My man is a fool!


Well-Known Member
My boyfriend says to me last night that he is really impressed with my hair and it has grown so much.So this morning,I wake up and look at him sitting up in bed with a shower cap on.I'm like "what are you doing"?He tells me deep conditioning his hair.Mind you he had a doo rag on under the shower cap.I get up and see he has opened my ors replenishing pack and put it on his hair!So I ask him why does he have on the doo rag under the shower cap.He tells me"well you weren't up to help me!"I thought it was the funniest thing you see,his hair is starting to get thinner and I guess he figured since my hair is growing he was going to try to follow my regimen!
Im reading this to my SO.. do you know the fool's answer to your SO's DC adventure is "Why not do what he gotta do?" Mine has been in my stash a lot. He has kidnaped my Qp mango butter. Its his now as he puts it.
that is so cute
i would take it as a compliment

but then id send his behind to Sally's to get his own stuff! lol...
My DH wanted to know was there a (long because his beard keeps growing in spotty.

I don't like it when my husband goes in my beauty things.
My boyfriend says to me last night that he is really impressed with my hair and it has grown so much.So this morning,I wake up and look at him sitting up in bed with a shower cap on.I'm like "what are you doing"?He tells me deep conditioning his hair.Mind you he had a doo rag on under the shower cap.I get up and see he has opened my ors replenishing pack and put it on his hair!So I ask him why does he have on the doo rag under the shower cap.He tells me"well you weren't up to help me!"I thought it was the funniest thing you see,his hair is starting to get thinner and I guess he figured since my hair is growing he was going to try to follow my regimen!

LOL!!!! Now THAT'S funny!! :lachen: