My little haircut :) Yipeeeee!


Well-Known Member
Some of you ladies remember me earlier in the week, complaining about my hair. Well I washed it today. Decided to do the noble thing and roller set. Well what a surprise I got when I turned on my hooded dryer and it literally went 'Poof". :yep: It died and went to hair-dryer heaven. And it waited to do this after I finished roller setting.
Well I had to go out in a few hrs so I took the rollers out and attempted to blow dry. Why was my hair so tangled? Knots, knots and more Knots. I just don't know why my hair does that.
I pulled it into a pony tail, marched over to the closest salon and found somebody to do my hair.
She roller set it, put me under the dryer for 1/2 hr. Took out the rollers, blew out my hair(on low) and ran the flat iron through it. My hair was super thick when she was finished blowing it out. I needed that flat iron. You couldn't see my face at all.
Anyway I wanted her to cut it to armpit and put deep layers in the front but she refused. She said I'll regret cutting it. She took off 3.5 inches and gave me back some layers in the back.
I think that's the reason my hair was tangling so badly. My layers were almost grown out. Anyway I love the results. I think I'll keep the length for a long time. Just maintain with regular trims.
Needless to say I'm no longer grumpy with my hair and with this cut I'm sure I won't have any problems detangling it now.
By the way, I'm the first black head of hair she's ever done. I think she was a little overwhelmed at first but I told her to just pretend I'm Indian and treat my hair the same way :)

Pics in my fotki. No password. :)
It looks good, I can understand why you would arm pit length or bra strap length. I have a few inches to go for bra stap, I could not do that long, plus my hair is very very thin...

But it looks great...:)
I remember that thread. And when I saw this one, I was nervous that you went and cut it all off!

sweetcashew said:
Anyway I wanted her to cut it to armpit and put deep layers in the front...

LOL! When I read that part (I hadn't seen your new pics yet) I found myself saying to my screen "NO!!!!!" :D

Whew! I'm glad the hairdresser talked you out of cutting all that length off your hair, though I'm sure it would still be gorgeous at armpit length. :)

Your hair with the trim looks beautiful, btw!
Lovely hair!

And it's better that your haircut left you with hair longer than you wanted rather than shorter than you wanted!
I LOVE your hair and your hair cut, it's gorgeous. As I mentioned before, your stylist is a keeper!!:up:
ok your are lucky to have such a caring stylist. she's a keeper. about the whole broken dryer thing, the same thing happened with my blowdryer. it quit on me right after i started blowdrying to go to church. so i went with a wash n go and tried to make it look intentional.
Your hair is amazing! Your stylist did the right thing. You can always have more cut off if you so desire.
Your hair looks great girl. I'm sure it would've looked just as wonderful at APL, but it's just beautiful like it is.
She said she cut of 3.5 inches in the back? Wow! It looks like it could be a little less than that but it looks beautiful nonetheless. You have some thick *** hair too! lol This should really solve your tangling issues too. Stylist is a definite keeper
Why is this my first time seeing your album! Your hair is amazing! What hair type are you?
I like the hair cut and I agree with other ladies about your stylist being a keeper. I think it's better to cut hair gradually rather than one massive cut.
Honi said:
She said she cut of 3.5 inches in the back? Wow! It looks like it could be a little less than that but it looks beautiful nonetheless. You have some thick *** hair too! lol This should really solve your tangling issues too. Stylist is a definite keeper

Nah she definitely cut about 3.5. Her initial cut was 3 inches ( I took the hair from her) and then she just put some layers in there. I think my hair looks longer because it's straighter. In the other pics my hair wasn't showing it's true lenght because I'd gotten wet earlier so it was frizzy and a bit drawn up.
I think also when we get a hair cut somehow our hair tends to show it's true length cause you don't have thin ends and can see exactly where the hair stops. I'm really enjoying it today :)
It looks gorgeous and like it's not been cut, your ends look better but it looks just as long!
IMO cutting off length to get rid of thin or straggly ends looks thicker, longer and nicer than really long thin, see-thru ends, that's why I can't wait for my haircut next month.
Whew! ...I'm glad your stylist decided not to cut too much off! I love your hair. Looking through your album makes me feel that I can achieve that length some day soon. :)

Has your hair ever been classic length?