My husband Challenged me!


Well-Known Member
My husband is concerned with me, lol :spinning: ME too!

He has challenged me for 5 months to not buy any beauty supplies (I have spent $148 with sally alone this month including today since the challenge starts tomorrow) and more at the local BSS store.

So dear hubby goes, I challenge you to not buying hair supplies for yourself for 5 months he goes no Amla oil (wow you go boy :lachen:) He says no Moroccan oil, no wigs, no gels, no nothing. IF you do, I will buy you two Remy Indian Lace Fronts, so I am like deal, (he listens so much to me talk) I had to ask him in the store how do you know about lace fronts? :lachen: He turns to me and goes I know a little something about lace front and Remy Hair ( I am like yeah, our last names are REMY that is about all) LOL!

So ladies what do you think did I come out good in this deal?
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girl, take the challenge. that sounds like something my husband would do. Go one and get them lace fronts. :grin:
What are you doing on-line now when you have this last day left to shop before the challenge starts??? :grin:

I don't think I could do it but I'll keep hope alive for you. It's funny though, if he gives you the lacefront FIRST then you'd be able to go 5 months without products easier because you'll have your hair protected :yep:

Good luck!
What are you doing on-line now when you have this last day left to shop before the challenge starts??? :grin:

I don't think I could do it but I'll keep hope alive for you. It's funny though, if he gives you the lacefront FIRST then you'd be able to go 5 months without products easier because you'll have your hair protected :yep:

Good luck!

:drunk: I am going out at 11 to go the BSS, ha, you know I am! LOL
Girl you'll learn not to let them see everything:lachen:.

I remember my husband complaining about me spending to much and I told him my hair is my hobby just like you spend thousands of dollars a year on hunting I plan to spend that on my hair. He said "but we benefit from my hobby." I said "you benefit from this hobby".
Girl you'll learn not to let them see everything:lachen:.

I remember my husband complaining about me spending to much and I told him my hair is my hobby just like you spend thousands of dollars a year on hunting I plan to spend that on my hair. He said "but we benefit from my hobby." I said "you benefit from this hobby".

:grin: I use to hide my shoes until one day he was home, on sick, and he happened to check in the trunk where there were bags, and then the UPS guy who came didn't make it any better! :drunk:
Good luck girl you can do it make sure to get enough for your stash today though. We are all pulling for you.:grin:
Girl you'll learn not to let them see everything:lachen:.

I remember my husband complaining about me spending to much and I told him my hair is my hobby just like you spend thousands of dollars a year on hunting I plan to spend that on my hair. He said "but we benefit from my hobby." I said "you benefit from this hobby".

Touché Madame Lewis, touché !!
I say go for it....:grin:

Runnnnnnnnnnnnn to the store and stock up on supplies... enough for 5 months plus.... you can do it! :grin:
ha ha,
you could still use foods from the kitchen olive oil, coconut oil and eggs, they don't count you need them for cooking lol
Go for it!! Though the end result is that he wants you to decrease your spending, I'm very impressed that he takes interest in your haircare journey. After an evening spent with my DH "highly" suggesting I relax my hair (20 wks post tdy)because "nappy" hair doesn't work for me, I'm very impressed with your DH. Wow him and get those wigs girl!
My husband is concerned with me, lol :spinning: ME too!

He has challenged me for 5 months to not buy any beauty supplies (I have spent $148 with sally alone this month including today since the challenge starts tomorrow) and more at the local BSS store.

So dear hubby goes, I challenge you to not buying hair supplies for yourself for 5 months he goes no Amla oil (wow you go boy :lachen:) He says no Moroccan oil, no wigs, no gels, no nothing. IF you do, I will buy you two Remy Indian Lace Fronts, so I am like deal, (he listens so much to me talk) I had to ask him in the store how do you know about lace fronts? :lachen: He turns to me and goes I know a little something about lace front and Remy Hair ( I am like yeah, our last names are REMY that is about all) LOL!

So ladies what do you think did I come out good in this deal?

Ha Ha good luck with that one !!!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

I think you can do it - so go for it !!! - Just make sure that you can get some "quality" lace fronts from this.

I know that personally this would be tough for me because I am a committed product junkie. But I will be rooting for you!!!

Personally I do not see PJism as a bad thing for me b/c I do not smoke, rarely drink, spend less on clothes and shoes than most women. Instead I love pampering myself with beauty products, hair products and makeup.

Once again best of luck - take the challenge its worth a try. If all else fails get your gf's to buy you stuff in exchange for favours i.e. looking after their children, cooking them meals etc. A girl can always circumvent the rules....
I could do it! Because I buy in bulk, so what I have can last me for 5 months, just look at it as a way to use all your products up.......And Good LUCK you can do it
This won't be that difficult if you are in a protective style for those 5 months.

Also depending on the price of your lacefronts that may be even MORE expensive than the cost of 5 months worth of products.

Let us know how it works out for you.
oh i have to start hiding stuff. everytime i get stuff my fiance goes "aegis we're saving up for a wedding!"
Make sure you have enough moisturizer and oil. Those products run out way before shampoo and conditioner....
You should join a no buy challenge because there is always at least one of them. I find with PS I don't need to use so much much products so incorporating some benign neglect and you'll manage. Make sure to have plenty of hair accessories to pretty your hair up.
5 months is a long time (scratching like a fiend)......
^^ sitting next to you scratching also :lachen:

You should join a no buy challenge because there is always at least one of them. I find with PS I don't need to use so much much products so incorporating some benign neglect and you'll manage. Make sure to have plenty of hair accessories to pretty your hair up.

I joined and failed :nono:
Hubby called like 20 minutes ago and said did you go to get the last, how many hours we have left, I am like I went already :):auto:

I got extra rollers, Extra roller clips, 2 large tub of Moisturizing conditioner, Duck Clips, Self warming caps, a few combs, a large satin bonnet, Aphogee Leave in, Aphogee 2 step, aphogee shampoo, Biolage conditioner for the pool - I am going on vacation in March and need this so my hair doesn't get crunchy again.

Hit the Mall and got-
HerStyler Hair Serum 2 bottles

Moroccan Oil (hubby actually told me to buy this, he likes it)

Ceramic Roller Setter:shopping:

I think that is it! :spank::badgirl:
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