My husband actually told me a length he likes


New Member
Last night, I was taking down my phony pony for the day (I'm going to take pictures today of it). And my hubby who usually always makes fun of my "hair fetish" as he calls it, said "I thought you wanted me to take a picture of your phonytail". I was surprised because when I ask to take pictures he never remembers.

Then just before we went to sleep he turns to me and asks: "so how long are you going to grow your hair" I didn't want to answer because he always laughs at my goal saying man what are you going to do with all that hair. So I answered, you know I have 3 inches before my hair hits the top part of my brastrap 4.5 inches until I reach the bottom of my brastrap and he says yeah, I noticed it's getting longer.
(WHOO HOOO, he finally can see some progress).

So I finally say well I'm going to grow it to tailbone length, and he says well is that the small of your back, I said close enough. And he says (okay y'all I'm about to get stupid): "yeah, you know what, I think it's going to look pretty when it gets that length".

I said yeah, I can't wait. I couldn't believe it, after almost three years of being together, he actually agreed with my goals, and didn't say I was crazy for wanting to grow "all that hair". Maybe there is hope for this man.
Very cool, skegeesmb! Spousal / SO support is very important, and I know what its like to have the mister be like "yeah, whatever." The longer the hair gets, the more they see that it will become a reality. There is hope, afterall.
My Honey is geting excited about my progress too. He has pleaded with me not to cut it. I threaten to cut it when (a)I'm frustrated at how long it taking me to reach my goal, (b) I see a woman w/ a really cute short cut, or (c) or sometimes when I find the longer hair irritating. It's so funny to me because when I sported my Halle Berry cut, he did not want me to grow it out. In fact, when I was in that horrible in between stage he hated my hair. Now, he's like "please, please don't cut it" and "how long are you going to let it grow". Men!
Yeah, tell me about it. He told me he actually liked my hair short. And last night he quietly asks "you're not going to tell all the girls on your hair site what I said about your hair are you"? And I said of course not.
skegeesmb said:
Yeah, tell me about it. He told me he actually liked my hair short. And last night he quietly asks "you're not going to tell all the girls on your hair site what I said about your hair are you"? And I said of course not.

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Thanks for a great laugh today. That is too funny! Well, it's nice to know that you are loved regardless of if your hair is short or long.

YOu know what I mean? Some women feel paranoid if their hair is short. Anyway you guys look so amazing together, I can only imagine the conversation. God bless you both.
Awww, thank you. I'm sitting at the computer with a sheepish look on my face. Oh and about the short hair, now he likes the length it is now, and he can't wait for it to grow more, and just to think last year he was talking all that trash about short hair is the thing...funny he wasn't saying that when it was in that dreaded in between stage.
That is sweet!! I know how you feel cuz I love it when my fiance comments on how long my hair is getting!!!
It does feel good when they support you in your hair goals...
It is great! Just the other week, my husband handed me $40 and said "I just thought you could get some more hair stuff or something" (i think that was his low key contribution to helping meet my goal
He's really a great guy, very supportive in whatever my current interest are.
Ooh, that's so sweet. How wonderful.

My friend (can't call him my man yet
) says he likes to run his hands in my hair, but is happy with whatever I do. How sweet is that?!

Take care,
skegeesmb said:
..... And last night he quietly asks "you're not going to tell all the girls on your hair site what I said about your hair are you"? And I said of course not.

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skegeesmb said:
Yeah, tell me about it. He told me he actually liked my hair short. And last night he quietly asks "you're not going to tell all the girls on your hair site what I said about your hair are you"? And I said of course not.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your secret is safe with me!
Oh yeah, and yesterday he took some pictures of my phony pony, now I have only three shots left. I'm going to take two in the middle of this month, and one just before mid-December.

Then I'll post. I have pictures for 3 or 4 months, and I just need to use up the roll.
It's wonderful when your spouse supports your goals... especially your hair goals. My hubby and I are working things out. He's helping me build a hair website that marks my progress. Now ..and don't ask me why, he wants me to make him a blue satin pillow case just like mine. Hmmmm, he hasn't cut his hair in a while ... wonder where this is going ... lol!

Ballet Bun ...
This thread made me smile. It's great to have your mate's support. My husband is actually the kind of guy who finds women with twa quite pretty, and he wouldn't mind if I kept my hair 1 inch short. However he supports me on my desire to grow my hair long and he admires my hair at all stages of growth as long as it looks healthy.
Lindy said:
That is sweet!! I know how you feel cuz I love it when my fiance comments on how long my hair is getting!!!
It does feel good when they support you in your hair goals...

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Yes it does