My natural hair vs. Dominican salon **(RANT)**


Well-Known Member
Ladies ladies ladies if anyone has noticed i always sing the domincan salon praises! When i was relaxed i swore that lady had magic hands! So today was the first day i'd gone there since becoming fully natural. I'd washed my hair at home and put in my Ors conditioning pack put a shower cap over my head and a towel and went to the shop. I told the shampoo lady all she had to do was rinse my hair she started to comb my hair with this small comb and ranked through it so hard i heard each comb!:ohwell: then after three strokes she poured more conditioner, i figured so it would be easier to comb but it wasnt she tried to comb it one more time and got mad. she told me to get in the chair so she could roller set me. she put in three rollers the whole time huffing and puffing and on the third roller she'd literally threw the roller in the floor and it landed by my feet then she started fussing in spanish! all blowdrying ceased and all the ladies started speaking loudly in spanish finally they sent one of the ladies son's over who spoke english to ask me if i wanted a blow dry so i said yes assuming the blow dry would come after my roller set like normally..wrong that lady snatch those rollers from my hair and another lady came and said mami im going to do your hair. she was worst!:wallbash: She put a TON of this pomade in my hair and raked through it with another tiny comb and seemed like she turned her blow dryer twice as high as they normally use! she scortched my hair and then flat ironed it. Most people leave the domincan salon with boucy full hair :nono::nono::nono: not me! i look like my grandmother just used a hot comb on my hair with some blue magic grease and made some super hard curls at the end for easter sunday!:sad: my face was shining !! but heres where it hurt the most. my normal $25 blow cost me $50 because i dont have a perm:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

so here is a pic. this is after i flat ironed the ends when i got home. the bend in the ends was just to hard for me! i have so much grease in my hair i am going to have to wash it in the a.m.
Im sorry you had a bad experience. I used to frequent dominican salons as well when I was relaxed. The last time I went I was about 6 months post pretty much complained the whole time she was doing my hair. After that I was like if doing my hair now is an issue there is no way I am going back once i'm fully natural so I know how you feel.
I'm so sorry this happened!!!...I'm sure your head is sore since she up'd the heat (as if it wasn't already a million degress :nono:)...your hair still looks really nice.
Why in the world did you continue to sit in that chair? :nono: There is no way in h e double hockey sticks I am going to go through the abuse at the rinse sink, then have her putz around in my hurr then throw a roller and cuss because of the texture of my hair. Then let someone else come over and do me worse????? You should be glad you still have strands of hair on your head. Seriously. Please don't go there anymore and please don't let another salon treat you this way.
Wow I am really sorry that you had such a bad experience and then they charge y ou double after mitreating your hair. To be honest when it comes to Dominican Salons I have only seen a hand ful of times where the stylists handle natural hair well. Although I know a place Downtown Bklyn (Hair Express) where they are pretty adept at natural hair too. Cuz I have seen a few patrons in there with Natural hair.
Something similar happened to me when I was transitioning. I was so annoyed because my did not at all look bouncy and beautiful. I looked like an old lady. They also charged me $50.00 because I didn't have a "perm". I vowed to never go to any dominicans again. But thankfully I did find one recently a dominican stylist that I would go to again because it was a very good experience. I understand exactly what you went through. Don't give up you will find another domincan stylist, you just have to get recommendations from people.
I'm so angry they had the nerver to charge you twice as much after the first lady acted so rude towards you. I hope you baby your hair as soon possible and your scalp too because that can be unforgiving.:nono:

Positive note: Your hair does look shiney!:yep::spinning:

Back to reality: Now quickly apply your prepoos, moisturizing poos and DC to get it back to health!
Same thing happened to me when I went with natural hair. My hair never really recovered. Make sure you do a good protein treat. You hair still looks good by the way :yep:.
Ladies thanks for the comments..bre bre honestly i am way too nice cuz i dont know why i stayed let alone pay! my family said you shouldnt have paid but isnt that like stealing??? my hair was done. how do you say i am not paying for this without being escorted out in hand cuffs?:ohwell: i am just glad i have LHCF :circle: because its nothing like knowing how to care for your own hair! thanks ladies
Whoa, she threw the roller on the floor. That would have been the end for me! I didn't know naturals had so much trouble with the dominican salons.
I am afraid to let water hit it because i might :cry3::crying3::swearing: if it doesnt revert back! i learned my lesson!:yep:

Same thing happened to me when I went with natural hair. My hair never really recovered. Make sure you do a good protein treat. You hair still looks good by the way :yep:.
Most dominican salons are not natural hair friendly:nono: I went to one in october and they used all of this heat to get my hair straight...and I purchased the chi and got the same if not sleeker results with ONLY a flat iron and no hand held dryer. I had more shine with my hair as well. never agin am I going to one.
Most dominican salons are not natural hair friendly:nono:

True! It's a cultural thing. Ladies, the reason why Dominican salon gives such wonderfully straight blowouts is because culturally they dislike the kinks and coils of natural hair with a vengence. As such, they have perfected systems to get the hair very very straight.
I'm sorry that you had this experience. I am sure that there are some Dominican salons that would get your hair straight and not treat you in that manner. Unfortunately, I don't know of any at this time.

I am natural too but I haven't even tried to get my straight. I was thinking of doing that next year some time. Since I went natural I've avoided all salons except for braiding salons and I used to swear by the DS when I was relaxed.
That's why I don't fool with 'em...

If I can't understand what your saying your not doing my hair.

She's lucky she didn't get a magnetic roller shoved down her throat.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:! @ the bolded !!!!!! ot: I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!!:love3::love3: i :lovedrool: every time i see your siggy!! its so shiny and full!!! :lovedrool: :notworthy

That's why I don't fool with 'em...

If I can't understand what your saying your not doing my hair.

She's lucky she didn't get a magnetic roller shoved down her throat.
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. They did my hair like that the last time I went too. They weren't nasty or rough with my hair. They tried to roll it and ended up blowdrying and flat ironing it. It turned out fine though. And I had to pay $50 instead of $25.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:! @ the bolded !!!!!! ot: I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!!:love3::love3: i :lovedrool: every time i see your siggy!! its so shiny and full!!! :lovedrool: :notworthy


Thanks lovey...

It doesn't look like that now...I've been dealing with some breakage issues...I went to the park today with my family and I was running around with my kids thinkin' you probably look like a cavewoman running around here like this [email protected].
My old Dominican stylist just opened up her own salon. She says that she specializes in natural hair. But I'm sceptical. I have yet to see a blow out on natural kinky hair that looked worth a quarter in those shops. Heck, my girlfriend had a relaxer but she has beautiful, thick hair. And it took 3 stylist just to do her hair. And it still ended up looking a hot mess. And yes they were talking about her in Spanish and encouraging her to get a relaxer. I just think that if you can't do naturally kinky hair, just say so. I've only met one in my lifetime to tell me that! And trust me, I appreciated the honesty!!
Wow sorry to hear you had to deal with that sort of rudeness. I went to a dominican salon in Queens on Jamaica Ave. and Ana was DA BOMB!!!!! She didn't complain when she had to do my hair even when she had to take off her jacket b/c she was getting hot. LOL! I have pics in my fotki album at
My old Dominican stylist just opened up her own salon. She says that she specializes in natural hair. But I'm sceptical. I have yet to see a blow out on natural kinky hair that looked worth a quarter in those shops. Heck, my girlfriend had a relaxer but she has beautiful, thick hair. And it took 3 stylist just to do her hair. And it still ended up looking a hot mess. And yes they were talking about her in Spanish and encouraging her to get a relaxer. I just think that if you can't do naturally kinky hair, just say so. I've only met one in my lifetime to tell me that! And trust me, I appreciated the honesty!!

Exactly! my old salon had a sign up that said no naturals so they sent naturals to the salon i went to, but they need to put the same sign up! really, are they afraid to lose my $50 c'mon theres like 50 women in here they wont even miss my money! just tell me straight up!!! i honestly wouldnt even be mad:nono:
I had a horrible experience at a Dom salon too - I ended up in tears but did receive a full refund and a free offer to texlax my hair! :nono:
Aww, sorry you had that experience.
I've had that happen when I had my hair in a fro from a twist out :(

It's been my experience that Dominican stylists generally prefer straight hair. That's partly why Dominicans are so good at getting any type of hair BONE straight. Anything curlier than a certain degree is grounds for being relaxed. Natural kinky hair is consider a hassle.
You remind me of myself when I tried to get my hair done for V-Day...
When I called for a quote, it was one thing, when I went in with braids, it remained the same, but when I took it out? The price doubled, and then some (additional for the flat iron after blow-fry).

I hate when they act like it takes all their might to straigten my hair...CHIC, I CAN DO IT BETTER MYSELF...:wallbash:
I'm so sorry you went through that but your story confirms that Dominicans can only do str8 hair.

My experience w/ Dominican salons is so-so. I heard how "great" they were so naturally I wanted to see for myself. They make you pay before they service you and the lady ran her fingers through my hair and noticed I had new growth. She asked me when was the last time I had a perm and offered to give me one. I didn't go for all of that and I told her I wanted a simple wash and wrap. The lady refused to service me and told me I needed to come back AFTER I had gotten a perm!!! I was completely turned off by that and knew right away that Dominicans can't do kinky hair. I did go back to the salon once I got a perm and my second gripe with them was the high heat. I came from under the dryer and the stylist didn't apply any moisture, she just combed out the curls and wrapped my hair as is. My hair was so dry that I went home and sprayed some leave-in (I didn't know about sealing w/ oil) all over my hair till it was practically damp and pulled it back into a pony so that the moisture could settle and not air dry too fast. I only paid $15 for the doobie so I wasn't upset, but I was disappointed considering so many women rave(d) about how great Dominicans can do hair. :nono:
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Sorry you had such a bad experience OP. Just baby your hair and scalp..

This confirms to me that dominicans would not treat my natural kinky hair with any deliberation. I think I'll pass.
I am wary of all salons, but the more I hear about the Dominican salons, the more it sounds like they don't appreciate natural hair and want to torture it straight. The attitude people have towards hair is really important and manifests itself in how they do it. I've decided to never let anyone touch my hair unless they have a profound love for naps! Sorry you had to endure it. Are you ever going back? If you do, you'll be prepared to walk out when people start throwing rollers on the floor and cussin' your hair out, right?
Going to a DR salon is hit or miss mostly miss if you do not know the stylist.

I used to go to a DR salon and my hair looked really good every time but I could only go to ONE particular stylist among the 8. The woman who used to put the rollers in my hair used to say that my hair was like King Kong (for some, that's enough to say "S*EW you, I'm going home" a la Kartman from South Park.) I stopped going there because I learned about HEAT DAMAGE and boy did they give it to me.

Here's something to consider about WHY stayed in that chair. I don't think it has anything to do with being NICE. Because there are TONS of nice people who still speak up for themselves and quite honestly it can provide one with a cushy excuse for not standing up one's self. It may have more to do with avoiding confrontation, caring about what others think of you to your own detriment etc. or something along those lines. I'm saying this b/c it is my opinion that once we face the REAL reason why we are X way, only then can we use the correct process to change that behavior (assuming we don't like it) like accurately diagnosing the problem to find the correct solution ya know?

I used to hold onto that 'nice' excuse a lot going as far as blaming my mother for raising me to be soooo caring of other people's feelings. And then I woke up and realized that I am NOT going to survive in this world if I keep hiding under this 'nice' veil. Is it a woman trait? I don't know. Oprah's talked about this for quite sometime now too, some book with the word 'Nice' in the title I think...

I tell you, we need to start a 'speaking up' challenge. Some stylist really don't know what they're doing and can only change when perhaps one brave souls says 'hooooooooooold up' LOL

I'm continuously challenging myself to speak up everyday even in my personal life so I'm with you guuuuuuuuurl.