My mom needs hair help!


New Member
Her hair is thinning and she wants to know if there is anything she can do to stop it. She thinks it's hereditary, but is refusing to stand for thinning hair.

Her hair is bra strap length and she relaxes it like twice a year with a no-lye relaxer (Just For Me). I told her that discontinuing the relaxer treatments would help, but she will hear nothing of it.

To tell ya'll the truth, her hair is 2A and she only perms it because she can't get her edges to lie down.
I told her that she may be using the wrong products, but she insists that her hair is "nappy". It is (or was) just thick.

Enough of my rambling, can anyone help?

I am fairly new here but I would like to suggest a few things

* Trimming regularly and getting treatments at the hair salon.

* Maybe it is time for her to try a different relaxer? I mean when I was relaxing sometimes my hair would just not react the same anymore to the relaxer my stylist was using

* Profectiv anti-thinning and circulation creme. My mother is using it on her edges after taking out a batch of bad goddess braids that took some of her hair out. It is growing back already

Let us know what happens, okay?
Hey thanks dylaniswack! I know she doesn't get omegas...she crash diets more often than what I'd like. She is taking Biotin, so I don't think she'll oppose taking the flaxseed.

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll let tell her about them and let you know what happens!
Hey thanks dylaniswack! I know she doesn't get omegas...she crash diets more often than what I'd like. She is taking Biotin, so I don't think she'll oppose taking the flaxseed.

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll let tell her about them and let you know what happens!

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teh crash dieting may contribute to the thinning. i used to crash diet and my hair was all itchy and dandruffy. when i startred eating right and taking vitamins the problem stopped as well as the breakage. what she puts into her body or does not put into her body will affect how her hair looks.
Hi I had the SAME EXACT PROBLEMO. I think it may be the crash diets. I would do this constantly. I wasn't taking vitamins or anything either at the time. I crashed one last time to get the idea weight and then I just started eating right and taking my vitamins. I also pay more attention to my hair now and do what it take to keep it. Tell your mom it will stop shedding and grow back.
I don't think that trimming will help with thinning edges dylaniswack, if anything just for frizzy split ends .