, put some aloe vera on it so you don't leave a scar. A and D ointment also works.

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Thanks Stylepink. She did have a drape around me. I still don't understand how it happened. I'm going to think long and hard over the next three months as to whether or not she will be getting back in my head.

ms_kenesha said:
Did she base you? She should have based you around your scalp before putting in the relaxer, so that even if some dropped you would be protected.

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Ms.Kenesha she did base me so I still don't understand how this happened. I don't remember her basing my neck.
