My mama missed the wedding - Am I in the wrong?


formerly known as "keyawarren"
Ok ladies, this one is about me :look:

So yesterday, my brother married his on/off again gf of 21 years. They have 2 kids (the oldest is 21 and was the maid of honor). Bear with me, most of these details are important. My mother ended up missing the entrance to the ceremony, which she should have been part of because she somehow got left at the hotel :nono:.

I was a bridesmaid. My mom, cousin and I arrived to the hotel together. My mom decided to keep her stuff in my room despite the fact she was booked to stay at another property. No biggie. The bridesmaids were all staying on one floor, so the hair stylist was operating out of one room and the mua was operating out of another. There were 8 bridesmaids. Now, I was not given an itinerary. Honestly, I did not know when the wedding was even supposed to start. Info was given to me in a piecemeal fashion. And the info was only given to me after I kept coming back to ask (example, when do I get in the mua chair?, where do we get dressed? etc). Due to time getting away from us my mom's MU appt was pushed back. She originally was supoosed to get beat before the bride, but the bride went early on and was whisked away from the property since my brother had to come sort out some mess at the front desk (actually it was my room which was the issue, so I had no room until 30 mins before the wedding. Which meant I had to throw my things in there and be out). My mom ended up getting her makeup done last. Right after the matron and maid (my niece) of honor.

Y'all. Bear with me.

So, my mother's "fun" cousins were also staying in the hotel (there for the wedding of course) and had a full bar set up in their room. The short of it is, my mom keep making trips back and forth to their room between hair, makeup, socializing, etc. Welp, she got a little tipsy, to the point where the bride literally asked her to chill out. An hour later, I told my mom the same when I ran into her in the hall with another cup. Sorry about jumping around in the story!

Fast forward! After getting my face done. I told the MOH's that I was going to stay and leave last with them. They said that there was no room for me so go ahead and leave (because the bridesmaids all were leaving as soon as their services were done). So I literally grabbed my stuff and ran out to catch my cousin (the one who drove my mother and I) because she had just walked out and was headed to the venue. I don't remember where my mom was. Honestly she didn't cross my mind and I knew she was fine because she had my room key.

Ok, so let me share this part now. because hindsight is 20/20. Whenever my mom starts slurring from drinking, I get away from her and let others deal. No one usually tells her about herself (think Jenifer Lewis on steroids). When my SIL told her to slow down the drinking, that is the first time i ever saw someone be direct with her about it. Me? I have a lot of baddd memories from childhood with having to deal with my mom under the influence. So now if we're out with family, and she starts her mess with the drinky drinky I just peace out cus I know they got her.

When I left her at the hotel, I honestly, I was hyper focused about me because of the hustle and bustle. I didn't want to mess up my role, because I'm the type that would get turned around or fudge something, ya know. So I put all my energy into keeping it together.

30-45 mins before the ceremony, most of the bridesmaids were at the venue. My mom and both MOH's were still at the hotel. We took all lthe behind-the-scenes pictures w/o my mom and both MOH's :nono: After sometime, my couisn was like "ummm, where's your mother?" and proceeded to call her to no avail. My stepdad called her. No avail. My younger brother called her, no avail. Finally my other brother (not the groom) called. She finally picked up and freaking out.

At this point, we were starting the procession. My cousin and I talked my brother through how to direct her (she was tipsy and frantic). We put her in an uber and she made it before the vows.

The next day, the groom said that it was on me to get her to the venue. I feel that yes, it sorta was, and no, it sorta wasn't. Now, if I were her designated buddy, I would have made sure. But I left her with the damned MOH's. Not only that, I swear that my cousin had arranged for her to get picked up by my cousin's BF, and somehow he couldn't find her. Iunno man. I need encouragement because I am feeling triggered. (I'll explain why in the comments in case you want to skip the extra stuff).

Thanks for reading!
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I'm not making excuses for mom because she's wrong but I'm kinda surprised they didn't wait for her. It's the bride's big day but it seems cold to start without the groom's mom. It's not like no one had seen her. They knew she was at the hotel and had gotten her makeup done. What did the MOHs say and when did they show up? I'm guessing the maid of honor is her granddaughter so, while it's not her responsibility either, I'm surprised she didn't grab her on the way out. Did mom get there before the MOHs?

Mom being drunk and the bride previously telling her to lay off the alcohol definitely played a part in the bride not having any :censored: to give. It's interesting that she didn't even ask about mom until after the photos were taken. I bet she's felt some kinda way about her for a loooong time.

ETA: I'd expect the wedding photos to be a sore spot for years to come with mom and the groom. And I guess the bride indirectly because she'll have to deal with her husband being salty.

Just curious, did the wedding start on time?
I just came in for support. Weddings and families can be so stressful.
Two Questions:
1. Where was the wedding coordinator? They are the one who makes sure everyone is where they are supposed to be. “Mom” would have been taken care of.
2. Can you share some of your wedding photos? I know they’re awesome.

It’s time for you to smile and let it all go. The main purpose of the wedding is complete. Your brother and his wife have begun a new life and everything else is in the past. :smile:

Blessings to you. Be at Peace. :yep:
I'm not making excuses for mom because she's wrong but I'm kinda surprised they didn't wait for her. It's the bride's big day but it seems cold to start without the groom's mom. It's not like no one had seen her. They knew she was at the hotel and had gotten her makeup done. What did the MOHs say and when did they show up? I'm guessing the maid of honor is her granddaughter so, while it's not her responsibility either, I'm surprised she didn't grab her on the way out. Did mom get there before the MOHs?

Mom being drunk and the bride previously telling her to lay off the alcohol definitely played a part in the bride not having any :censored: to give. It's interesting that she didn't even ask about mom until after the photos were taken.
I bet she's felt some kinda way about her for a loooong time.

ETA: I'd expect the wedding photos to be a sore spot for years to come with mom and the groom. And I guess the bride indirectly because she'll have to deal with her husband being salty.

Just curious, did the wedding start on time?

Yes. The MOH is my mom's (21 y/o) grand daughter/ my niece. And yes, I'm also surprised that they didn't stick by her since they were all last.

I did not think that my SIL would be outta effs to give about my mom because they are actually really close. But honestly this is believable, cus that was the first time I ever seen her keep it real with my mama. Usually they just be ke-ke-ing together.But girl, you might be on to something :look:

Yep. I suspect that the pics and video may be a sore spot because a chunk of people were missing from them AND the DJ messed up alot. My brother and sil argued about the dj right after the reception lol.

Girl no. The wedding started late, which is even more baffling about my mama being late. Like how son?
I just came in for support. Weddings and families can be so stressful.
Two Questions:
1. Where was the wedding coordinator? They are the one who makes sure everyone is where they are supposed to be. “Mom” would have been taken care of.
2. Can you share some of your wedding photos? I know they’re awesome.

It’s time for you to smile and let it all go. The main purpose of the wedding is complete. Your brother and his wife have begun a new life and everything else is in the past. :smile:

Blessings to you. Be at Peace. :yep:

Thank you. I struggle with being bullied by my mother and being blamed for her actions. So much so that Ive internalized this stuff. This is the first time I'm catching these feelings early before falling for the emotional okie doke :yep:

I'm literally working through my mom fueled trauma in therapy.

**I'll see about posting some pics.
Wow! It sounds like quite a few people needed "handlers" as celebrities do for big events.

I think that everyone had a hand in this. The bride and groom should have designated or paid for a wedding planner (with some chutzpah) to
ensure everyone got to the venue on time. As an event planner from years ago for corporate events, I would have made sure that happened.
Based on everyone's knowledge that your mom could get tipsy and rowdy, why didn't they do her services first and get her to the venue where she wouldn't have had time to "socialize" before the ceremony.

However, in the end, your mother has to be responsible for herself. Grown folks shouldn't have to be babysat.
I'm curious. Did she acknowledge her part in this?

I side-eye your mother's "fun" cousins for keeping the drinking going knowing your mom has a reputation AND should be taking care of business until after the ceremony. With that being said, if she were my mother, I would have been concerned (because she's my mother) that she get there as the mother of the groom. Eight bridesmaids and one mother of the groom? Who do you sacrifice? One of the bridesmaids. I would have made sure my mom was in a car alongside me or in another car leaving at the same time.

It's too bad this happened, but I've heard of some awful horror stories, and this story isn't one of them. :)
Congratulations to the new couple!
Thank you. I struggle with being bullied by my mother and being blamed for her actions. So much so that Ive internalized this stuff. This is the first time I'm catching these feelings early before falling for the emotional okie doke :yep:

I'm literally working through my mom fueled trauma in therapy.

**I'll see about posting some pics.
Don’t feel bad about not wanting to mommy your mommy.
I'm literally working through my mom fueled trauma in therapy.
Be gentle with yourself. When you said Jennifer Lewis on steroids that told me all I needed to know. Your brother blaming it on you is especially abusive when he's well aware how she is when she drinks and that she's responsible for herself as a grown woman. The upside is that this could be a turning point for her if she's willing to change. I can't imagine anything more hurtful to a mother than missing a milestone in her child's life. Granted she got there before it was over but she was about to miss it altogether.

You said you thought your cousin's BF was taking her. What did the cousin say? I'd honestly give him a pass if he couldn't find her since she was in and out of the fun cousins' room. You're taking this to heart when you didn't do anything wrong but I totally get feeling some kinda way since that's your mom and she didn't have a way to get there.
It’s the MOH’s job to make sure the essential (other MOHs, Matrons and the Mom/Grandma) pieces of the bridal party are in place.

Yet, considering that the bride doesn’t have a close (and mature) friend to step into the role of MOH…. I feel like it did fall on the adults (why didn’t the cousins help?? They were the ones who helped her get drunk) to check that mom had a good route to the venue.

mini rant: it irks my nerves when brides choose an incompetent MOH (like their daughter… really?) then expect the bridesmaids to step into that role. It doesn’t even sound like she had a plan.

Anyways, as her bridesmaid.. you have some responsibility to help her day be a success AND as her daughter you could have checked on her through text to assure she was good. But don’t beat yourself up about it, mom ultimately bears 100% of the responsibility to get herself to her son’s wedding. If she knew she would have trouble, she should have explicitly asked for help.
You aren't wrong. You just described disappointing, yet predictable, behavior during a special occasion. People tend to hope for better than what they know to be true during milestones but it isn't on you. Reality tells itself, especially with consistency behind it. Your mom messed up. Even with the way you corrected it...she messed up. Some people just have trouble knowing the difference between being close enough to correct a problem and causing it, but that isn't you're fault. You have my sympathy.
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Thank you. I struggle with being bullied by my mother and being blamed for her actions. So much so that Ive internalized this stuff. This is the first time I'm catching these feelings early before falling for the emotional okie doke :yep:

I'm literally working through my mom fueled trauma in therapy.

**I'll see about posting some pics.
You’re going to get past this, you really will. Just love your Mom and pray for her. You’re not the blame for the choice she made to hinder herself by drinking. Just love her and pray for her. Let God heal her wounds.

You have a good heart. The wedding actually did what weddings do…it produced an incident. That’s what weddings do best, they produce incidents. No one got hurt, so all is well. Mom is alive and well. :yep:
Don’t feel bad about not wanting to mommy your mommy.
Best post as far as I’m concerned.

So much was out of your control: a drunk mom, a disorganized wedding, and being told to leave your mom. What on earth were you supposed to do?? The people at fault are your mom, the groom, and the bride. In my opinion you were in no way responsible for this mess. Take pictures without the groom’s mom or the MOHs?? Mom getting drunk on the day of her son’s wedding?? I mean it’s like no one wants to take responsibility so they are using you as a scapegoat. None of this is or was your fault or responsibility. You did great. You did everything that was asked of you. You are not responsible for your mom or for making sure their wedding went perfectly. What in the world? Stick to your therapy and keep healing. None of this mess is on you :kiss:.
Thank you all for your perspective. Now that I'm less emotional about it all I feel much better. Its about my emotional boundaries. I'm going to answer y'all questions below to finish bringing the story full circle...

Be gentle with yourself. When you said Jennifer Lewis on steroids that told me all I needed to know. Your brother blaming it on you is especially abusive when he's well aware how she is when she drinks and that she's responsible for herself as a grown woman. The upside is that this could be a turning point for her if she's willing to change. I can't imagine anything more hurtful to a mother than missing a milestone in her child's life. Granted she got there before it was over but she was about to miss it altogether.

You said you thought your cousin's BF was taking her. What did the cousin say? I'd honestly give him a pass if he couldn't find her since she was in and out of the fun cousins' room. You're taking this to heart when you didn't do anything wrong but I totally get feeling some kinda way since that's your mom and she didn't have a way to get there.

Good point. And I would not be surprised if he learned this from my mom. I also realized that he might not know what my rlshp really is like with out mom. One of my other brothers is probably more aware because we talk about these things in general.

It’s the MOH’s job to make sure the essential (other MOHs, Matrons and the Mom/Grandma) pieces of the bridal party are in place.

Yet, considering that the bride doesn’t have a close (and mature) friend to step into the role of MOH…. I feel like it did fall on the adults (why didn’t the cousins help?? They were the ones who helped her get drunk) to check that mom had a good route to the venue.

mini rant: it irks my nerves when brides choose an incompetent MOH (like their daughter… really?) then expect the bridesmaids to step into that role. It doesn’t even sound like she had a plan.

Anyways, as her bridesmaid.. you have some responsibility to help her day be a success AND as her daughter you could have checked on her through text to assure she was good. But don’t beat yourself up about it, mom ultimately bears 100% of the responsibility to get herself to her son’s wedding. If she knew she would have trouble, she should have explicitly asked for help.

This is where it gets tricky. Me and my mom are cool, but I'm not the check up on her type. I am especially 100% hands off when she's been drinking. So there's that. I think my inner child was unconsciously triggered and may have pushed her to the back of my mind after seeing her tipsy. Either way, she has a whole husband too. So....

You aren't wrong. You just described disappointing, yet predictable, behavior during a special occasion. People tend to hope for better than what they know to be true during milestones but it isn't on you. Reality tells itself, especially with consistency behind it. Your mom messed up. Even with the way you corrected it...she messed up. Some people just have trouble knowing the difference between being close enough to correct a problem and causing it, but that isn't you're fault. You have my sympathy.

This is me. This is a huge part of the issue. For all I know, my brother and SIL may be beyond happy with the turn out anyway. I might be the only one in their feelings about it all lol. Anywho, I discussed it all with my therapist and again, the topic became "parenting our parents" and the fact the NO ONE else looked out for her either

You’re going to get past this, you really will. Just love your Mom and pray for her. You’re not the blame for the choice she made to hinder herself by drinking. Just love her and pray for her. Let God heal her wounds.

You have a good heart. The wedding actually did what weddings do…it produced an incident. That’s what weddings do best, they produce incidents. No one got hurt, so all is well. Mom is alive and well. :yep:

This is a good point. I may talk to my brother about this. It may be time to address the issue around mom's drinking habits and to let him know what it is with her and me. Also, this coming up is allowing me to work through unconscious feelings. So I'm glad for that

Best post as far as I’m concerned.

So much was out of your control: a drunk mom, a disorganized wedding, and being told to leave your mom. What on earth were you supposed to do?? The people at fault are your mom, the groom, and the bride. In my opinion you were in no way responsible for this mess. Take pictures without the groom’s mom or the MOHs?? Mom getting drunk on the day of her son’s wedding?? I mean it’s like no one wants to take responsibility so they are using you as a scapegoat. None of this is or was your fault or responsibility. You did great. You did everything that was asked of you. You are not responsible for your mom or for making sure their wedding went perfectly. What in the world? Stick to your therapy and keep healing. None of this mess is on you :kiss:.

Thank you. Someone said it in this thread, but my other brother (not the groom) pointed out that they did choose to start the wedding without her. My brother said that my other brother (the groom) explicitly said that he will start without her if she was indeed not there.

So...there's that. In real life, the groom has been good with enforcing his boundaries around our mom. He's sometimes mean to her, but he's very good at keeping the wall up. In hindsight he's a little shady for starting w/o her because he didn't even ask what her eta was :shrug:

In the end, this may have been a blessing in disguise, because my mama might've come moseying down the aisle like Johnny Walker. Instead she literally only missed the parts that required her presence (her entrance and then the candle lighting part of the ceremony) she saw everything else, including the vows, so hey.
The only person responsible for this mess is your mom and maybe the bride and groom for their lousy, disorganized wedding planning. Ultimately this falls on your mom though. SEVERAL people called to see where she was at but she didn’t answer. She could’ve made it on time if she picked up. The groom (or anyone else) blaming you for any of it is out of line. Your mom CHOSE to get drunk. She CHOSE not to answer her phone so she CHOSE to miss her son’s wedding and pictures as a result. She basically tried to steal her sons thunder and make this day all about her. I say this because she ignored all the others (her husband and other son among others) who called looking for her but only answered when her son the groom called. A power move if I ever saw one. This isn’t your fault. It’s not your job to mother your mother.
Your mom knew that her son was getting married that day. It’s her fault, and only her fault, that she got drunk and lost her bearings. I wouldn’t even blame it on the bride and groom for not having a coordinator. Mom shouldn’t have been drunk. Period.

As someone with an alcoholic in their life as well, I can tell you that practicing detachment is one of the best things you can learn to do. Al-Anon is a great resource.
I blame all three of them - the mom, bride, and groom and not because they didn’t have a wedding coordinator. We’ve already established its 99% mom’s fault but the bride and groom bear some responsibility. It’s passive aggressive to notice that mom wasn’t there, start the ceremony, and then blame somebody else for mom almost missing it. If it was that important to them they’d have sent someone to get her or waited but they didn’t because it wasn’t important to them. I think it was a figurative middle finger to mom for pulling her crap on their special day but the groom isn’t man enough to stand up to his mom and handle her hurt feelings so he’s passing the buck to his sister.
I blame all three of them - the mom, bride, and groom and not because they didn’t have a wedding coordinator. We’ve already established its 99% mom’s fault but the bride and groom bear some responsibility. It’s passive aggressive to notice that mom wasn’t there, start the ceremony, and then blame somebody else for mom almost missing it. If it was that important to them they’d have sent someone to get her or waited but they didn’t because it wasn’t important to them. I think it was a figurative middle finger to mom for pulling her crap on their special day but the groom isn’t man enough to stand up to his mom and handle her hurt feelings so he’s passing the buck to his sister.
I agree :yep:
The only person responsible for this mess is your mom and maybe the bride and groom for their lousy, disorganized wedding planning. Ultimately this falls on your mom though. SEVERAL people called to see where she was at but she didn’t answer. She could’ve made it on time if she picked up. The groom (or anyone else) blaming you for any of it is out of line. Your mom CHOSE to get drunk. She CHOSE not to answer her phone so she CHOSE to miss her son’s wedding and pictures as a result. She basically tried to steal her sons thunder and make this day all about her. I say this because she ignored all the others (her husband and other son among others) who called looking for her but only answered when her son the groom called. A power move if I ever saw one. This isn’t your fault. It’s not your job to mother your mother.
This shows how someone gets chosen to be a scapegoat.