New Member
This is with Starwest Botanicals Indigo bought online from shamanshop.net.
Henna-Indigo Gloss
After researching several methods, I decided to do my gloss this way:
*Mixed henna as I have before (see fotki), except no ACV and I used fenugreek/rosemary tea instead of water. I use the Mumtaz brand of henna.
*Did not wash hair; oiled with my regular oil mix instead (see fotki for details).
*After henna dye release, mixed indigo powder with water to a thick paste. Added indigo to henna mix.
*Added a dollop of Lustrasilk cholesterol cream and a dropperful of fenugreek to the mix, applied to hair, wrapped in plastic and lt sit for 2 hours.
*Rinsed, rinsed, rinsed.
*Cowashed twice with Vo5 conditioner, then once with Tresemme Vit E.
*Applied Giovanni Direct Leave-In mixed with castor oil and fenugreek extract.
*Applied vatika oil and detangled, smoothed hair back into single braid. Rolled ends on magnetic roller, then wrapped head with scarf.
*Sat under dryer for an hour.
*Pic is of braid-out next day, no further products added.

I love the results! My hair feels soft and strong. My greys are now a deep reddish-brown, not as coppery bright as before. Overall my hair is darker, but not shoe-polish black, as it would have been if I had not mixed the indigo, but applied it separately after the henna. I will do this gloss again in 4 weeks
Henna-Indigo Gloss
After researching several methods, I decided to do my gloss this way:
*Mixed henna as I have before (see fotki), except no ACV and I used fenugreek/rosemary tea instead of water. I use the Mumtaz brand of henna.
*Did not wash hair; oiled with my regular oil mix instead (see fotki for details).
*After henna dye release, mixed indigo powder with water to a thick paste. Added indigo to henna mix.
*Added a dollop of Lustrasilk cholesterol cream and a dropperful of fenugreek to the mix, applied to hair, wrapped in plastic and lt sit for 2 hours.
*Rinsed, rinsed, rinsed.
*Cowashed twice with Vo5 conditioner, then once with Tresemme Vit E.
*Applied Giovanni Direct Leave-In mixed with castor oil and fenugreek extract.
*Applied vatika oil and detangled, smoothed hair back into single braid. Rolled ends on magnetic roller, then wrapped head with scarf.
*Sat under dryer for an hour.
*Pic is of braid-out next day, no further products added.

I love the results! My hair feels soft and strong. My greys are now a deep reddish-brown, not as coppery bright as before. Overall my hair is darker, but not shoe-polish black, as it would have been if I had not mixed the indigo, but applied it separately after the henna. I will do this gloss again in 4 weeks