My hairdresser threatened to drop me as a client...LONG


Well-Known Member
I dont know how I manage to cause trouble they way I do. Most people decide to leave their stylist, but my stylist threatened to not do my hair anymore. I was stunned....

So yesterday, I decided that it was due time for a hardcore protein treatment. That morning I gathered up my Aphogee and my MNT detangler, with plans on going to the Dominican salon after work. (I should have brought my MNT Deep Conditioner too, but I was in a hurry). So I go in, show her the products that I had and sat down at the sink. The shampoo girl came over and asked me about the Aphogee. I explained to her to shampoo first, then put in the Aphogee, put me under the dryer to let it get hard. You would have thought I had told her put Pinesol in my hair by the way she was looking at me, but she does it anyway after shampooing me for a loong time. She also put shampoo in my hair while it was dry, and when I asked her why, she said that would help taked some of the oil out of my hair (after the MTG, I guess). So she put the Aphogee in and I am feeling pretty good at this point because she seems to know what she is doing. She puts me under the dryer and times it for about 50 mins. Cool.

So then, I guess she goes on break and another shampoo lady is asked to attend to me. Let me mention that at this point in the day, it was really dead in the salon. I was the only customer, and I got the feeling that they were trying to leave early. So this new lady is coming over to me every 10 mins.--Are you ready yet, honey? Is it done yet?--she was getting on my nerves, but I kept a smile and nice demeanor, and kept telling her that it had to get hard. So I guess they get bored waiting on little old me, and the owner comes over to me and tells me that I have been under the dryer for too long and that no deep conditioner should take more than 15 minutes. So then I look her in her eye, toss my magazine aside, flip the dryer up and stalk over to the sink. I said, "Just wash it out." Then they were like, "No, honey. You want to sit under the dryer. Dont leave." So I got back under the dryer and started to read my mag again to let my hair dry. All the while they are talking about me in Spanish. I just smile and read.

When I get done, the owner points to me and yells, "Your hair is going to break, I told you. Watch, your hair is going to break." So I am thinking, is this lady threatening me? I find out that she tells the shampoo lady in Spanish to shampoo me again. When I see her do this, I tell her no, to use conditioner. So this made the owner even more angry. I dont think that the lady washed all of the Aphogee out of my hair. She rollersets it after I spray in the detangler, and I am happy to update that she had to use the largest size rollers (red) on some parts of my hair. Its growing!

So as she is blowing it out (the owner, she was the only licensed one in the shop), she is complaining and fussing at me. She said that my hair was hard. A piece of my hair broke off, she was like that has never happened before. She was like, "I told you this would happen" She even did a happy little dance around me. She told me that I had beautiful hair and she was not going to see me mess it up with that stuff. She told me not to bring that stuff (Aphogee) back into her shop, or else she will not do my hair, because she does not want to see all my hair fall out. She said sitting with that Aphogee in was too much heat (can you imagine getting a lecture from someone who does blowouts?*smh*:lol: ).

So it looks like I am going to have to do Aphogee the day before I go in there, so that she is none the wiser. When I left, I just gave her a hug and told her that my hair was going to be ok. She got so worked up, she was close to tears. Poor thing. :( :grin:
All the while they are talking about me in Spanish.
This is why I'm learning Spanish right now :lol:

So it looks like I am going to have to do Aphogee the day before I go in there, so that she is none the wiser. When I left, I just gave her a hug and told her that my hair was going to be ok. She got so worked up, she was close to tears. Poor thing
Aww that's cute how she got worked up over YOUR hair...I guess she is passionate about what she does? Anyway, like you said just do your treatments at home. It's too wiiild and craaazy for the hairdressers to wrap their heads around :lol: :perplexed
It sounds like she really cared about your hair. You're probably better off doing the Aphogee treatment at home if you feel its really beneficial to your hair.
I don't know Liz... If I would have had to go thru that kinda drama I don't think she would have had to threaten me about not doing my hair anymore. I would tell her that she WILL NOT be doing my hair anymore. You paying her to do what you want done and she's gonna act like that? If I was a stylist and the client wanted a dookie protein treatment she would have it! (even though we all might have to wear a mask! LOL!) especially if I'm gettin paid to do it. These stylists are truly something else.
Maybe she either had no experience with the Aphogee or had a bad experience. Yes, I agree that stylists should cater to our wants and needs but if she would have used it and didnt know how to deal with it and your hair would have come out looking a mess or broke off, she'd be the one responsible.

Just playing devil's advocate. ;)
It's sounds like she didn't want you bad mouth her salon if your her broke off. Maybe she had a bad experience or she doesn't want to be sued. She knows how Americans love to sue people.
naturallady said:
I don't know Liz... If I would have had to go thru that kinda drama I don't think she would have had to threaten me about not doing my hair anymore. I would tell her that she WILL NOT be doing my hair anymore. You paying her to do what you want done and she's gonna act like that? If I was a stylist and the client wanted a dookie protein treatment she would have it! (even though we all might have to wear a mask! LOL!) especially if I'm gettin paid to do it. These stylists are truly something else.

I was on the fence about it. There were a couple of times where I could have definitely gotten upset and tell her where to go, but I decided that I was not going to go without what I want. I have had Aphogee treatments so often that I know it is not going to harm my hair, so it was easy for me to pay her no mind. She was panicked, I wasnt. I could have acted a fool, but I just decided to keep it sweet. They do great blowouts, but I guess Aphogee was just too out of this world for them. You would have really thought I had told them to put poop in my head, I mean it doesnt smell that great, but dang. :lol:
Queenie said:
It's sounds like she didn't want you bad mouth her salon if your her broke off. Maybe she had a bad experience or she doesn't want to be sued. She knows how Americans love to sue people.

She was acting more like her feelings were hurt, especially after I stayed under the dryer after she told me not too. I think she felt like I was not respecting her expertise.
goldensensation said:
Maybe she either had no experience with the Aphogee or had a bad experience. Yes, I agree that stylists should cater to our wants and needs but if she would have used it and didnt know how to deal with it and your hair would have come out looking a mess or broke off, she'd be the one responsible.

Just playing devil's advocate. ;)

Oh you are right about that. It would have been her fault and I would have been mad as hell. That is why I was watching them like you wouldnt believe. I made sure that I was in control to let her know how I wanted it done. The only thing I regret is not making her rinse more on the Aphogee, because my hair does feel a little thick and not as light as it usually is. I am thinking that some product may still be in there.
iiBlackBarbieii said:
This is why I'm learning Spanish right now :lol:

THat is why I was wishing I had paid more attention in grade school to my Spanish teacher. LOL. When she was talking, I was like, "What she say?"

Aww that's cute how she got worked up over YOUR hair...I guess she is passionate about what she does? Anyway, like you said just do your treatments at home. It's too wiiild and craaazy for the hairdressers to wrap their heads around :lol: :perplexed

I thought it was kind of cute too...that is why I didnt flip out and let the situation escalate, because on another day she would have seen another side of me.
I think that this time, this really was a stylist caring about the health of your hair. I always do my aphogee treatments at home because I want to make sure I have all of it out and that I deep condition really well afterwards.
LizLeila said:

When I get done, the owner points to me and yells, "Your hair is going to break, I told you. Watch, your hair is going to break."

She said that my hair was hard. A piece of my hair broke off, she was like that has never happened before.

:look: Well, it seems as though she may have had a point. I'd be more concerned about my hair breaking off than her attitude.
sprungonhairboards said:
:look: Well, it seems as though she may have had a point. I'd be more concerned about my hair breaking off than her attitude.

It was a piece of hair that was stuck to the magnetic roller. I dont think it was unusual, and my hair feels good and strong. I will continue to monitor the situation, though. :)
qtgirl said:
I think that this time, this really was a stylist caring about the health of your hair. I always do my aphogee treatments at home because I want to make sure I have all of it out and that I deep condition really well afterwards.

It looks like this is what I am going to have to do. The funny thing is, I have done an Aphogee treatment there before when she wasnt in the shop and with my direction, everything went fine. This time, she just got all up in it and there was a problem.
LizLeila said:
It was a piece of hair that was stuck to the magnetic roller. I dont think it was unusual, and my hair feels good and strong. I will continue to monitor the situation, though. :)

Oh, I thought it was like a chunk of hair that cracked off :lol: Especially since she said it's never happened before.
sprungonhairboards said:
Oh, I thought it was like a chunk of hair that cracked off :lol: Especially since she said it's never happened before.

When she said that, it was hard for me not to crack a smile because I think she was being dramatic, and then she started to do a little, 'I told you so' dance around my chair. Aphogee has been a lifesaver for my hair, so I will continue to use it, against her better judgement.
That was meek of you to hug her on your way out. I thought you were going to say you or she did something terrible at the end. If all is good, then I would just do the Aphogee at home if I were you.
Sorry, I am with the stylist on this one. First off, I personally think she should have refused to do your aphogee treatment because she was not familiar with this product. Like you said, she does blow outs. Second, it seems to me she was concerned about your hair. In case your hair would have broken off, she would have been liable.
I don't mean to sound rude, or that I disagree, or as if you're wrong, but one has to understand that WE are going to THEIR shop. Yes, it's our hair, but by coming to their shop, we're opening ourselves up to their techniques and skill level. Yes, we should have some control because we're paying them, but we're also paying them for their convenience, in their shop. Does that make sense?
HairPhoenix said:
That was meek of you to hug her on your way out. I thought you were going to say you or she did something terrible at the end. If all is good, then I would just do the Aphogee at home if I were you.

For some reason her fussing reminded me of my grandma (my hairdresser is older). I didnt see any reason for her blood pressure to suffer, so I gave her a hug to make her smile and calm her down. (That is an old trick I learned from my dad who used it on my mom all the time when she got fussy) :lol:
blueabyss333 said:
I don't mean to sound rude, or that I disagree, or as if you're wrong, but one has to understand that WE are going to THEIR shop. Yes, it's our hair, but by coming to their shop, we're opening ourselves up to their techniques and skill level. Yes, we should have some control because we're paying them, but we're also paying them for their convenience, in their shop. Does that make sense?

I think I see what you are trying to get at, and if it were not for the language difference/barrier I would be more inclined to agree with you. Because of that barrier, I often feel like I have to take more control over what happens to my hair in THAT shop, otherwise a miscommunication could lead to a catastrophe.

It is not that I question her expertise, even though I can understand why she would feel that way. I have seen her do great styles and she has many happy clients. I had had an Aphogee treatment there before, without problems and when it came down to it yesterday, I just felt that I needed to give as much direction as possible to make sure that this didnt turn out to be a disaster.
bludacious said:
Sorry, I am with the stylist on this one. First off, I personally think she should have refused to do your aphogee treatment because she was not familiar with this product. Like you said, she does blow outs. Second, it seems to me she was concerned about your hair. In case your hair would have broken off, she would have been liable.

The thing about it though, she never said that she ws not familiar with it. Before I ever sat down at the sink, I showed her the products that I brought with me and she was fine with that. She made it seem like she knew all conditioners, and that I didnt know what I was talking about and that I should defer to her because she was the stylist.

She does great blowouts (that is what I usually go there for), but I have seen her color, cut, braid, and everything else.
Only read the first page, but. . .

I groom locs as a side job to my teaching gig. I had a guy bring some stuff he wanted me to use to tighten his new growth: a hot curler and beeswax. I flat out refused. In this case, his scalp looked awful, thinning, and down right bald in some places. I showed him what I used to groom roots and told him it was a okay for him to back out and find someone to melt wax into his hair.

If I were a professional stylist, I'd be reluctant to use any product that I was not familiar and trained in. I think anything that takes a lot of explaining to a bunch of people is best explained in advance or done by another stylist or just done at home.

I don't think she was rude either. Sounds like she was just concerned.

Do the Ahpogee treatments @ home, and make sure you rinse out very good, and use alot of the balancing mositerizer that they make it has a citrus smell. I use it for a while and it really helped me, but not too often max 1 every 6 weeks spread the treats out more. hth
LizLeila said:
I think I see what you are trying to get at, and if it were not for the language difference/barrier I would be more inclined to agree with you. Because of that barrier, I often feel like I have to take more control over what happens to my hair in THAT shop, otherwise a miscommunication could lead to a catastrophe.

It is not that I question her expertise, even though I can understand why she would feel that way. I have seen her do great styles and she has many happy clients. I had had an Aphogee treatment there before, without problems and when it came down to it yesterday, I just felt that I needed to give as much direction as possible to make sure that this didnt turn out to be a disaster.

Okay, I'm glad you understand because I understand where you're coming from. The language barrier can be kind of difficult sometimes. I am sorry, this happened to you though.
patient1 said:
Only read the first page, but. . .

I groom locs as a side job to my teaching gig. I had a guy bring some stuff he wanted me to use to tighten his new growth: a hot curler and beeswax. I flat out refused. In this case, his scalp looked awful, thinning, and down right bald in some places. I showed him what I used to groom roots and told him it was a okay for him to back out and find someone to melt wax into his hair.

If I were a professional stylist, I'd be reluctant to use any product that I was not familiar and trained in. I think anything that takes a lot of explaining to a bunch of people is best explained in advance or done by another stylist or just done at home.

I don't think she was rude either. Sounds like she was just concerned.


I can understand and respect that point of view. That is why I showed her the products I had before I even let anyone touch my hair. I had even had it done before in that same shop. If she had said no to the Aphogee, then I would have gotten a blow out or just taken my products and done it at home and rescheduled. She acted like she was familiar with it and then in the middle of the process tried to tell me how it should be done, even though it says something completely different on the bottle. I honestly think that when I came in, they were planning to leave. I kinda felt that they were trying to hurry me out of the shop at first, because she didnt hound me as much when other customers came in and things got busy.

In any case, now I know what the deal is and I will handle my Aphogee on my own time.
This is the exact reason why I do my CW at home before I go to the salon!

The hairdressers would look at me like this :eek: if I try to ask them to put conditioner mixed with EVOO and honey in my hair first, wash it out, then put in Keraphix and Humectant, then rinse that out and put in NTM conditioner...they'll be like :confused: no mama, you need to shampoo first....shoot, shampoo dries my hair out!

I do that treatment the night before I go to the salon...I walk in the next morning, and get it rinsed out and rolled up...they are none the wiser :lol: