My mama really liked my hair!


Well-Known Member
Ever since I chopped my mother has expressed her total disgust for my natural hair every time she sees it out. After we got into a big argument recently she hasn't made any more really nasty comments. I think she's to the point now where even though she doesn't like it she has to tolerate it. But she really liked my hair today. She said I should keep it like this. I probably won't seeing it as how my hair changes as much as people change their panties but I'm glad she's finally coming around. Just thought I'd share with you all. :)
Awww thanks ladies! :) I can't believe it's grown out this much this fast either. It hasn't even been a year yet. My hair stayed the same length for the past 5 yrs or so. Pretty much the whole time I was in undergrad. :ohwell: I'm glad I'm finally seeing some progress. And that my hard work is finally paying off.
She's actually disgusted with your natural hair? That's terrible! I always wonder what there is to argue about when people say that happens with family members. I mean as long as your hair is clean and combed, then what is the problem?

Anyhoo, your puff is adorable!:)
i'm happy for ya bmore!

what i think alot of folks have problems with is not the fact that you're wearing your natural, i think they have a problem with the twa part of the natural.

once the hair starts growin' and showin', you'll loose alot of the naysayers.

thinking out loud here sister......juuuuuust thinkin out loud here :)
bmoreflygirl: I like your hair. Continue doing what you're doing.
BTW: Why was she disgusted with it to the point where you had an argument about it?
Thanks ladies!

LynnieB said:
i'm happy for ya bmore!

what i think alot of folks have problems with is not the fact that you're wearing your natural, i think they have a problem with the twa part of the natural.

once the hair starts growin' and showin', you'll loose alot of the naysayers.

thinking out loud here sister......juuuuuust thinkin out loud here :)

:lol: Nah she just doesn't like natural hair. I do think that once my hair started growing out and looking better she started to come around a bit. My roommate has natural hair thats about APL when stretched and she doesn't like hers either.

I also think that she's just happy I'm wearing my own hair. For years she fussed about me wearing wigs and weaves all the time and that I should wear my hair out. But then when I started wearing it out she complained about how nappy it was or would ask me if I was ever going to relax again. Just a month ago she was saying I should relax my hair and get a short hair cut (which I've been getting the itch to do lately. I haven't had a short fierce cut since high school but I don't want to cut my progress off). I don't think she realized how much my hair had grown until she saw my puff yesterday though. Usually when it's out, it's in a wash and go and my hair is shrunken.
schipperchow1 said:
bmoreflygirl: I like your hair. Continue doing what you're doing.
BTW: Why was she disgusted with it to the point where you had an argument about it?

Well it wasn't just the hair, she complains about everything in regards to my appearance. She usually doesn't like my clothes either. But with the hair, she kept complaining about how nappy it was. And it got to the point where when we went around family members or her friends who saw it for the first time she'd say something like "Oh T has cut all her hair off and gone natural now" like she was apologizing for it looking the way it did like it was a disclaimer or something. And I'm like well they see my twa right? So that's self explanatory. Nobody asked you to announce it to the room and put me on the spot. :look: She said that when we went to the hospital to see my grandfather back during the winter months. She didn't give me enough time to get ready and I couldn't find my wig so I just put a headband on it and wore my hair. The first thing my grandmother said was "What happened to your hair?" I said I cut it all off and then my mother interjects with that whole "she decided to cut all her hair off and go natural. idk why she did that". And I'm thinking to myself the whole time y'all act like I had a serious amount of hair to cut off in the first place. :ohwell: Get over it.

I always wore my hair covered up anyway so how would anybody know my hair wasn't like that all along? I was still trying to get used to it myself and her comments certainly weren't helping. I remember on a few occasions her and my brother were making jokes about it. So I didn't even want to wear it out around her. My dad didn't really have anything to say. The first time he saw it out he said "Oh you're going natural" and that was it. But he learned a long time ago to not say anything about my hair. He only really comments when he really likes it. Like he liked my black and blonde curly weave I had a while back. I was surprised bc I was waiting to see what they were gonna say about the blonde hair on me, But usually when he likes it, my mom doesn't.
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Your hair is adorable. When I was natural, I wore my hair just like curly afro puff ringlets. It's really nice. You're mother will come around. I encountered this same problem with family and some friends. The saddest part to me was that it was always the white people who were far more accepting than our own.
Your hair looks really good! my mom hates my hair since i've started going natural..she's tells me how disgusted she is every so often. I just ignore her. She feel that's straight is pretty. I've never gotten this much compliments on my hair since I began my journey.
Hey BMore :wave:
You're Doing A Fabulous Job With Your Hair :yep: And Your Hair Is Growing Beautifully:clap: You Know,More And More Of Us Are Starting To Go Natural Now And It's A Beautiful Thing. If I Could Go Natural, I Would.Maybe Once I Find The Right Products To Take Me Through Transitioning I Will Go Natural:D
Those are the best compliments coming from people like your mother. It does look good, I'm glad she finally said so.
Bmore, you look great and I'm jealous that you can make a puff already like that. I can't and I've been natural for a year. Ignore the family comments. I found out that my whole family has been looking at my MySpace laughing at pics of my natural hair. That annoyed me for a minute but it's my hair so it's whatever.
BMore, you have so many skills on how you do your hair and each time you show us, it looks fabulous. I think seeing how fast your hair grew and your style options turned her around. Your puff looks fab! Can't wait till I can rock one too!
Hi bmoreflyygirl ! Love your hair ---- it is soooo cute and it is really growing ! Keep up the good work ! Glad your Mom is liking your hair :)
I saw your puff yesterday in a thread in the OT forum,but I didnt want to hijack the thread....

but your hair looks GREAT! :)

i still can't believe how people (and fam at that) can have jokes about what naturally grows out of your head.
Bmore, you already know how much I love your hair!:D I'm just so glad to hear your mom is coming around. It hurts the most when it's your own family being unsupportive. Who knows...she may have some inner conflict about her own hair, and is trying to fight the urge to go natural herself.

Great progress!!!
bmore your puff is cute & really growin:) sorry your mom is giving you grief, but she'll come around ... jut give her some time.
your puff is so cute and it takes family time to come around but they alwayys do my mom went from you need a perm to i like when you wear your hair curly and even my super critical sister was like you should wear your hair in those twistie things it looks cute HHG
Incredible1ne said:
Bmore, you look great and I'm jealous that you can make a puff already like that. I can't and I've been natural for a year. Ignore the family comments. I found out that my whole family has been looking at my MySpace laughing at pics of my natural hair. That annoyed me for a minute but it's my hair so it's whatever.

Really? Wow... To be honest that's why I haven't really posted any pictures of me with my natural hair on myspace or fb. I was skeptical bc I didn't know how people were gonna recieve it. I think I'm over it now though. My next task is to wear a BAA out and about. I gotta figure out when I'm gonna do it and what I'm gonna wear first though. When I went to AFRAM here in Baltimore yesterday I saw so many natural heads and quite a few BAA's. I gotta try it. Thanks everybody for your kind words and support!! :)
I glad she gave you some positive feedback. My mother has always worn her hair natural so I never realized how some people don't like it. I think your hair is beautiful, you make me want to chop mine off.