My honey let me deep condition his hair

I read in a post about a guy who was using his SO hair conditioners to make his waves nice. So I got to thinking maybe this would make my honey’s waves come back. He’s 53 and last year his waves went away. So I mentioned it to him on Saturday morning. He totally shot me down. Around 8:30 he comes asking me about conditioners. I started to tease him but I didn’t want to blow this chance to deep condition him. So I gathered my potions and decided on mixing NTM Mask, Humectress and Lekair. He washed his head in the bathroom sink then I slapped on the conditioner. I handed him a plastic cap and walked away figuring he would get the message. He did. He was so cute in the cap. I then decided to push the envelope and took off my pink bonnet and put it on his head. He actually let me. At some point we fell asleep and I was awakened at 5 am by this man asking me is it okay to wash his hair. I said yes and got up and started helping him rinse out the conditioner. Long story short the waves didn’t come back. But he was so cute and afterward his hair was soooo soft. I started to take a picture but I like living so I decided against it.
I got my SO started with the DC's and now he won't stop!:lol: He does it only on dry hair (because as you guessed, he read it here)

Does make his hair nice and soft (wish he would tell me when he uses the last ors pak though:mad: )

Your hubby may decide he likes the results of it and kinda sneak around and do it (its how I caught SO in the act:lol: )

Girl I would die laughing if I seen this man sneaking around deep conditioning. Just to be safe I think I might go home and hide the humectress.:grin:
My DH let's me wash and condition his hair. What I really want to do is trim his ends and he won't let me.
awwww, that is so adorable! isnt that the cutest thing in the world when a manly man is interested in your deep conditioner and wears a shower cap. U should have snapped a pic of your SO in your pink bonnet. hehehe. oh and tell him to brush his head for 10mins a few times a day and the waves will come back....
Mizani_Mrs said:
awwww, that is so adorable! isnt that the cutest thing in the world when a manly man is interested in your deep conditioner and wears a shower cap. U should have snapped a pic of your SO in your pink bonnet. hehehe. oh and tell him to brush his head for 10mins a few times a day and the waves will come back....

Thanks for the tip! It's 5 in the morning I will tell him as soon as he gets up.:)