
I just got off the phone with my mom who called because she is having a hair issue. she is a 3b type. natural and does not believe in relaxers... she has never had one and she is almost 60. she conditions with egg yoke, cholesterol and Haitian Palma Christi oil. So natural blow drying does nothing. she colors her grays thats her only chemical treatment. The only color that takes is Black and then she has to use another color to lighten it to a medium brown which suits her. Now the Light colors have no effect on the black she uses. Her hair is not even taking blonde. I think its weird but i have to try to help her out. ...

Can anyone specially our older ladies give me some advise on something that will cover her grays well and at the same time not be too dark.

My mommy thanks you and I thank you...

PS she says hnna has not effect for her..
I am no expert but from my experience and knowledge I have collected because she colors her hair black, i assume a permanent, no other colr can lighten that. She will have to strip the black color, which will most likely damage the hair and replace it with another color. I also color my hair black to cover my greys and have researched since I wanted a lighter color. I just decided what the heck and continue coloring black. I don't think I helped much. Sorry.