My momma's hair?????????


Well-Known Member
Ok guys I need your help, My mother has a perm (thats shes not willing to part with) and it is looking pretty jacked up. As a matter of fact in the back part of her head the perm has all fallen out leaving her beautiful newgrowth, the front part of her head has bits and pieces of the relaxer left in it. I told her to just cut all the relaxer out a long time ago, but my mother is anti-napp. She did however agree to stop perming the back of her head until it gets healthy again (sigh). Anyway she blowdrys AND presses her hair quite often in order to get her wigs to "lay flat" as she says. Is there anyone who can offer any alternative routes (protective styles) for my mom to ware?

Rememer her hair is nappy an short in the back (like a twa) and short, stringy, and relaxed in the front.

Any product advice?

My mother is also anti weave extensions

Please help I'm tired of my mother looking like a plucked chicken by the head!!!!!!!!
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You say that she's anti-weave extensions. Does that include phony buns and wigs?

The only thing I can think of are braidouts and twistouts. Sorry!
Maybe she can use something like a pomade or butter to lay her hair down then put the wig on. At least it'll be moisturized, instead of abused... I can't think of anything else, but I think shea butter or any natural pomade (like the akiva one) might work well at smoothing her hair back while bringing it back to a healthier state. Good luck to ur mom, she sounds like mine :)
She's wearing wigs and still presses and blowdrys? Poor pumpkin. Oh how we torture ourselves and our hair. I was thinking maybe she should just braid her hair in tiny braids then tie down with a silk scarf, would that make her hair flat enough? Or maybe flat twist or cornrow and tie down with a scarf. If she could let go of the blowdryer and pressing for a couple of months she'd probably get a lot of nice healthy new growth. Help her get a regimen. Like every saturday, poo (or not) and deep condition with conditioner and olive oil, braid, cornrow or flat twist and tie down with silk scarf. Spritz hair nightly with s-curl and coat with a little oil and tie down. See if she'll do this for a couple of months, by June maybe she'd go ahead and cut the relaxed ends. hth
Hey guys thanks for advice, I tried to tell my mother that she should wear her head in some type of natural cornrolls underneath her wig; and she told me that she does not want to wear braids in her head. I was trying to explain to her that I she was going to have be willing to do all that she can do if she wants to restore her hair. So I don't know, any other advice?
that would be nice, but my mother does not like to wear hats or scarfs.

And she dosen't have enough hair for a ponytail.
Netta1 said:
Ok guys I need your help, My mother has a perm (thats shes not willing to part with) and it is looking pretty jacked up. As a matter of fact in the back part of her head the perm has all fallen out leaving her beautiful newgrowth, the front part of her head has bits and pieces of the relaxer left in it. I told her to just cut all the relaxer out a long time ago, but my mother is anti-napp. She did however agree to stop perming the back of her head until it gets healthy again (sigh). Anyway she blowdrys AND presses her hair quite often in order to get her wigs to "lay flat" as she says. Is there anyone who can offer any alternative routes (protective styles) for my mom to ware?

Rememer her hair is nappy an short in the back (like a twa) and short, stringy, and relaxed in the front.

Any product advice?

My mother is also anti weave extensions

Please help I'm tired of my mother looking like a plucked chicken by the head!!!!!!!!

Wow. Are you my sister? Because you've just described MY mother. But I'm not allowed to give my mom suggestions on her hair. It gets her all hot and bothered. :ohwell:
brownhaired_bonanza said:
Wow. Are you my sister? Because you've just described MY mother. But I'm not allowed to give my mom suggestions on her hair. It gets her all hot and bothered. :ohwell:

YA KNOW? I just think that its so sad, it gets my mother all hot and bothered too when I try to give her ideas. For whatever reason shes just into destroying EVERY nap on her head for the sake of throwing a wig on top of it. I don't understand, I hate to see sooooooooo much self hate. Her newgrowth is the healthiest in the back where all the perm has broken completly off, but she can't see health, she can only see naps that must be tamed at all cost.

*My mother has made some really negative remarks in the past about my natural hair, even to the point where she told me I needed to go back to AFRICA and that I wouldn't be able to be successful with nappy hair. Um yeah I went off on her about that. Now it looks like she might need my help, crazy aint it????
Netta1 said:
YA KNOW? I just think that its so sad, it gets my mother all hot and bothered too when I try to give her ideas. For whatever reason shes just into destroying EVERY nap on her head for the sake of throwing a wig on top of it. I don't understand, I hate to see sooooooooo much self hate. Her newgrowth is the healthiest in the back where all the perm has broken completly off, but she can't see health, she can only see naps that must be tamed at all cost.

*My mother has made some really negative remarks in the past about my natural hair, even to the point where she told me I needed to go back to AFRICA and that I wouldn't be able to be successful with nappy hair. Um yeah I went off on her about that. Now it looks like she might need my help, crazy aint it????

I think one of the reasons why my mom doesn't like my input regarding her hair is because my hair is relaxed too. But unlike her, I go to the salon frequently, wash more often, get trims, and keep the curling irons far from me. He hair really would benefit from the natural look but she wouldn't even think about that. When i mentioned she should leave the perms alone, she said, no i can't do that, I don't like it. She says that she doesn't have the right "grade" of hair to wear certain styles. It bugs me to no end, but I have to realize that my mom is from the old school. She still mentions the terms "good" and "pretty" to describe people's hair. I've told her that as long as the person's hair is clean and healthy, it's pretty. But she just doesn't get it. There's nothing I can do to change her mind. :nono:
Wow Netta one, no hats, no scarves, no cornrows, too short for a pony tail...ooh chil' you got your work cut out for you--you sure you want that job? But seriously, I do understand because my mother who normally relaxes every 5 weeks recently stretched to 7 weeks and said that was too long and that next time maybe she'd stretch 6 weeks.:ohwell: Don't really have any other advice other than wishing you good luck, you are a sweet daughter to care so much.