My hair STOPPED growing since joining LHCF!!!


New Member
Okay, I know I’m exaggerating a little, but it seems like every since I joined this site, my hair is not growing at all. I’m sure it’s because I think about it every day now. I used to never even think about hair length, but now I’m stretching it all the time to see my progress. I just wanted to tell you ladies that I am fighting an obsession!:grin:
My hair definitely seems fuller, so maybe it's the humidity. It's probably not as straight as I'm used to it being. I've even looked at pictures from a few months ago, but I can't see any progress.:confused: My hair has always grown well, but now it seems like it's stalling.:perplexed

Do you ladies feel this way sometimes?
I'm sorry but why is your hair not growing have anything to do with lhcf? I'm just curious how you connected the both:confused:btw your hair is just beautiful!
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naw boo. your hair is ALWAYS growing 24/7. it might seem like its growing slower though. could also be the weather change. what have you been doing to it?
DivaStyle said:
Do you ladies feel this way sometimes

:lol: Girl, i feel ure pain, in regards to not seeing growth as fast as you'd like. I think its more a situation of a "watched kettle never boils." Now that ure a member of LHCF, u are EXTRA vigilant about your hair, and tracking ure progress more closely than you ever have in ure life. But trust me, its still growing sis!!!! ;)

Looks GREAT, btw!!!! :grin:
guesswho said:
I'm sorry but why is your hair not growing have anything to do with lhcf? I'm just curious how you connected the both:confused:

I think it seems like it's not growing because now I obsess about it all the time. Like when people lose weight, it's hard to tell if you see them everyday, but if you only see them once a month, it's like whoa, you lost weight. That's what I hope is going on.
KiniKakes said:
:lol: Girl, i feel ure pain, in regards to not seeing growth as fast as you'd like. I think its more a situation of a "watched kettle never boils." Now that ure a member of LHCF, u are EXTRA vigilant about your hair, and tracking ure progress more closely than you ever have in ure life. But trust me, its still growing sis!!!! ;)

Looks GREAT, btw!!!! :grin:

That's what I'm hoping...
I love your dress and your hair looks gorgeous as usual!
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I feel like mine is getting shorter since LHCF. I know it's not because it's healtier than ever, but it's something about seeing everyone's beautiful long hair and progression photos daily that makes me feel like my hair is just not up to par. I try not to analyze my hair growth, but it's so hard no to.

BTW: ALL you ladies have such beautiful hair!
DivaStyle said:
I think it seems like it's not growing because now I obsess about it all the time. Like when people lose weight, it's hard to tell if you see them everyday, but if you only see them once a month, it's like whoa, you lost weight. That's what I hope is going on.

I understand what you mean, but chica your hair is beautiful, if that's your hair in the pic I wish my hair would also stop growing if it's that length lol, do you have a photo album to see progress that has helped me alot, because seeing is believing, happy growing;)
guesswho said:
I understand what you mean, but chica your hair is beautiful, if that's your hair in the pic I wish my hair would also stop growing if it's that length lol, do you have a photo album to see progress that has helped me alot, because seeing is believing, happy growing;)

I have avoided creating an album for fear of becoming obsessed, but it seems like that has gone out the window anyway.:) I guess I might as well make one.
guesswho said:
I understand what you mean, but chica your hair is beautiful, if that's your hair in the pic I wish my hair would also stop growing if it's that length lol, do you have a photo album to see progress that has helped me alot, because seeing is believing, happy growing;)

I know that's right!!!:)
:sekret: You know what? for me is different but I didn't wanna say anything 'cause I don't belive it myself, but my hair is longer and fuller and softer but I don't see a lot of NG. I don't know what's going on, but it has grown a lot but I don't see how:confused: I know what you all thinking and trust me I feel the ame way:crazy: :weird:
I feel like I could streach forever 'casue I can't see/feel my NG as before:eek: The first pix in my siggy was taken like 6 weeks ago and the last pix like 2/3 weeks ago and my hair is longer now but I took pix of my NG and is not a lot, I just don't get it and I know this is impossible:sekret:
maaaaan! I swear yall need to quit for real! Every last one you that are complaining, please take a look at YOUR HAIR (are you done? ) NOW look at MY hair . see the difference? lol point is, your hair IS GORGEOUS and HEALTHY and already LONG. i should see nor hear any complaints !!! ill be up there with yall soon though. just wait for me :D
I feel this way. My hair grew very well without care and I cut it all of the time, now I am taking care of it and expecting growth and I do not see it. As kinikakes said a watched kettle never boils. I believe this to be true. Have you ever done one of those hide your hair challenges. You may see a difference after not seeing your hair for a while.
la flaca said:
:sekret: You know what? for me is different but I didn't wanna say anything 'cause I don't belive it myself, but my hair is longer and fuller and softer but I don't see a lot of NG. I don't know what's going on, but it has grown a lot but I don't see how:confused: I know what you all thinking and trust me I feel the ame way:crazy: :weird:
I feel like I could streach forever 'casue I can't see/feel my NG as before:eek: The first pix in my siggy was taken like 6 weeks ago and the last pix like 2/3 weeks ago and my hair is longer now but I took pix of my NG and is not a lot, I just don't get it and I know this is impossible:sekret:

Have you been using MSM? cause I use MSM and my texture is changed to the point where its hard to distinguish my NG.;)
KiniKakes said:
:lol: Girl, i feel ure pain, in regards to not seeing growth as fast as you'd like. I think its more a situation of a "watched kettle never boils." Now that ure a member of LHCF, u are EXTRA vigilant about your hair, and tracking ure progress more closely than you ever have in ure life. But trust me, its still growing sis!!!! ;)

Looks GREAT, btw!!!! :grin:

I have to agree with Kini here....its growing sweetie...and its still gorgeous!
DivaStyle said:
Okay, I know I’m exaggerating a little, but it seems like every since I joined this site, my hair is not growing at all. I’m sure it’s because I think about it every day now. I used to never even think about hair length, but now I’m stretching it all the time to see my progress. I just wanted to tell you ladies that I am fighting an obsession!:grin:
My hair definitely seems fuller, so maybe it's the humidity. It's probably not as straight as I'm used to it being. I've even looked at pictures from a few months ago, but I can't see any progress.:confused: My hair has always grown well, but now it seems like it's stalling.:perplexed

Do you ladies feel this way sometimes?

I've felt this way since joining LHCF. I never really cared about my hair at first and it grew and grew and grew but now that I've joined, I've become obsessed and it seems like it is growing so slow! Also people use to comment on my length and now I am like my hair is short compared to people on LHCF. The obsession is killing me. I am constantly telling myself to not buy anything else and stop trying to see if it has grown since the last time I looked in the mirror which was probably the day before!:lol:

Now I am constantly checking out other women's hair and wondering if they are Nikos' cousin! Or thinking they really need to locate Nikos because they could use some insight.:eek: This is getting a tad bit ridiculous in my book. I gotta get a grip! :perplexed
Your hair is beautiful and so are you, sis. I can understand how you feel, but I also can see how that now you are paying more attention to your hair than before. I can't wait to get to your length with my natural hair. I think we are the same texture too.

BTW, how long did it take for your natural hair to get to the length it is now?

When i first joined LHCF, i was so busy trying to do everything perfectly. i ended up breaking off all of my hair! I have learned that not everything works for me. I have found excellent products and advice, but i have to turn it around and make it work for me... so i did! Not only has my mothers hair grown much healthier and looks nicer, but my hair is flourishing now. I have managed to get the breakage to a null. Its hard for me to see results since transitioning process moves very slow... but i like to stranighten it every once in a while to remind myself of progress. I also noticed that the nape area, which is completely natural, is growing beautiful. This process has been a struggle, but i'm trying everyday. I really use LHCF to develop ingredients for products that i want to make, too. Like i said in an earlier post, i am considering becoming a cosmetic chemist so... there's my testimony.
You have gorgeous hair and a watched pot never boils. It is hard on here b/c there is a wealth of information and knowledgeable ladies with their own testimonies and proof of gorgeously naturally long hair.

You are just excited - it will subside and you will settle into a rhythm and then have an online album to share w/ the rest of us.

DivaStyle said:
Okay, I know I’m exaggerating a little, but it seems like every since I joined this site, my hair is not growing at all. I’m sure it’s because I think about it every day now. I used to never even think about hair length, but now I’m stretching it all the time to see my progress. I just wanted to tell you ladies that I am fighting an obsession!:grin:
My hair definitely seems fuller, so maybe it's the humidity. It's probably not as straight as I'm used to it being. I've even looked at pictures from a few months ago, but I can't see any progress.:confused: My hair has always grown well, but now it seems like it's stalling.:perplexed

Do you ladies feel this way sometimes?
Who is Nikos?

Kenedie said:
I've felt this way since joining LHCF. I never really cared about my hair at first and it grew and grew and grew but now that I've joined, I've become obsessed and it seems like it is growing so slow! Also people use to comment on my length and now I am like my hair is short compared to people on LHCF. The obsession is killing me. I am constantly telling myself to not buy anything else and stop trying to see if it has grown since the last time I looked in the mirror which was probably the day before!:lol:

Now I am constantly checking out other women's hair and wondering if they are Nikos' cousin! Or thinking they really need to locate Nikos because they could use some insight.:eek: This is getting a tad bit ridiculous in my book. I gotta get a grip! :perplexed
CurleeDST said:
Who is Nikos?

Niko is the guy who manages the site. That's the code to ask someone if they are a member of LHCF. Instead you ask are you Niko's cousin?

Has anyone ever asked a natural head if they were Niko's cousin?
I agree with Kini. I used to feel this way, but it was short lived (maybe 5 weeks) because I'm just not the type to be watching my hair...I've got way too much on my plate.

Putting my hair away really helped with this though...wearing more buns and protective styles kept me from watching it so much.

Also, I agree that your hair may not be straight enough...I feel like mine is getting shorter sometimes when it's actually growing AND shrinking because of all the NG. I really think we'd both be shocked if we got a hard press/flat iron. I'm planning to reward myself with one this month or next. :)
Divine Inspiration said:
I agree with Kini. I used to feel this way, but it was short lived (maybe 5 weeks) because I'm just not the type to be watching my hair...I've got way too much on my plate.

Putting my hair away really helped with this though...wearing more buns and protective styles kept me from watching it so much.

Also, I agree that your hair may not be straight enough...I feel like mine is getting shorter sometimes when it's actually growing AND shrinking because of all the NG. I really think we'd both be shocked if we got a hard press/flat iron. I'm planning to reward myself with one this month or next. :)

Make sure you get out that nice hearty camera and think about your LHCF friends.:D
When I first joined LHCF my hair was growing but it looked AWFUL because of all that crazy/unnessecary stuff that I picked up from here. Since going back to some of my tried and true practices while still incorporating some of things I've learned from here(deep conditioning, using heat protectant, not using heat too much, not combing etc.), my hair has done a complete 180 since October.
LocksOfLuV said:
Make sure you get out that nice hearty camera and think about your LHCF friends.:D

:lachen: Ok, ok, I know I need to do a length check, but I just haven't been using heat lately, and I haven't done a hard flat iron since the one in October where I did my last length check. I've just been getting it straight enough to trim away my V...I'm on it though. I'll add them in the next 4-6 weeks. :)