My Momma's in my STASH


Think Slim
Oh lawd! My momma done found my stash.

She was out recently and I guess she found my arsenal. I have been rotating between my Nexxus and Sebastian products, so I didn't notice anything missing. UNTIL, she says, "Where did you get the phyto stuff in the green bottle?"

So now, I'm confused, because she's in NYC, I'm in PA and she hasn't been out for at least a month. So, I asked her what she was talking about and she proceeds to tell me that while I was at work, she went into my paddlocked-vault-of-goodies and found "the green bottle".

Girlfriend took my bottle with her "by accident" ;) and wants to know where to get some more. If she wasn't my momma, I'd...well, just use your imagination...teehee
That is too funny.
:rofl:My mother does the same thing. I remember one time she washed her hair and I was like: "Ooh...that smells good..what is..."--- I look over at the sink and come to find out it was my Nexxus shampoo.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind if you use my shampoo, but my mother uses shampoo or at least Nexxus like the stuff costs as much as Suave...well it don't and you can't pour 3 globs of it in your hand... :nono:
I was just joking when I said "paddlocked", but maybe that's an idea

My mother does actually buy the same products, she's a junkie too, so I'm not mad at her. I just thought it was hilarious that my product was even missing.