My mama's hair--circa 1970s (pics)


Well-Known Member
My mama was a straight natural for most of her adult life. She said on rare occasions she would wear an afro, but mostly pressed. I am feeling nostalgic and thought I would share.

I know she also wore some awesome buns, but I can't find any pics. My cousin is the baby she's holding not me, I've blurred her face out a bit.

Nice. Do you know her hair regi from back then. And what's her hair like now?

All she did wash every 2 weeks, press and "grease" it. She did wear buns a lot. She eventually relaxed it and, coupled with other poor practices, it never grew past her shoulders and sometimes was as short as ear length.

I have no idea what her hair is like now( She has schizophrenia and we are unable to locate her)
Beautiful hair. I love old skool pics. I need to scan mine.
So sorry to hear about her mental health. I pray you find her.